Chapter 2365
After Liu Mingzhi agreed to a series of small requests from Liu Lianiang, he finally left the old prince's mansion at about three o'clock in the sun, under the reluctant eyes of the little girl.

Fortunately, Liu Lianniang has a childlike heart, and it didn't take long for her to put her mind on the little rabbit snowman that her father made for herself, holding a small bamboo basket filled with various small jewelry, facing her little snowman with various Dress up with trinkets.

Liu Mingzhi rushed towards the Penglai Restaurant all the way, the Spring Festival was approaching soon, and there were more pedestrians in various costumes in the capital.

When Liu Mingzhi arrived at Penglai Restaurant, Liu Song was happily standing behind the bookstall, holding a few books in his hands to attract a group of young masters dressed in brocade clothes, and recommending the books in his hand.

Seeing those young masters beaming with joy, wishing they could pay the bill right away, they knew that the contents of the books in Liu Song's hands were definitely quite exciting and attractive.

In the shanty a dozen steps away from the bookstall, there was no sign of a customer.

One side is full of people, and the other side is empty, which is a sharp contrast.

Behind the hexagram booth in the shanty, Tao Ying, a pretty woman in a pair of skirts, and Ren Qingrui, who was dressed as a little bookboy, were making tea while chatting softly.

Seeing how the two of them cover their lips and chuckle from time to time, you know they must be talking about something interesting.

Out of the corner of Liu Song's eyes, he spotted the young master coming towards him, and hurriedly put down the books in his hand to greet him, but was stopped by Young Master Liu waving his hand.

Looking at his young master's mouth shape, Liu Song can roughly guess that what the young master said is that earning money is important.

That being the case, Liu Song had no choice but to nod his head as a gesture, and continued to pick up the few books in front of him, dancing and recommending them.

"Brother, the latest content is definitely exciting enough, and you are also regular customers of our bookstall, do you yourself think that our books are worth every penny?

New Year's big bargain, buy five and get one free, it's an absolute bargain.

Before you came here, brother, I read all the content in it one by one, and the content is definitely this.

I'm not bragging to you, looking at all the girls in the top ten brothels in the capital gathered together, there is nothing more exciting than the latest content in the book. "

Looking at Liu Song's thumbs up, a group of young masters nodded excitedly.

"Buy, I will wrap up all these masterpieces with the latest content."

"My young master also has a copy."

"My son also has a copy."

"Hmm, I have a friend who has always admired your masterpieces, so I'll bring him a copy."

"My son is also the same. My distant cousin is not convenient to come. He wrote to ask me to help him buy a copy of the latest masterpiece."

"There are three on my side..."

Liu Song cheerfully accepted the banknotes or small gold ingots handed over by his buddies, and began to sort out a few books, put them in the outer envelope printed with the Analects of Confucius, and handed them over.

Young Master Liu stopped to look at it for a while, nodded in satisfaction, and then went into the shed.

"Good sister, girl Ren, what are you talking about so happily?"

Tao Ying looked at First Young Master Liu who walked carelessly to the side and sat down on a stool, and poured a cup of tea with a half-smile.

"My sister let my little sister tell a funny thing back then, and I couldn't help but want to laugh."

Young Master Liu picked up the teacup and took a sip, his suspicious eyes lingered on the smiling faces of the two: "Is it so funny? Let's hear it."

Tao Ying looked narrowly at Young Master Liu's curious expression: "I really want to hear it?"

"Isn't this nonsense? I don't want to hear my young master ask you what you are doing? Tell me!"

Tao Ying cleared her throat: "It's a story about a certain seven-foot-tall man who regarded Little Sister Ren as a female ghost, was so frightened that he couldn't help himself, his teeth chattered and he shouted for help.

Let's listen to my sister tell you about it. "

Ren Qingrui chuckled softly, picked up the teacup in front of her, nodded and lowered her eyebrows, and silently sipped the tea in the cup.

First Young Master Liu was stunned for a moment, looked at Tao Ying's playful eyes, and glanced at Ren Qingrui who pretended to have nothing to do with me, and understood what they were talking about just now.

Involuntarily, I recalled my frightened reaction when I met Ren Qingrui who accidentally entered my study room that night when I was side by side with the king's mansion in Northern Xinjiang. Young Master Liu looked embarrassed and put down his hand heavily. teacup.

"What are you talking about? What is there to say?

Is this young master asking you to watch the stall for me to earn money?What are you guys doing?
Don't you need to entertain customers?I just know how to chat about some useless topics, can I be sorry for this young master to take care of your food? "

Seeing Young Master Liu's 'out of breath' look, the two women lowered their heads and laughed.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi waved his hands with a sigh, and corrected his posture with a displeased expression.

"A guest, a guest.

Good sister, there are still ten days to go, but it will be your birthday, if you don't work hard to attract customers and earn money for your younger brother, your birthday gift may not even be a jade hairpin.

You are still in the mood to laugh, and I am convinced of you. "

"Don't laugh...heck... my sister stopped laughing."

"In the past month, the tea and water that my little brother earned from fortune-telling has been handed over to you, the housekeeper. How many coins have you saved so far?"

Tao Ying pursed her red lips and pondered for a while: "The hexagram capital plus scattered rewards, 290 and six copper coins."

Liu Mingzhi's face froze, he rubbed his brows and sighed: "It's only one or two taels of silver, and it's your birthday in ten days. Even if my young master's three-inch tongue is worn out, he won't be able to earn it." How much money is there.

It seems that I can only buy you the worst quality jade hairpin as a birthday present. "

Tao Ying listened to Young Master Liu's lament, lowered her head and patted the purse on her waist, and smiled at Young Master Liu.

"It doesn't matter what hairpin you buy, what matters is that you bought the hairpin for your sister.

Courtesy is more important than affection, and the most important thing is your heart. "

Liu Mingzhi was startled, looking at Tao Ying looking at his beautiful smiling face, his heart gradually calmed down, as if there was nothing to trouble him anymore.

He knew that the woman opposite him had been completely taken care of by him.

After the beautiful woman's birthday on December [-]th, for the rest of her life, the responsibilities on her body will be heavier again.

However, I am not afraid of this heavy burden, and I finally settled a knot in my heart.

"Yes, the price is in your heart. These days, my little brother is guarding the hexagram booth to make money every day. I will definitely buy that hairpin you like for your good sister as a birthday present."

Tao Ying looked at Liu Mingzhi quietly and shook her head: "Although it's up to people to do things, we must do what we can!

Don't forget, you are not a person with nothing to worry about, but the head of the family and the king of a country.

Don't delay the business because of my sister's affairs alone, let alone slack off the state affairs.

You have to be a good emperor?Can you agree to my sister's small request, which is insignificant to you? "

Liu Mingzhi wanted to say something else, but Tao Ying stood up straight away, stopped in front of the shanty and yelled softly at the passers-by on the street as in the past few days.

I don't think it's a shame for a woman to do such a thing that seems to show her face.

"Tiekou directly judges the world's affairs, and I know the fate of marriage.

If it doesn’t work, you don’t need money. If you pass by, come and take a look. "

(End of this chapter)

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