Chapter 2364

The next day.

The sky was dawning a few hours later than before, and the reason was nothing more than the sudden heavy snowfall last night.

After getting dressed, Liu Mingzhi took the hot towel from Chen Jie and walked towards the changing rack with a sullen expression under Chen Jie's weird eyes.

Feeling the resentful eyes of the beautiful woman behind him, Young Master Liu couldn't help but feel his teeth a little sore, he knew the reason in his heart, and felt a little helpless.

Probably because of her poor performance last night, Chen Jie was very dissatisfied.

However, this is not the reason for his lack of strength at all!

Chen Jie and He Shu sisters are different from Qi Yun, Qi Ya, Empress, Yun Qingshi and other sisters who know kung fu. They can't meet the requirements of allowing themselves to run yin and yang and combine great compassion Fu.

The internal energy that they don't have in their bodies roams around, and with their current state of the fourth level of the Great Compassion Endowment, it is impossible for each other to reconcile the yin and yang when they are in love, nourishing yin and nourishing yang.

Relying on one's own strength to persevere, how could it be possible to withstand the endless demands of the two sisters.

If it wasn't for the incident that happened with He Shu in Princess Yunchang's mansion, it would be completely worthwhile for him to parry Chen Jie, a woman.

The point is that something good has happened between him and He Shu before, so he has nothing to do.

Unless one day I can practice the Great Compassion Fu to a higher level, I can rely on my true energy to walk among the tendons of Chen Jie and the others who have no internal energy to achieve the goal of harmony of yin and yang.

But if he wanted to cultivate the Great Compassion Fu to a higher level, the devil would know that he would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey.

After all, the current realm is still the old man who forcibly pushed himself up by relying on the power of the elixir. Liu Mingzhi really doesn't have any confidence to go to a higher level by himself.

Moreover, many beauties around him are all at the age of tigers and wolves. Do you really think that you are an iron man who is not bad?

Even if you are pulling a donkey, you have to rest, right?
Besides, even if it is a vast ocean, there will be a day when the sea will dry up, let alone a small river like myself.

Inexhaustible?Do not dare to daydream.

Putting back the green salt for washing, Young Master Liu rinsed his mouth and put the hot towel on the wooden stand, and walked towards Chen Jie who was already sitting in front of the dressing table with a smile.

"Jie'er, you have to know that the time to be with the one you love is always short and useless!"

Chen Jie pursed her light red lip paper and turned to look at Young Master Liu, her resentful phoenix eyes looked up and down at Young Master Liu who was constantly smiling, and took the lip paper off her bright red lips.

"speak English."

Young Master Liu frowned, rubbed his nose, coughed a few times with erratic eyes.

"I was in a bad mood last night."


Seeing this, Chen Jie couldn't help laughing, her phoenix eyes gave Young Master Liu a faint look, she got up and grabbed Young Master Liu's arm, pushed him to sit on the stool, and began to comb Young Master Liu's messy hair.

"As long as you know it, let's see if you dare to pretend to be five people and six people in front of my old lady in the future. Do you really think you are made of iron?"

First Young Master Liu picked up Chen Jie's dressing comb and handed it to Chen Jie, sighing silently.

"Hey! Even if it's made of iron, it won't work! Who let my young master, Fu Yuanqian, meet you group of beauties who are made of iron?
This young master admits to being a victim, mainly because he doesn't want to. "

Chen Jie gently combed the hair behind Liu Mingzhi, and said softly: "Then you dare to make excessive demands on the concubine?"

The corner of Liu's mouth twitched and heaved a sigh: "Heavenly conscience, who wants to ask too much of you?
You didn't even give me a chance to explain yesterday, so you rushed over directly.

This young master wants to resist, but the key point is that I have no resistance!
Those who didn't know thought this young master was a delicate little girl, and you, Jie'er, were a lustful playboy!
With your unique set of tricks, in the end, this young master was also on the verge of death and had to use it.

By the way, have you been talking about the boudoir with some favored ladies recently?

You must know that set of serial tricks that you used, even if this young master racked his brains to develop them before, they couldn't be developed.

You secretly set up an ambush behind my back, how could I be your opponent without any preparations. "

Chen Jie rolled her eyes with a reddish face, grabbed Young Master Liu's ear and twisted it gently.

"What do you mean by saying this, you are a concubine?"

Young Master Liu stroked his chin and snickered, then raised his head and glanced at the coquettish beauty.

"It's not strange, it's too late to be happy!
But at least you have to abide by the rules of the confrontation between the two armies, right?The two armies have to send letters of war to each other and launch calls to arms.

If you come up and engage in a sneak attack without saying a word, this is a breakdown of proper etiquette, and it is against the gentleman's demeanor! "

"I'm a little girl, not a gentleman, so naturally I don't have to follow the rules.

Don't you men often say that only women and villains are difficult to raise?

Besides, since you, Liu Mingzhi, a Confucian commander in white, has been in the army more than ten years ago, you have experienced hundreds of battles, big and small. When did you confront the enemy and obey the so-called rules?

Isn't it all about risky tricks by soldiers, winning by surprise?
As your woman, why can't I learn from your military tactics? "

Liu Mingzhi was dumb, quite speechless.

"Yes, yes, you are right.

But in the future, when you stay in the mansion and are bored, you can chat more about the joys of the boudoir with your boudoir friends.

My husband is looking forward to your being able to improve to a higher level and give me a surprise. "

Chen Jie gritted her teeth, wrapped the towel in her hand around Young Master Liu's bun, beat Young Master Liu on the shoulder, turned around and walked towards the wardrobe beside the bed.

"My old lady won't talk about those things with other women shamelessly."

Young Master Liu turned around with trembling corners of his mouth and looked at Chen Jie's enchanting back: "Did you talk about the bed with other women?
Then...then...then you? "

Chen Jie glanced back at First Young Master Liu: "What are you thinking? Is my mother that kind of shameless woman? Look in the drawer of the dressing table."

Young Master Liu hastily turned around and slowly opened the drawer in front of him. He saw a few familiar books with light blue covers next to some bottles of rouge powder. Young Young Master Liu frowned. These are not those Is it a handed down classic written by myself?
At the moment, Young Master Liu smiled awkwardly.

"It's good to learn by yourself without a teacher! It's good to learn by yourself without a teacher!
No, it turns out that Wei Wei is the one who teaches art. "

Chen Jie put on a slightly thick Yunyanru skirt, and when she heard First Young Master Liu's voice, she spit secretly.

"Bah, shameless. You are not afraid of misleading your children."

"Hehehe, as a husband, this is also to earn money to support the family? Who made our family have a big business, so many people open their mouths to eat!"

Chen Jie took the cloak from the hanger and handed it to First Young Master Liu, then turned and walked outside the screen.

"You just said that I misunderstood you? What do you mean?"

While putting on his cloak, Liu Mingzhi chased after Chen Jie.

"Didn't I tell you yesterday that I can take you to see Li Ye, but you have to agree to a few requests?
I didn't expect you to be able to understand my request as those things! "

Chen Jie paused as she went to open the door, then turned around with a stiff face and looked at Liu Mingzhi who followed.

"Really... Is this concubine thinking too much?"

Young Master Liu hurriedly nodded: "It's really because you think too much, but..."

Young Master Liu's titanium alloy dog ​​squinted at Chen Jie from top to bottom, and smiled meanly: "Think too much."

Embarrassment flashed across Chen Jiefeng's eyes, she couldn't help stamping her lotus feet, and glared at First Young Master Liu in shame and indignation.

"You...then what did you want to ask for?"

Liu Mingzhi's face quickly became serious, he was silent for a while, and looked at Chen Jie calmly.

"One, after seeing Li Ye, you can't make up your own mind and let me arrange everything. Otherwise, you mother and son will never have any chance to meet again."

Chen Jie's delicate face panicked, and she trotted towards Liu Mingzhi in a hurry, grabbing Liu Mingzhi's big hand with both hands and moving her head non-stop.

"Agreed, my concubine agrees, everything is under your arrangement."

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath: "Jie'er, I hope you don't let me down!
Second, when going to see Li Ye this time, except for you and me, no one is allowed to accompany you, let alone leak any rumors about Li Ye. Li Ye can only be Long Chengzong, who has been in power for many years.

You just need to agree to my two requirements. "

Chen Jie nodded without hesitation: "Okay, the concubine agrees, and the concubine agrees to everything.

As long as you agree to take my concubine to see Ye'er, let alone two requests, even twenty o'clock requests will be agreed to by my concubine. "

Liu Mingzhi silently took Chen Jie into his arms, bowed his head and kissed her forehead lightly.

"After paying homage to the father and elder brother, let's set off on our way. You first arrange for Lianniang, and let Shu'er take her with you during this time."

"Okay, the concubine will properly arrange for Lianniang."

"Well, I'll go see Lianiang first, and then I'll go back."

Chen Jie nodded reluctantly: "Okay, my concubine will accompany you."

"Wow, daddy, mommy, come and see, my pity's little bunny snowman has gained weight."

Hearing Liu Lianniang's exclamation outside the courtyard, Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly, opened the door and walked towards the place where the snowman was built yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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