My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2363 What Do You Mean?

Chapter 2363 What Do You Mean?

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Lianiang's well-behaved and sensible appearance, and vaguely saw the shadow of the cute Liu Luoyue when she was a child.

This kind of bold and careful character, who accepts as soon as it is good, is very similar to her sister Luoyue.

Maybe when you grow up, you won't be a fuel-efficient lamp!

However, Liu Mingzhi didn't want her to change anything. A child has a child's nature. Just to hear others praise how sensible his child is, he kills the child's nature. It is definitely not the character of Young Master Liu.

Liu Lianiang put the cake she took a bite out of in her hand to the edge of the plate, and her big and watery eyes, which were exactly the same as those of her mother Chen Jie, curved into crescent moons with a smile.

"Daddy, will you take me to build a snowman in the garden?
A few days ago, the nanny took Lianiang to play at Nuonuo's house in the yard next door, and Nuonuo's father helped her build a big and cute snowman.

Lianiang is envious!Lianiang also wanted a snowman, but mother said that the snow was cold, and she always refused to let Lianiang touch it.

It's all right now, Daddy is finally back, Daddy, can you help Lianiang build a snowman? "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Lianiang's pitiful pleading eyes, and felt sore in his heart, feeling guilty for his daughter spontaneously.

Due to the identity between me and Chen Jie, as long as I don't announce it to the world for a day, it means that this child will not be able to live in the sun like her brothers and sisters, and stay by her side every day.

In a blink of an eye, the child was three years old, but the days when he was with her were very few.

"Okay, Daddy will also build a big and cute snowman for Lianniang."

"Yo ho, thank you daddy."

Liu Lianiang jumped up and down with excitement on her small face, and looked at her mother beside her.

"Mother, now Daddy agrees, if you don't let Lianiang build a snowman, Lianiang will let Daddy spank your ass every day to see if you are obedient or not."

Chen Jie's pretty face froze, and she glared at Liu Lianiang angrily, "Stinky girl, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will slap your ass first."

Liu Lianiang immediately ran behind Liu Mingzhi and grabbed Liu Mingzhi's clothes, stuck out her small head and stuck out her tongue at Chen Jie.

"Liu Wei Wei, Dad is here, so he won't let you spank Lian Niang's ass!

If you dare to hit me, I will let Daddy spank your ass first.

Daddy, can you?You will definitely help Lianiang, right? "

Liu Mingzhi raised his brows lightly, looked at the embarrassing Chen Jie with teasing eyes, pulled Liu Lianiang's ball head and laughed.

"Of course you can. Not only do you have to beat him, but you also have to take off your clothes and beat him hard."

Chen Jie immediately gave Young Master Liu a blank look: "You! It's fine for the child to talk nonsense, why are you talking nonsense with the child?
No shame no shame. "

"Daddy, shall we build a snowman?"

"Okay, let's go build a snowman, you lead the way, and after choosing a place, Dad will build it for you."

Liu Lianiang immediately trotted towards the door: "Okay, Daddy, follow up!"

Young Master Liu looked at Chen Jie and said, "Let's go, let's go together."

"Don't go, my mother is not so childish!"

Liu Mingzhi directly grabbed Chen Jie's wrist and walked towards the door: "It's just to have fun with the child, it's fine if she's happy, there's nothing childish or not.

Besides, before I came, didn't you mother and daughter chase and play around the flower bed in the garden? "

"My old lady is educating the children. Which eye of yours saw me playing with the stinky girl?"

"Okay, okay, whatever you say is what you say, what to say—"

"Huh? What?"

Young Master Liu glanced at Chen Jie's plump chest: "Is it really white recently? Whiter than snow?"

Chen Jie was at a loss for a moment, followed Young Master Liu's gaze and lowered her head to look at her chest, and immediately understood what Young Master Liu meant.

The two fingers of his right hand firmly stretched toward Young Master Liu's waist, twisting hard.

"No shame, no shame."

"Hiss! Lightly, lightly."

"Daddy, come quickly, I've made my choice, and I'll pile it up here."

About half an hour later, when dusk fell, a lively little rabbit snowman stood beside the flower bed amid Liu Lianiang's startled cheers.

First Young Master Liu exhaled into his cold palms, looked up at the sky, and persuaded Liu Lianniang to go back to the house with him to keep warm.

Although Liu Lianiang was hissing from the cold, she was still reluctant to leave her little snow rabbit.

Young Master Liu repeatedly assured that her little rabbit snowman would not melt for several days in this kind of weather, so the girl finally reluctantly left the little rabbit snowman and followed her parents back to the room.

"Lieniang, eat your leftover cakes, don't waste food, and then drink a cup of warm tea to warm your body."

"Is it true that Lian Niang's little rabbit won't disappear tonight?"

"Don't worry, it really won't disappear."

"Okay, then Lian Niang will eat cakes."

Liu Mingzhi shook his head helplessly, poured two cups of tea, and handed one cup to Chen Jie who sat on the chair and gently patted her slender legs.

"Squatting numb? Drink a cup of tea for a while and you'll be fine."

Chen Jie took the tea from Liu Mingzhi, and silently held it in her palm: "After Xiu Mu left the court, if you don't go home to see the whole family first, why did you come here instead?"

"What? Don't want to see me?"

"I don't mean that, I'm just curious."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Liu Lianniang, who was holding the pastry and munching slowly, got up, walked to the chair beside Chen Jie and sat down.

Seeing that Liu Lianiang's thoughts were all on the pastries, Liu Mingzhi turned his head to look at Chen Jie and said softly.

"It's been three years. After worshiping Father and Eldest Brother, I'll take you to see Li Ye!"

Chen Jie's delicate body trembled, and she stood up suddenly, looking at Liu Mingzhi in disbelief with her phoenix eyes.

" years, are you finally willing to let me meet Ye'er?"

"When I sent him away, I promised you that I would arrange for you to meet each other when I had the opportunity, but the state affairs have been busy and I couldn't get out.

Now that the situation is barely stable, it's time to take you to meet Li Ye.

In the future, as long as there is a chance, we will meet more times!You don't have to be so excited, sit down and speak slowly. "

Chen Jie nodded with red eyes, sat down gently, and looked at Liu Mingzhi gratefully.

"Thank you, I thought I would never see Ye'er again in this life until I die, thank you, thank you."

Liu Mingzhi sighed silently, looking at Chen Jie's nostalgic expression, a touch of distress flashed in his eyes, he grabbed Chen Jie's palm and stroked it gently.

"I can take you to see Li Ye, but only if you agree to some of my requirements."

Chen Jie was stunned for a moment, then lowered her head and glanced at Liu Mingzhi's big hand stroking her own, as if she understood something.

Biting her red lips, Bei Chi hesitated for a moment, stood up shyly and walked towards Liu Lianniang, who was eating cakes, bent down, picked her up and walked towards the outside of the boudoir.

Young Master Liu stared blankly at the figures of the mother and daughter who disappeared at the door, feeling a little confused.Chatting, chatting, how can you just leave?

"Hey? What does this mean? How did you leave?"

After a cup of tea, Chen Jie's delicate figure turned back again, but Liu Lianiang disappeared.

Young Master Liu stared blankly at Chen Jie who entered the room, and glanced behind her a few times: "Where is Lianiang? What did you send her out for?"

Chen Jie glared at First Young Master Liu in embarrassment, then silently closed the door and pulled the latch, and walked towards First Young Master Liu while untying the silk ribbon on Liu's waist.

"The child is already sensible, how can I let her stay by the side."

"Let's talk about what happened to her staying aside?
Oh!You are worried about her hearing about Li Ye, right?

Don't worry, she is still young and won't understand Li Ye's matter...

Hey - hey - hey - Jie'er, what do you mean by this?
What do you want to do when you are bright and bright? "

"Don't you want to bring forward those excessive demands that I have always disagreed with?
What else can I do?Of course I promise you. "

With a muffled sound, Chen Jie pushed Liu Mingzhi directly onto the folded brocade quilt.

Looking at the charming woman who had taken off her coat and leaned towards him, Young Master Liu couldn't help swallowing, feeling a faint pain in his back.

" misunderstood, I'm not this...well..."

"Nurse, let go of Lianiang, Lianiang is going to find her father and mother."

"My lord, don't make trouble, the empress is busy, you can't go there now."

"Nurse, you are lying, your parents are chatting, how could you be busy?

Don't stop me, Lianiang is going to find her. "

"My lord, your father and mother are really busy!"

"Hmph! I don't believe it, so what do you say they are busy with?"

Liu Lianiang's nanny stood in front of the door, listening to the familiar movement from the courtyard next door, an unnatural blush appeared on her face.

Seeing Liu Lianiang's curious eyes, the nanny frowned with embarrassment.

"Busy - busy with business!"

"What business is my mother busy with? If you don't say it, you are lying to Lian Niang."

The nanny looked at Liu Lianiang's arrogant and petite attitude that she couldn't explain why she was going to force her way out, she covered her forehead and gave a helpless wry smile.

"I'm busy playing!"

(End of this chapter)

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