My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2362 Change of Mindset

Chapter 2362 Change of Mindset

Respectfully sent off by Li Xun, Liu Mingzhi walked out of the Princess Mansion in a swaggering manner. He intentionally stopped outside the door and waited for a while, but still did not see the girl Li Jingyao, so Liu Mingzhi turned and walked in the direction of the Prince's old mansion. .

The old man he told He Shu just now was undoubtedly Li Ye.

Since sending him away that year, three years have passed in a hurry, and he has never seen him again. He is very curious about what the child has become now.

Have you let go of what happened back then?

It shouldn't be that easy after all.

For the change in the relationship between himself and Li Ye, Liu Mingzhi couldn't say he had any regrets in his heart, after all, he had done his utmost to Li Ye back then.

But after all, there is still a trace of guilt left.

It's just that the two were in different positions at the time, and it was impossible to tell who was right and who was wrong.

As for the current result, it can only be said that the winner is the king and the loser is nothing.

When he had nothing to do, Liu Mingzhi occasionally recalled a little bit of the past, thinking that if the two of them took a step back from each other, what kind of scene would it be now?

Broad sea and sky?Or is everyone happy?
It's a pity that there is no if, after all, three years have passed since the incident, and it seems useless to say anything now, except to add to the sadness.

Although I was a bit grudged in my heart, I never regretted the act of raising troops to rebel.

If he was given another chance, Li Ye would still be as aggressive towards him as before, and he would still choose to take this path.

Because only by taking this path, will I be able to guarantee [-]% that I and my family will be safe and sound.

Liu Mingzhi really didn't have the confidence to use his family's wealth and life to gamble on whether Li Ye would act like a rabbit and a dog after he handed over the power in his hands.

Because at that time, I couldn't see from Li Ye at all that after I handed over the power, I could guarantee that I would be able to retreat completely.

And because of the footsteps on the seven stars, the old man was behind to add fuel to the flames.

There is absolutely no possibility of easing up between myself and Li Ye.

Therefore, rebellion is the only option that can guarantee your life without worry.

While thinking secretly in his heart, Liu Mingzhi had already rushed outside the gate of the Prince's old mansion unknowingly.

After lightly knocking on the door of the mansion a few times, Gao Jin's familiar face appeared in front of him after a cup of tea.

"Old slave Gao Jin sees His Majesty."


Gao Jin got up and staggered, and respectfully invited Liu Mingzhi to enter the door: "Thank you, Your Majesty, the empress is just at home, please come in quickly, Your Majesty."

"it is good."

Liu Mingzhi walked in without seeing anyone, without the slightest delay.

After all, the relationship between himself and Chen Jie was no better than that of He Shu, Gao Jin already knew it clearly, and there was nothing to hide at all.

But maybe it has something to do with the environment where Chen Jie lives alone.

If He Shu didn't live in his daughter's princess mansion, but lived alone in another mansion by himself, maybe the private meeting between the two of them wouldn't have to be as secretive as it is now.

It's just that I have persuaded He Shu to live in another mansion more than once, but she has never been able to persuade her. No matter what she says, she is unwilling to live alone like her sister Chen Jie.

Sometimes Liu Mingzhi couldn't help wondering whether He Shu felt that such a sneaky private life would be more exciting, so he didn't agree to come out of the secluded mansion.

Having said that, the feeling of meeting beauties over the wall at night is really exciting, it can be said to be full of fun!

"Lieniang, put on your cloak, otherwise you will freeze your body to pieces.

Ah—smelly girl, don't stuff snowballs into mother's clothes, is your butt itchy again?
Don't run, stop for my old lady. "

"Hehehe... Mother, come and chase me!"

Just after passing through the arches of the inner courtyard, Chen Jie's soft and helpless words came out mixed with Liu Lianiang's giggling, and they clearly reached the ears of Young Master Liu.

Gao Jin stopped walking, and slightly staggered her body: "Your Majesty, the empress and the young master Lianiang are inside.

The old slave will not go in, if there is anything to do, just ask the maid to greet the old slave. "

"Okay, you go to work first."

"Yes, the old slave is retiring."

With a faint smile on Liu Mingzhi's face, he walked towards the source of the sound, and at a glance, he saw Chen Jie and Liu Lianiang, mother and daughter, chasing each other in the small garden in the inner courtyard.

The three-year-old Liu Lianniang was wearing a festive big red cloud brocade mandarin duck jacket on her upper body, and her delicate skirt on her lower body was matched with a decent little jacket on her upper body.

There are two cute ball heads tied with red ribbons, and the hair temples and red ribbons are dancing up and down with the little girl running.

Chen Jie at the back was wearing a simple light white Yunluo shirt, holding a small and exquisite fox fur cloak in her hand and chasing Liu Lianniang in front.

"Phew...stinky girl, put on the cloak immediately, mother is really angry."

Liu Lianiang, who frequently turned her head to observe the distance between her mother and mother, did not notice Young Master Liu approaching towards her with a smile on her face. While trotting, she waved a snowball in her little hand and threatened Chen Jie not to approach her.

"Don't wear it, don't wear it, Lianiang doesn't wear it, it's too hot to wear it. Mother, Lianiang will wear it when it's cold, don't chase after me, okay?
Be careful and pity your mother. Later, you will stuff the white snowball of your breasts that has not yet been kissed by your mother into your... ah... who blocked me... Daddy? "

Liu Lianiang, who threw herself into Young Master Liu's arms, looked up blankly, wanting to see who was standing in front of her.

Seeing Eldest Young Master Liu staring at her smilingly and dotingly, the little girl burst into a smile, grabbed her father by the collar and started jumping up and down.

"Daddy, you are back to see Lianiang again, Lianiang misses you so much."

Looking down at Xiao Lianniang's reddened right hand holding Xueqiu, Young Master Liu hugged her up and wrapped her thin body with a cloak.

"Girl, are you naughty again? See if your mother is so angry, is your ass itchy again?"

Xiao Lianniang smiled and put her little head under Young Master Liu's neck and twisted: "No, no, Lianiang is not naughty, Lianiang is playing games with mother.

It's my mother who is too fierce and has been chasing Lianniang!
It's scary, but she doesn't want to spank Lianiang's ass at all, hehe. "

Chen Jie reacted from the astonishment of Young Master Liu's sudden appearance, seeing the warm appearance of the father and daughter, she greeted them with a smile on her lips.

Raising her hand habitually to fiddle with Liu Mingzhi's slightly tilted collar, Chen Jie looked at Liu Da with soft and intellectual eyes and smiled lightly.

"What? Didn't you go to court again today?"

From the initial entanglement of having an affair because of some reasons, to getting along with each other after having a child.

After more than three years of running-in, Chen Jie seems to have integrated herself into the identity of a wife.

Liu Mingzhi hugged Liu Lianiang in one hand, and walked towards the room holding Chen Jie's wrist in the other: "Still going to court? Today is the New Year's rest."

Chen Jie froze for a moment, then nodded knowingly.

"Has another year passed so quickly? The concubine stayed in the mansion and watched Lianniang grow up day by day. Before I knew it, another year had passed."

Walking to the side chair and sitting down, Liu Mingzhi casually picked up a piece of pastry and stuffed it into Liu Lianiang's hand.

"Girl, don't throw away the snowball, and hold on to your little hands, it's really freezing."

"Yeah, Lianniang listens to daddy."

Liu Lianiang slid off her father, raised her small hand, and threw the snowball in her hand towards the door.

"Daddy, do you drink tea? Can Lianiang pour tea for you?"

"Don't, don't, you're not as high as the stove.

If it gets hot again, daddy can come by himself, eat your cakes, eat as much as you can to grow faster, and when you grow taller, pour tea for daddy, okay? "

"Yeah, Lianiang must grow taller quickly, and then pour tea for daddy and mother herself."

(End of this chapter)

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