Chapter 2379
Liu Mingzhi just stopped outside the Queen's boudoir in a daze, and smoked six or seven pots of shredded tobacco in a row, his throat was a little dry and bitter, only then did he hear the sound of the door opening behind him.

Instinctively turning around and looking towards the door, Liu Mingzhi saw Qi Yun instructing four petite and lovely maids to walk towards the backyard with four covered wooden barrels.

After the four little maids left hand in hand, Qi Yun smiled and walked towards her husband who was silently looking at her.

"Silly husband, what are you doing staring at this concubine in a daze?

Are you impatient? "

"What's this called? What is there to be anxious about? As long as the mother and child are safe and husband, you can rest assured, no matter how anxious you are, don't worry about this moment.

How about euphemism?Is your body okay? "

Qi Yun looked at her husband looking at the Queen's boudoir again and again, and rolled her eyes softly: "I just said I'm not in a hurry! Are you revealing now?
Don't worry, Wanyan's sister is in good health, and she gave birth to the baby smoothly without getting tired.

Now I am chatting with my sister, Qingshi and the others in the room talking and laughing!

We can go in after the midwife washes the filth off the baby with hot water.

Don't worry, half a stick of incense or a stick of incense should be enough.

By the way, have you decided on the child's name? "

"Get up, Liu Chengrui, how do you feel?"

Qi Yun nodded her chin and pondered for a while, then nodded with satisfaction: "The name has the meaning of inheriting the past and the future, clever and wise, the artistic conception is good and worthy of scrutiny, it is very good, I think it is very good.

But well, the child is not born of a concubine, it is useless if the concubine thinks it is good, you have to say politely to your sister that she thinks you are good in order to pass the test.

If you can't satisfy her, be careful and let you sit on the washboard in the future. "

"She dares? It's against her.

You, the Liu family's wife, are satisfied with the name, why should she not agree? "

Qi Yun let out a muffled laugh, raised her hand and lightly patted Liu Mingzhi's shoulder: "Smelly poor! I just dare to live my mouth here if I see you.

In front of Wanyan's sister, I'm afraid I don't even dare to fart! "

Liu Mingzhi immediately raised his hand to pat Qi Yun's buttocks: "It seems that I haven't taught you a good lesson last night, so I dared to tease you.

One day, when I find time, I must give you a long memory. "

A faint blush suddenly appeared on Qi Yun's delicate face, she looked around at the empty courtyard and spat secretly.

"Shameless, there is no sense in talking in broad daylight. If the servant girl hears it, will you let the concubine be a human being? How can you still be in charge of the female family in the inner courtyard?"

Liu Mingzhi leaned towards the corner of Qi Yun's mouth and kissed it nonchalantly, and looked at Qi Yun who was not coquettish with a smile: "Then let's wait until the dead of night when we can't see anyone."

"Where is your husband!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qi Yun's infinitely shy appearance, and was about to say something when Qi Ya's soft voice came from behind him.

"The two of you don't want to be in love there. It's your fault. The child has been cleaned. Come in and have a look."

Liu Mingzhi kneaded Qi Yun's buttocks indiscriminately, and trotted towards Qi Ya with a smile.

"Come on! Come on!"

Qi Yun let out a soft cry, and followed her husband with a pretty face unnaturally, waving her white palms at Young Master Liu's back, obviously helpless for her husband's unrighteous behavior.

Following Qi Ya, Liu Mingzhi walked around the main room and walked behind the screen. There was a faint scent of sandalwood in the room, and there was almost no smell.

When the third princess Li Yan saw her husband, she greeted her with the baby in her arms.

"Husband, take a look at the little son Wanyan's sister gave birth to you."

Liu Mingzhi leaned forward and glanced at the baby in the arms of the third princess, looking at the wrinkled baby in the baby, Young Master Liu clicked his tongue twice.

"A thief pulls an ugly face."

Casually leaving a comment, Young Master Liu ignored the sudden strange expressions of the girls, and walked directly towards the bed where the queen was resting.

Sitting straight on the edge of the bed, Liu Mingzhi looked at the empress leaning on the soft cushion, her delicate face turned slightly pale, with a somewhat weak look, and he gently grabbed the empress' jade hand and held it in his palm, his eyes were full of worry.

"To put it bluntly, is there any discomfort in your body? If there is something wrong, you must never hide it from your husband."

The empress pursed her dry lips, felt Liu Mingzhi's caring eyes, and her heart was as warm as the morning sun.

"It's okay, I was a little weak at the beginning, but it will be much better after a while, so you don't have to worry about saying it politely.

This child is better than Yue'er, a stinky girl, who knows how much she loves her mother, and was born without letting his mother suffer too much torture. "

"It's okay, it's okay.

You just gave birth, although you are not too tired, but your body must be a little tired, we will not stay with you to disturb your rest, and when your body recovers, let's get together and have a good talk. "

The queen really felt that she was a little tired, and she nodded silently without any politeness.

"Okay, then I won't be polite to you, let's sleep for a while to refresh myself."

"Should the child stay with you, or take it to another place first?"

"Stay with Wanyan, I want to see him more."

Hearing what the queen said, the third princess hurried over with the baby in her arms, and gently placed the baby beside the queen's pillow.

"Sister Wanyan, take a look, the little guy is very cute."

First Young Master Liu glanced at his infant son again, and curled his lips casually: "You're talking nonsense with your eyes open, and your wrinkled face is no better than a monkey's. How do you find it cute?"

The third princess was taken aback for a moment, and when she realized it, she hurriedly patted First Young Master Liu on the shoulder: "Bad husband, shut your stinky mouth, no one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak."

The queen also rolled her eyes faintly, looking at the child beside her with bright eyes dotingly, staring at Young Master Liu and pointing in the direction of the door.


First Young Master Liu rubbed his nose resentfully, got up and walked towards the door with his mouth pursed.

"Get out, get out, it's unreasonable! Why don't you let the ugly ones talk about it?
What is wrong with the world, is it not enough to tell the truth? "

Qi Ya shook her head helplessly as she looked at the sleazy husband who wanted to make the Queen angry, and her pale jade fingers directly grabbed Young Master Liu's ear and pulled it out of the screen.

"Good husband, come, come, sisters feel that it is necessary to teach husband the art of chatting today."

"That's right, the Spring Festival is another day of great joy, and one can tell nonsense with a bad mouth. People in their 30s have no integrity at all.

Sisters, hit him heartless! "

"Hmm... Ya... Qi Ya... Hei Hu... Hei Hu is heartbroken that you used such vicious moves against your husband.

This young master remembers you, don't let me get a chance to take revenge, otherwise it will be useless even if you call me dad. "

"Ah ho... Yun Xiaoxi, you brat, you're going to turn the world upside down."

"Hey-hey-Yun'er-hey-a beating is fine, tearing clothes is too much!

Too much, really too much, people will freeze to death.

Qi Yun, as the eldest wife, is this how you educate your sisters?

Don't don't!Anyway, leave some close-fitting clothes, you guys are really going too far!

Angry, let me tell you, Wei Fu is really angry. "

"Oh hoo... my sparrow, where are you going to get your money, crazy women? Do you want to be a widow for the rest of your life?"


Empress, Yun Qingshi smiled wryly and shook her head when she heard the commotion outside the door.

With a happy smile on Yun Qingshi's face, she handed the poured warm tea to the Queen's hand.

"Sister, this is our family, because the husband really dotes on us, he doesn't care about us like us.

If it was placed in the home of another famous family, how could any wife and concubine dare to go too far with the head of the family!

Thanks to our husband's big heart, otherwise a letter of divorce would have been delivered to our sisters long ago. "

"It seems that he has really changed you a lot."

"Life! It's supposed to be like this to have a good life, isn't it?"

The fifth day of the first month of the fourth year of Dalong Taiping.

After confirming the safety of the queen mother and child, Liu Mingzhi explained to Qi Yun and the third princess some family matters.

After changing into a light and strong outfit, he went to the Prince's old mansion alone to meet Chen Jie.

(End of this chapter)

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