My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2380 Hometown of Confucius and Mencius

Chapter 2380 Hometown of Confucius and Mencius
When Liu Mingzhi arrived at the Prince's old mansion, apart from Chen Jie who was wearing a light skirt, there were also seven or eight packages on the ground, large and small.

Liu Mingzhi bent down and fiddled with the seven or eight packages that were spread out, and looked at Chen Jie with a tangled expression: "Jie'er, are you planning to go on a picnic?
Just the two of us, you brought seven or eight burdens at once, why don't you move the mansion with you? "

Chen Jie heard the slightly teasing meaning in Liu Mingzhi's words, and glanced at the baggage on the ground with some puzzlement.

"The concubine...does the concubine carry a lot of things?

In the baggage are some concubine's normal clothes and two clothes for you.

There are also some food for emergencies, and gifts for Ye'er.

The concubine has already streamlined a lot of things, so this shouldn't be too much, right? "

Young Master Liu patted his forehead helplessly. If he was going on an outing or looking for relatives and friends, he would definitely think that Chen Jie is a considerate and caring woman. up.

Prepare so many cumbersome things, do you think you can't go fast enough?
"Which burden is your change of clothes?"

Chen Jie didn't know Liu Mingzhi's intention of asking this question, so she honestly pointed to the small burden in the middle.

"This one, the concubine's personal clothes, outer clothes, etc. are all inside."

Without saying a word, Liu Mingzhi mentioned the burden that Chen Jie was referring to, stretched out his hand and grabbed Chen Jie's wrist, and walked towards the door.

"It's getting late, it's time to hurry up and hurry up, we'll try to get to Chongzhou to spend the night before it gets dark, if we delay, we'll probably have to sleep in the wilderness.

Sleeping in the wilderness in this weather, the devil knows what bad things will happen. "

"But what about your change of clothes?"

"Can a living person still be suffocated by urine? Think of a way on the way, Li Ye's gift is also the same, just buy some special products in the city near him."

Chen Jie still wanted to discuss with Liu Mingzhi, but Liu Mingzhi had already dragged her away from the inner courtyard and walked towards the backyard.

"Come on, get on the horse!"

Chen Jie looked at the majestic and vigorous maroon tall horse in front of her, Jiaoyan couldn't help but panicked, and shook her head eagerly.

"It's true that I know how to ride a horse, but I can only ride slowly for half a day, and the speed can't be too fast, otherwise I won't be able to control the horse. I thought we were going to meet Ye'er in a carriage!"

Liu Mingzhi was also subconsciously taken aback. Among the many ladies, there are only a handful of beauties who can't gallop on horses. He took it for granted that Chen Jie should also be a master of equestrianism.

Seeing Chen Jie's embarrassed face staring at the horse in front of him, Liu Mingzhi sighed silently.

First Young Master Liu let go of the hands supporting Chen Jie's waist, and tied the bundle in his hands to the saddle of the maroon horse. Then he got on his own mount first, bent down and pressed Chen Jie's shoulder lightly. As soon as he mentioned it, the beautiful woman sat in her arms.

Chen Jie let out a soft breath, feeling the solid and familiar chest behind her, and her throbbing heart gradually calmed down.

Liu Mingzhi took off a bamboo hat from the horse and handed it to Chen Jie.

"Put on the hats and let's set off."

"it is good!"

"Sit tight, I'm going to speed up after I leave the city."

"You try to slow down, if the speed is too fast, I can't stand it."

As soon as Chen Jie put on her bamboo hat, Liu Mingzhi lightly clamped the horse's belly, and the two of them rushed towards the east gate of the capital slowly.

For Liu Mingzhi, the rule that horses are not allowed in the city can be completely ignored, but the Spring Festival has just passed a few days ago, and there are many people in the city, which can be described as crowded. The crowd walked slowly towards the city gate.

About half an hour later, the two men and two horses passed through the dense crowd, let the guards check the two forged credentials, and then swaggered out of the capital.


Following Liu Mingzhi's yell, the horsewhip was pulled down gently, and the two sweaty BMWs, which were walking slowly, immediately neighed rhythmically, rolled their hooves, trampled on the snow on the official road and galloped away.

"Slow down, slow down, it's too fast, I'm a little scared."

Liu Mingzhi listened to Chen Jie's unspeakable words because of the cold wind blowing his face, he raised his arms vigorously backhanded, turned around in the air amidst Chen Jie's unceasing screams, and stood firmly again. When he landed on the horse's back, he let him sit down facing his arms.

Looking down at Chen Jie, whose bamboo hat had fallen off her back and her head was tightly pressed against her chest, Liu Mingzhi laughed and hugged the beauty's willow waist: "Hold tight!"

Chen Jie wanted to complain a few times about Young Master Liu's reckless behavior, but the speed of the horse's galloping accelerated, so frightened that she could only tightly hug Liu Mingzhi's tiger waist and dare not let go.

Following the bumping of the war horse, Chen Jie's slender jade legs also instinctively wrapped tightly around Liu Mingzhi's waist in a slightly shameful posture, for fear that she would be jolted off the horse's back.

Liu Mingzhi clearly felt Chen Jie's delicate body trembling slightly due to the howling cold wind, silently pulled his cloak, tightly protected it in his arms, and whipped the horsewhip again to speed up.

Such an intimate posture between the two was not because Liu Mingzhi had any dirty thoughts on the spur of the moment, planning to have some exciting things with Chen Jie on horseback, but because he was pressed for time and wanted to do it as quickly as possible. The speed of meeting Li Ye ended this trip.

There has been no battle report on the matter of the Western Expedition, and Liu Mingzhi can't guarantee when the result will be.

What he worried about didn't care that once the report of the Western Expedition came, and he happened to be out of the capital, he couldn't make timely countermeasures.

If the battle report that comes out is still a victory report, that's all right, if it's something that the important officials in the court dare not decide on their own, then it will be troublesome.

An important matter of military aircraft will undergo unpredictable changes if it is delayed for a day, Liu Mingzhi absolutely dare not ignore it casually.

The sweat-blooded BMW has the reputation of traveling thousands of miles a day and eight hundred nights, so it's not for nothing.

Unworthy of Yizhuxiang's kung fu, behind the two of them was a majestic momentum, and the vast capital city gradually turned into a small black spot that could not be observed by the naked eye.

Looking around on the boundless official road, there is a vast expanse of whiteness and loneliness, and the two of them seem to have entered a world of ice and snow that is inaccessible.

There are only two lines of horseshoe prints of different shades on the official road, telling the past that someone passed by here.

On the fourteenth day of the first month of the fourth year of Dalong Taiping, it was in the territory of Laizhou Prefecture in the East China Sea.

Liu Mingzhi fought in the south and the north, conquering the east and the west for more than ten years, leaving his footprints in Jiangnan, Shu, Southwest, Western Regions, Jin Kingdom, and Turkic Grassland.

Only the Laizhou region of the East China Sea was the first time he set foot in this life.

Looking at the local conditions and customs in Laizhou City, Liu Mingzhi was slightly amazed.

Although Laizhou is the territory of Dalong, the customs and customs of this place are still somewhat different from those of the capital.

Liu Mingzhi, who has settled in the capital for many years, felt a sense of novelty when he saw the local people in Laizhou for the first time.

Even the well-informed Young Master Liu felt a little surprised, not to mention Chen Jie as a woman.

Before leaving the court to marry Li Baiyu as his wife, she was a noble lady who waited for the unknown person in the boudoir. Although she could not reach the point where she would never go out of the house, she seldom traveled far.

After marrying into the prince's mansion, as a side concubine, she can't show her face at will.

It is almost impossible to travel far away from Beijing.

Seeing the customs and customs in the East China Sea thousands of miles away from the capital, I was naturally surprised and inexplicable.

"Husband, look at the shops on both sides of the street full of Confucian culture. It seems that Confucianism is very prevalent here in Laizhou!"

Liu Mingzhi looked around the city calmly, and nodded lightly in response to Chen Jie, who was always curious about everything.

"This place can also be regarded as the hometown of Confucius and Mencius. It is normal for Confucianism to prevail, and there is nothing to be surprised about.

However, Confucianism is a double-edged sword, and if Confucianism is too prevalent in the court, it may not be a good thing. "

Chen Jie's cherry lips parted slightly, and she looked at Liu Mingzhi in a daze: "Ah? What do you mean?
With more scholars, there will be more foundations for the court to select materials. How can it not be a good thing? "

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly, glanced at the people walking around, took Chen Jie's hand and walked towards a shop.

"Women don't understand even if they tell you, so let's go, buy some gifts and go see Li Ye."

(End of this chapter)

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