Chapter 2382
Li Ye looked at the back of Liu Mingzhi walking towards the courtyard, took the reins from Chen Jie's hand and handed it to Xiao Dezi.

"Xiao Dezi, take my uncle and mother's horses to the hut and settle them down.

If the fodder we feed the cows is not tasty, you can go to Uncle Liu, Uncle Ding, Brother Chu, or Brother Yu to see if there are soybeans or black beans in their homes, and buy a stone and mix them in. "

Xiao Dezi took the reins and nodded respectfully: "Hey! Don't worry, my lord, just leave the horse to the young one."

Li Ye watched Xiao Dezi lead the two horses towards the thatched shed outside the courtyard, and looked at Chen Jie who was staring at him reluctantly.

He leaned over and picked up the delicious river fish that was still churning on the ground, and gently held Chen Jie's hand and walked towards the courtyard gate.

"Mother, come in and sit down, and see how the place where the child lives now."

"Hey! Hey! Mother listen to you, take a good look at where you live now."

Liu Mingzhi looked back at the mother and son who were silently reminiscing about the past, and walked into the main room of the courtyard uninvited.

A set of furniture made entirely of bamboo is placed in the main room, and a set of exquisite but unassuming tea sets are placed on the bamboo table.

On the east side is the bedroom. The folded quilts on the bed are neatly arranged. Although the few pairs of coarse cloth shoes on the bedside are a little old, they are also clean.

It can be seen that Li Ye's living habits here are quite self-disciplined.

Turning his gaze to the west side, there are bookshelves, desks, and the four treasures of the study, but the quality can only be said to be average.

There are quite a lot of books on the bookshelf, there are about a hundred books arranged in a random order, and the cover of each book is already worn out, presumably it was caused by Li Ye reading it over and over again when passing the time .

"Uncle, mother, sit down quickly, and the boy will pour tea for you."

Liu Mingzhi turned around and glanced at the couple who walked into the room, nodded with a faint smile, walked towards the bamboo chair beside him and sat down silently.

Chen Jie casually glanced at the layout of the room, and looked at her son who was carrying the pot on the stove with a gratified expression. She sat down at Liu Mingzhi's lower seat as usual, and looked curiously at the furniture made of bamboo in front of her.

Chen Jie has always been using furniture made of precious wood since she was a child. For this kind of furniture made entirely of bamboo, it is inevitable that she feels a little novel.

"Uncle, mother, drink tea.

This is the tea made by Haier from the fresh and tender bamboo leaves after the rain in the back mountain after he learned how to make tea from the old man Wu in Yanliu Village.

Although Hai'er thinks that his craft is pretty good, if you talk about it in detail, it's nothing more than a cup of wild tea, I hope you don't dislike it.

However, if you taste it carefully, the taste should not be inferior to the handed down fragrant tea.

But maybe it's for children to study by themselves.

You try it first, if you don't like it, you can change it to other tea leaves. "

"Well! Sit down. You don't have to be polite to uncle in your own house, and you don't have to be formal."

"Hey, I'm really sensible. You should also sit down and rest. The river water must be cold in the morning. Drink a cup of tea to warm up your body."

Seeing the completely different expressions of his uncle and mother, Li Ye went to the chair next to him and sat down.

"Uncle, mother, why did you suddenly come to Yanliu Village?"

Liu Mingzhi took a sip of the tea without hesitation, looked at Li Ye's curious eyes and said softly: "When I sent you here back then, my uncle promised you and your mother that I would let you The mother and son met each other.

It's just that after my uncle sat in that position, many things were always out of my control.

It seems to be living a lazy and unrestrained life, but in fact, it is difficult to get out because of the constant occurrence of large and small government affairs.

It has been three years in the blink of an eye, and during the days of rest at the end of the year, my uncle thought that there would not be any major state affairs happening, so he brought your mother to see you.

After all, I haven't seen you for so long, so it's necessary to see how your life is going. "

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he looked up and down at Li Ye who was sitting there for a while.

Compared with the appearance of this child three years ago, it can be said that the appearance of this child is very different. His temperament is refined and refined, like a well-educated person who has been familiar with poetry and books for many years and has thousands of hills and valleys in his heart.

In the past, due to busy government affairs day and night, and irregular meals, he was thin and thin, but now he is much stronger and taller, his face is ruddy and shiny, and he is full of energy.

The back that was a little bulging at the beginning also straightened up, and the gray hairs on the temples that were originally gray also disappeared.

It seems that Li Ye has lived in seclusion here for about three years, and Li Ye's situation should be pretty good.

"Compared to three years ago, you are now much stronger physically and mentally.

how about it?For more than three years, are you still used to living here? "

Li Ye looked at the layout of the room calmly, then looked away with a faint smile: "When you first arrive, some acclimatization is unavoidable, but now I'm used to the life here.

Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan, the scene described in this poem is probably nothing more than this!
When I first came here, there was suddenly nothing in my ears, Your Majesty, what do you want!Your majesty, what do you want, these words that have already worn out the calluses in the ears, it is really difficult for the child to follow.

After all, a person who is used to being busy suddenly becomes idle, and always feels like something is missing.

To tell the truth from my uncle, when the child first came here to live in seclusion, whenever he called Xiao Dezi, he still subconsciously regarded himself as me!
Afterwards, I slowly got used to the address of Young Master.

Xiao Dezi also knew that the boy would be bored here, so he went to a city hundreds of miles away to buy all kinds of books to relieve the boy's boredom.

After a long time, studying, farming, fishing, wild fishing, bragging and joking with peers in the village, I gradually became accustomed to my current identity.

If I hadn't suddenly seen my uncle and mother coming to the door today, my child would have almost forgotten that the elders in Yanliu Village thought that Mr. Li, who was full of poetry and books, had another layer of identity back then.

How fast, it has been three years before I know it. "

Liu Mingzhi quietly looked at Li Ye's melancholy expression and was silent for a long time, gently fiddled with the water in the cup like bamboo leaves that had just sprouted after the rain.

"Have you ever regretted it? Are you unwilling? Have you ever thought that one day you will take back your [-] mountains and rivers from your uncle?"

Chen Jie was savoring the taste of the tea her son personally made, when she heard Liu Mingzhi's sudden question, her delicate body trembled uncontrollably.

The warm tea in the cup fell directly on the plump chest of the beautiful woman. Chen Jie didn't care to wipe the water stains on the front of her clothes. Her lips were slightly pale and she hurriedly looked at her son. She wanted to say something, but because Liu Mingzhi I don't know how to open the side.

Feeling his mother's gaze, Li Ye raised his eyes subconsciously, seeing the look of care and anxiety in Chen Jie's phoenix eyes, his heart was filled with mixed feelings and sadness.

If I had listened to my mother's words back then, maybe I wouldn't have fallen into this situation now!

From the corner of Liu Mingzhi's eyes, he observed Chen Jie's reaction clearly, but he didn't say anything, so he should turn a blind eye.

His gaze was always fixed on Li Ye's body without moving.

Li Ye sighed faintly, picked up the tea and tasted it, and looked at Liu Mingzhi calmly.

"Of course I regret it, and I am naturally unwilling."

Chen Jie stood up abruptly, the only remaining tea in the cup was spilled on the skirt of her chest, Chen Jiexiu frowned, her delicate body tremblingly looked at her son opposite.

"Ye...Ye'er, don't talk nonsense, quickly admit your mistake to your uncle."

Liu Mingzhi stood up gently, walked to Chen Jie and patted her on the shoulder lightly, signaling her to sit down calmly, and then looked at Li Ye with a half-smile.

"so what?"

(End of this chapter)

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