My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2383 Seeking peace of mind

Chapter 2383 Seeking peace of mind

Li Ye put down the teacup in his hand, stood up slowly, and calmly looked at his uncle who was staring at him with a half-smile without fear.

"So? So what kind of answer does uncle want to hear from the child?

Do you want to hear that Hai'er has fallen in love with the bland pastoral life, or do you want to hear that Hai'er is bragging about the skyrocketing Haikou that is trying to make a comeback because of unwillingness?

If the uncle wanted to hear the latter's words, the boy could say it without hesitation. "

Just as Chen Jie sat down, she stood up abruptly again, with an unnatural blush on her delicate face, staring at Li Ye who was staring calmly at Young Master Liu in a breathless manner.

"Ye'er, Mother ordered you not to talk nonsense, not to be so disrespectful to your uncle.

If you continue to do this, mother will never talk to you again for the rest of her life, and this farewell is even more a farewell between you and my mother and son.

Apologize to your uncle quickly. "

Chen Jie spoke harsh words, but her phoenix eyes were full of fear and worry, and her worry for her son was self-evident.

Chen Jie sneaked a glance at Liu Mingzhi who was silently staring at Li Ye without saying a word, took a deep breath, and scolded Li Ye sharply again.

"Ye'er, apologize quickly."

Liu Mingzhi silently looked at Li Ye's clear pupils without fear, walked slowly to Chen Jie and stopped.

"Jie...sister-in-law, please be calm and don't be impatient. This kid Ye'er knows in his heart that his uncle will not do anything to him, otherwise he wouldn't be in such a posture."

"But I worry about..."

Liu Mingzhi interrupted Chen Jie's words without haste, and sneered lightly twice: "No, but, if you are caught in the middle like this, it will only be self-defeating!
Believe me, just sit back and continue to drink tea, and taste how well Ye'er stir-fries the tea, if you don't believe it - forget it. "

Chen Jie listened to Liu Mingzhi's calm and seemingly emotionless words by her side, bit her red lips tightly with her white teeth, leaving a row of clear teeth marks on her lips.

After being silent for a long time, Chen Jie looked at Li Ye with her phoenix eyes for a while, then she pursed her lips and silently walked to the chair behind Liu Mingzhi, sat down, and silently watched every move of the two of them.

As for what Liu Mingzhi said about continuing to drink tea, Chen Jie's heart is now in a mess, and she really doesn't have that kind of leisure.

Liu Mingzhi sighed quietly, and paced lightly in the room with his hands behind his back.

"Ye'er, so the word '[-]' is not what kind of answer uncle wants to hear, but what kind of answer you will give uncle.

Although this answer is not important to my uncle, it can even be said to be dispensable, but my uncle still wants to hear your answer.

Not because of how important it is, but...

You just want to be an uncle because you want peace of mind.

After all, apart from the fact that my uncle took your country, my uncle doesn't think there is any other barrier between us.

The first moment you saw me and your mother outside the door, my uncle saw miss in your eyes, not resentment.

It is precisely because of this that uncle wants to have a heart-to-heart talk with you.

Whether you say you have recognized the reality or want to make a comeback, no matter what answer you give, Uncle can guarantee that he will not touch a single hair of you.

Back then, my father and I had been together day and night for several years. You know how uncle is.

If you believe in uncle's character, you can speak your mind boldly.

Even if you tell your uncle that you are unwilling and want to make a comeback and restore the Li family, uncle will not argue with you.

As for whether to say it or not, the mouth grows on your body, it all depends on your own thoughts. "

Li Ye was silent for a long time with an inexplicable complex meaning on his face, and then walked towards the stove beside him.

After a while, two cups of brand new tea were held in the hands of each of Liu Mingzhi.

Li Ye blew on the tea in his hand, without any intention of greeting Liu Mingzhi, he walked out of the house first.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi smiled and followed with his teacup in hand.

Chen Jie looked at the backs of the two fathers, one behind the other, with a slightly hesitant expression, and finally sat on the chair and did not follow.

Why didn't she understand in her heart that the reason why the two of them walked out of the house was that they didn't want to hear what they were talking about.

Since I understand the thoughts of the two of you in my heart, why should I be that unsightly existence!

"In spring, you can watch the warblers playing with willow sash, in summer, you can watch silk and rain falling on plantains. In autumn, you can hide osmanthus wine and get drunk in winter, and you will be happy and happy again.

I didn't know the meaning of the poem when I first heard it, but I am already a person in the poem when I read it again. When I accidentally learned about this poem written by your uncle in the Northern Xinjiang Palace from the mouth of the spy shadow senior, the child still had a little difficulty understanding the deep meaning of the poem.

However, when the boy came to Yanliu Village, he suddenly understood that this poem seemed easy to understand, but it was actually caused by his mood.

Happy and happy for another day, so happy and happy for another day.

Uncle's joy in the past, the child now feels the same. "

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and nodded: "Uncle almost forgot if you don't tell me, when I was in the palace, my uncle did compose such a little poem for self-entertainment."

"My uncle asked the boy if he regretted it. Of course the boy regretted it. He regretted sending someone to do such a heartless and unjust act to my uncle at Fengyun Ferry.

The boy thought, if the boy's heart was half as broad as that of his grandfather and father at that time, the relationship between us and my father would never have reached the point it is today.

It's a pity that there is no turning back when you open the bow. Some things happen as they happen. Besides, it is too late to regret these meaningless words.

But the boy regretted it, but he was really unwilling.

Everything the boy does is in accordance with the imperial powers taught to him by his uncle.

The content of the township book and the policy of governing the country was analyzed word by word by you, my uncle, for my son to listen to. My son asked himself, whether my uncle is in Beijing or not, he always regards these two books as his treasures.

Conscientiously and repeatedly study the essence of it, and never dare to slack off.

Everything you do is to become the emperor you expect from your uncle.

Hai'er knows how he got his throne, and he doesn't want to disappoint his uncle, you, let alone live up to the ardent expectations of his father before his death.

From the beginning to the end, Hai'er has been working hard to be the emperor that uncle you want to see, to be a good emperor that father and emperor expect, and in uncle's eyes.

The boy became emperor when he was less than fifteen years old.

At the age of 17, I don't know when my waist has been bent down, and my temples have become a lot grayer unknowingly.

In less than three years, Hai'er has changed from a handsome young man to an old man in his twilight years in the blink of an eye.

Hai'er was so tired at that time, but Hai'er never dared to forget the mission he shouldered, and did not dare to forget his uncle's teachings to him in the imperial study.

I just think about how to be a good emperor that my uncle wants to see.

But Hai'er never imagined that you, who have always supported Hai'er, will suddenly become the biggest stumbling block for Hai'er to become a good emperor one day.

At that time, the child was so confused and hesitant.

Because the boy doesn't know whether it's the boy's heart that has changed, or your uncle's heart has changed, or the hearts of both of us have changed.

And you don't know when your figure gradually changed in the boy's mind, and it became the appearance of the third uncle and the others.

The boy himself forgot, since when did he start having nightmares.

I dreamed that Uncle, you were like Uncle Third, holding a bloody knife and swiping at the child's neck just like Uncle Uncle wanted to kill the Emperor.

Fear is a person's greatest nightmare. The more a child is afraid of something, the more he will dream about it.

So much so that when my uncle was summoned to return to Beijing to report on several orders, but was rejected by my uncle, the boy even dreamed of his uncle holding a blood-dripping sword every night.

Every time I wake up from the dream with sweat profusely, and I can't sleep anymore.

At the moment when my uncle led the army and horses into the palace, the child did not panic or fear, but was only confused and puzzled.

I don't understand why, baby, I tried hard to be a good emperor, but ended up in a situation where the country was ruined and the country changed hands?

The child is not reconciled!

Just ask!

When a person is working hard towards a goal, he suddenly realizes one day that the efforts he insisted on are actually running counter to the goal he wants to achieve.

How can the child be reconciled?

Hai'er is not reconciled to his country being taken away by his uncle, is Hai'er not reconciled to what did he do wrong?
To be reduced to such a situation. "

Listening to Li Ye's hoarse and choked words, Liu Mingzhi secretly wiped the slightly moist corners of his eyes, and sighed with regret when the two books with changed content appeared before his eyes.

"God's will tricks people, God's will tricks people!"

(End of this chapter)

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