Chapter 2384

Li Ye let out a sigh of relief, as if drinking strong wine, raised his hand and drank the already warm tea in the cup with his head on his back, two lines of tears quietly slipped from the corners of his eyes.

"It's not God's will to trick people, but selfishness.

It's the fault of the boy's lack of determination and lack of determination when he was young. He didn't always believe in your good intentions, Uncle, for the boy.

If the child could consistently and firmly believe in your uncle's intentions for the child, how could he be reduced to where he is today.

Sigh only sighs that when he was fully enlightened, it was already overwhelmed and hard to recover. "

Liu Mingzhi drank the tea in his cup with a heavy expression, and sighed as he watched Li Ye staring at Yanliu Cun Tianlong in a daze.

"If you were given another chance, would you still choose this way?"

"Now the boy will definitely not, and the boy three years ago will definitely repeat the old way.

Everyone understands the truth, but there will be many detours to avoid.

Only after bumping into the south wall in person, until his head was bleeding, will he wake up.

People always have to try the pain before they understand what is the real truth.

So although the boy is unwilling, he doesn't resent his uncle.

Not to mention daydreaming about regaining the throne and restoring the Li family.

Back then, when there were full support from capable ministers and generals in the court, and the elite soldiers and horses on the frontier assisted desperately, Hai'er was not my uncle's all-in-one enemy, let alone now Hai'er is just a villager in the mountains!

People are valuable with self-knowledge, although the courage to shake the tree is commendable, but it is still beyond self-control.

The result will not change anything because of the braveness of the little gnat, but it will end up with a broken head and blood because of the courage.

It is enough for the child to survive.

I don't want to implicate my child's relatives and friends to shed blood and sacrifice because of my overreaching, and end up with a tragic end of family ruin.


Liu Mingzhi looked at Li Ye curiously and asked, "Besides what?"

Li Ye put the teacup on the stone mill beside him, stretched out his hand as a gesture, and walked out of the courtyard at a leisurely pace.

After a while, Li Ye stopped in front of Liu Mingzhi with a smile on his hand, holding a seedling in his hand, and stuffed the seedling into Liu Mingzhi's hand.

"Besides, my uncle is indeed more suitable to be an emperor than my child.

Yao remembered that when the child first arrived three years ago, the courtyard outside was just a wasteland overgrown with weeds. Three years later, it has now turned into tens of acres of fertile farmland.

The boy didn't know what his uncle was like when he was in the Qinzheng Palace in the capital, whether he was diligent in government and caring for the people, and whether he cared about the common people in the world.

However, when a leaf falls, you know the autumn of the world, and you can only see a leopard in the tube.

From the small change of dozens of acres of wasteland into fertile land, the boy knew that his uncle must be a good emperor who was loved by the people.

Although these great achievements were not made by Haier himself, Haier is still honored.

Because Hai'er knows in his heart that you used to treat Hai'er as half your son.

So even though the boy knew about the unethical things that happened between you and the queen mother, he never held any resentment against you.

Because the child understands in his heart that although the matter between you will bring shame to the child's father, but for the queen mother, it is a blessing in misfortune.

Compared with staying in the deep palace compound to die alone, being able to have someone by your side to accompany you for the rest of your life and grow old together is the best result for women in the deep palace.

The boy didn't want his mother to be the same as the grandmother in Fu'an Palace and those aunts and grandmothers in the clan's mansion, so he could only die in the blue lamp and ancient Buddha.

Such a day is worse than death for a living and emotional person.

In fact, when the boy first found out what happened between you two, he was also entangled and hesitant, but after seeing the lonely figure of his mother in the deep palace compound, he suddenly figured it out.

One is the father whose soul has vanished into thin air, and the other is the living queen mother who is by the side of the child. The child must be more inclined to make the queen mother, the living relative, live a happier life.

Therefore, in the matter between the two of you, mother and queen, the baby has never had any resentment towards you.

Of course, the main reason is that Hai'er doesn't hate his uncle, otherwise, if it were someone other than uncle, Hai'er would have made the man who dared to touch his mother's innocence long ago disappear from the world.

Sister Lianiang is very cute and well-behaved.

Although she was still very young at that time, the boy still had a deep impression on her.

If possible, the next time uncle and mother come again, I hope you can bring little sister Zhiyao and Lianiang with you, so that I can enjoy the fun of family reunion. "

Sensing Li Ye's expectant gaze, although Liu Mingzhi didn't refuse, he didn't agree directly. Instead, he pondered for a while before nodding his head slightly: "Uncle, try your best."

"The kid will thank uncle first."

"You don't have to thank me so early. Uncle didn't promise you anything definitively. He just said he would do his best. It's not a matter of success or failure. Don't expect too much."

"The child naturally knows this. The child wants to ask my uncle for something."

"Tell me first!"

Li Ye turned his head and took a look in the direction of the main room in the courtyard. Seeing his mother, Chen Jie, secretly looking at his father and his father from time to time, his eyes softened.

"The child's mother is a hard-working person. After marrying the father, she fought with Aunt He Shu first for the position of the concubine, and then for the position of the queen. Unfortunately, after fighting for half a lifetime, she failed to get her wish.

It's fine if he didn't get what he wanted, but his father died young, and his mother and Aunt He Shu were widowed at a young age.

And now, although you don't have the name of husband and wife, you already have the reality of husband and wife, and you even have a daughter, a little girl who loves your mother.

Hai'er doesn't ask her uncle to give her a legitimate identity, but asks Hai'er to treat her mother well and let her enjoy the rest of her life, then Hai'er is content. "

Looking at Li Ye's upright appearance, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help laughing.

"Boy, you don't need to worry about uncle and your mother, uncle will treat her well.

On the contrary, you are not too young, and it is time to start a family.

Miss Ren Qingrui, whom my uncle arranged for you last time, how do you feel?

Or have you ever met the girl you like in Yanliu Village? "

Hearing Ren Qingrui's name, Li Ye subconsciously showed a look of excitement in his eyes, and then gradually dimmed, revealing indescribable sadness and grief.

"It's okay, although they look exactly the same, like a replica of the same mold, but the child knows very well that she is not her.

Hai'er also tried to treat her as her, but after getting along for a long time, Hai'er understood.

She is not her after all.

So, after getting along for several months, when she proposed to leave, although Hai'er wanted to keep her, she finally let her go.

The main reason why I let her go is because she is not her, otherwise, even if the boy does everything he can, he will keep her in his body and never let her leave me for even half a step.

That being the case, letting her go is the best result.

Hai'er knew in her heart that even if someone could keep her, her heart would not be here.

Moreover, Hai'er doesn't want to find someone to replace the Rui'er in Hai'er's mind.

Her appearance is like a dream to the child, but since it is a dream, he will wake up eventually, won't he?

Although Hai'er doesn't know who Rui'er is lying in the imperial mausoleum, but Hai'er knows that besides her, Hai'er can't tolerate anyone else in his heart, so he is content.

Afterlife, afterlife baby will never let go.

Hey, let's not talk about these past events.

You and your mother arrived at Hai'er's place early in the morning, so you probably haven't had breakfast yet?

The boy caught a lot of fish today, you and your mother must have a good taste of the boy's handicraft later.

Please! "

Liu Mingzhi originally wanted to say something, but when he saw Li Ye relieved, he nodded silently and followed Li Ye towards the courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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