My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2385 How to make a bet

Chapter 2385 How to make a bet

Chen Jie watched in amazement the two men who were walking towards the main room while talking and laughing, not knowing what kind of medicine they were selling in their gourds.

The two people who were a little bit at war in the room just now stood at the door and chatted for a while, how did they become as close as father and son?

Chen Jie could only sigh secretly that she really didn't understand how fast the world was changing.

"Jie'er, we were in such a hurry all the way, we didn't even have a mouthful of hot food, it happened that Ye'er wanted us to have a taste of his cooking skills.

You have to say what you want to eat early, don't wait until Ye'er has cooked the food, it will be too late if it doesn't suit your taste. "

When Chen Jie heard that Liu Mingzhi called her so affectionately in front of her son, her face immediately turned pink, with a faint unnatural expression flashing on her face.

Although Li Ye already knew about the private affairs between himself and Liu Mingzhi, but they never revealed anything to each other.

Now that Liu Mingzhi called him so affectionately in front of his son, it was tantamount to revealing the private relationship between the two of them to his son, which made Chen Jie feel a little at a loss for a while.

The main reason is that I don't know how to face my son.

After all, there is still my sister-in-law and the third princess Li Yan between me and Liu Mingzhi. Under such a complicated relationship, love between men and women has happened, and as we get along day and night, feelings have grown.

Such a complicated relationship was directly broken by this bad man in front of her son, which made Chen Jie feel ashamed for a moment.

Chen Jie first gave First Young Master Liu a coquettish look, then took a sneak peek at Li Ye, who was standing aside with a normal expression, and Li Ye, who was smiling lightly, hurriedly lowered his head, his slender pale fingers were tightly intertwined and clasped together. Know how to face your son.

Li Ye pretended not to see his mother's embarrassment, and happily walked towards the kitchen located on the south side of the yard.

"Mother, what uncle said is right, tell the child what you want to eat early, and don't wait for the child to cook it to your liking.

The surplus food in our family is not enough to make it again. "

Chen Jie raised her eyes slightly, and glanced at Li Ye who was walking towards the kitchen: "Ye'er, mother is not taboo, as long as it is delicious food cooked by you, mother will like to eat it."

"Okay, that kid will first remove the scales from today's fresh fish, and try my best to cook a whole fish feast for mother, uncle and you two elders."

After Li Ye's figure entered the small kitchen, Chen Jie hurriedly walked up to Young Master Liu, and Er Zhichan greeted Young Master Liu on the soft flesh around his waist with ease.

Seeing Young Master Liu baring his teeth, the pink on Chen Jieqiao's face faded a little: "You are going to die! Didn't you promise me on the way that you would never be too intimate in front of Ye'er.

You just called my old lady so affectionately, how do you let my old lady treat herself in front of Ye'er in the future? "

Young Master Liu slapped off Chen Jie's wrist, hissing and rubbing the sore flesh in his waist.

"It's not like Ye'er is ignorant of the affairs between us, so why do we need to cover up and cover up the matter?

Besides, we are all married couples in private, so there's nothing else we can't say.

Besides, didn't the kid Li Ye say nothing?

He has obviously acquiesced in the real and anonymous status of husband and wife between us, and there will be a long time in the future, so we can't just pretend to be distant every time we come, can we? "

In terms of eloquence, Chen Jie was naturally no match for First Young Master Liu. Liu Mingzhi spoke the truth endlessly, but Chen Jie could only look at Liu Mingzhi in a daze, shaking her head no, nodding no.

Looking at the wandering Chen Jie, Liu Mingzhi shook his head helplessly, raised his hand and slapped the beauty's buttocks gently, and walked towards the kitchen with a smile.

"You! Dirty!"

"Ye'er, how about uncle coming to help you?"

"Uncle, no need, there are not a few fish in total, and the boy can handle it all by himself.

You and your mother first came to the humble house, and you haven't had a good look at the scenery inside and outside the courtyard. How dare you ask your child to help you.

How about you go for a walk around the courtyard first?You can also take a good look at the idyllic scenery of Yanliu Village! "

Chen Jie was once again sneaked into her buttocks by the unprofessional Liu Dashao. After realizing it, she could be described as pink-faced and peach-cheeked, full of charm and seductive.

After hearing his son's suggestion, he was about to go along with it, planning to accompany this bad man around the environment where his son lived in seclusion, but Liu Mingzhi spoke first.

"I saw too many village houses along the way, and the environment here is just the same when I think about it, my uncle thinks there is nothing to stroll around.

Uncle will help you deal with the raw fish, and let your mother have a hot meal as soon as possible.

Besides, we are leaving for Beijing tomorrow, and time is running out, so it would be better for the two of us to spend more time with you. "

"What? I'm going back to Beijing tomorrow? How can this be? It's good or bad I'll stay here for a few days, so that I can show my filial piety!"

"Son, uncle can't help himself!"

"This... well, uncle, wait a moment, the kitchen is narrow, so take out the barrel and basin first, my child."

Although Chen Jie regretted that she couldn't go alone with Liu Mingzhi to enjoy the rural scenery, but since Liu Mingzhi had already made a decision, she couldn't say anything else.

Looking at First Young Master Liu who was leaning over beside the well outside the kitchen and starting to lift water, Chen Jie lifted her skirt and walked towards Liu Mingzhi with lotus steps.

"You know how to cook? How come I never heard you mention it?"

"Hi! What I'm talking about, besides cooking skills, this young master knows a lot. It's a pity that you haven't given this young master a chance to show it off.

As for cooking skills, my young master was also a member of the army back then, so what's the big deal if he knows how to cook?
During the campaign, the soldiers of the Huotou army of the rear army could not keep up with the pace of the vanguard soldiers and horses every time. If the Huotou army couldn't keep up, the soldiers had to eat.

Only when you are full can you have the strength to fight, and it is very common to cook by yourself when the situation arises.

Later, this young master will bake a fresh fish for you alone for Jie'er, so that you can swallow it with your tongue. "

Chen Jie looked at First Young Master Liu suspiciously: "Is it true? I don't doubt that you know how to grill fish, but to say it's so delicious that I can swallow my tongue, isn't it too boastful?"

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Li Ye who was busy in the kitchen, and raised an eyebrow at Chen Jie with a smile.

"Then let's make a bet, if it's really delicious, you have to say it's not delicious against your conscience.

If you lose, you will agree to the requests that this young master gave you when you were in the capital, which you never agreed to.

how about it?Dare to bet? "

Chen Jie was stunned for a moment, the embarrassing postures that Young Master Liu had been mentioning to herself a few days ago appeared in her mind, and suddenly her heart trembled and she spit secretly like a flower.

"Shameless, obscene, I won't bet with you."

Liu Mingzhi chuckled and poured the misty well water into the inner wooden basin, grabbed a struggling fresh fish with one hand, and swung a sharp kitchen knife with the other hand. With Chen Jie's eyesight, he could barely see the fish. A blurry afterimage.

In less time than a cup of tea, a fresh fish has already been gutted, scaled and viscerally removed by Liu Mingzhi.

Young Master Liu smiled and held up the cleaned fresh fish as if to throw it at Chen Jie, so scared that Chen Jie let out an exclamation, and dodged aside while clutching her chest.

Chen Jie looked at the fresh fish that was still tightly held by Young Master Liu, exhaled heavily, and gave Young Master Liu a look of anger.

"Bad guy, can you stop being so dishonest?"

"Uncle, have you cleaned your fish?

Hai'er has prepared the pot of soup prepared with onion, ginger and garlic. Let's make steamed carp as the first dish. "

"I'm coming."

(End of this chapter)

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