Chapter 2386
Liu Mingzhi came out of the kitchen while cleaning the scales and viscera of the second fresh fish, while winking and teasing the beautiful woman who rolled her eyes frequently.

"Uncle, fish, let's make braised fish for the second course."

First Young Master Liu looked at Chen Jie, whose cheeks were constantly flushed because of his provocative eyes, and walked towards the kitchen again with a smile, carrying the cleaned fresh fish.

"Hey, do you know how to cook braised fish? Even the royal chef in the palace can't cook this dish!"

"Naturally! I remember that during the days when my father was in charge, Hai'er, my second brother, and sister Jingyao often went to your house for toothbrush sacrifices.

Later, I went to the kitchen in the backyard of your house to ask the cook for the recipe, but due to various reasons, I never had the chance to cook it myself.

Now the days here are very idle, and the child is also idle, so I recalled the vaguely remembered recipes and fumbled to restore them.

Sweet and sour fish, spicy fish head, fish with pickled cabbage...all of them are within easy reach for the baby now. "

"You boy, it seems that you stole a lot of teachers back then. Uncle and your mother are lucky today."

Chen Jie looked at First Young Master Liu who came out of the kitchen to continue cooking fish scales, and squatted in front of Young Master Liu with a curious expression.

"When my concubine was in the prince's mansion and in the palace, I asked myself that I ate all the delicacies and delicacies of the mountains and seas. Why is it unheard of that there are several kinds of dishes that Ye'er mentioned?"

"Of course, the names of these dishes are chosen by the young master himself, except for the cook in my family, most people don't know them at all.

Later, the cooks in Penglai Restaurant learned a little bit of their skills from my cooks, and the business was full of seats every day. It was booming! "

"Then you will do it too?"

"That's not true, but this young master knows the general recipe, as for the final product, those cooks figured it out by themselves after listening to my words.

I can't do it either. "

"After returning to Beijing, tell me the recipe. When you go to my house in the future, I will cook it for you to taste. How about it? I won't embarrass you, will I?"

"That's a good relationship. After returning to Beijing, I will find you a complete cookbook and send it to you. You can learn it slowly."


"Hey, Mr. Liu, how can you do this kind of thing, come and leave it to us, you and your empress go to the room to rest first."

Young Master Liu looked up at Xiao Dezi who hurriedly put down the bamboo basket and trotted over, and waved his hands nonchalantly.

"Li Ye can cook, so Mr. Liu can wash the fish, so go do your work and leave me alone."

"But you are a guest, and a distinguished person..."


Xiao Dezi watched Young Master Liu suddenly pillow his face, and could only nod helplessly.

"Yes, yes, the little one will go to work first. If you have something to do, you can just greet the little one."

At about three poles in the sun, the curling smoke above the kitchen in the courtyard gradually disappeared into the sky.

In addition to the grilled fish cooked by Young Master Liu himself, a whole fish feast with seven dishes and one soup was placed on the bamboo table in the main room.

"Uncle, I didn't know that you and your mother would come to visit unexpectedly. I hope you don't mind a glass of beer. I would like to respect you."

Seeing this, Xiao Dezi, who was forcibly pulled to the dinner table by Liu Mingzhi, raised his wine glass tremblingly.

"We also dare to offer a toast to Liu Xian and the Empress Dowager."

Liu Mingzhi silently raised the wine glass in his hand: "This time it's just a family banquet, don't worry about too many formalities, cheers."

Chen Jie also smiled and raised her glass.


After finishing his glass of wine, Liu Mingzhi picked up a chopstick and put the grilled fish into Chen Jie's bowl, and looked at Chen Jie cheerfully: "Try how about my young master's cooking skills."

"You too, eat together, eat together."

Chen Jie glanced at Li Ye, and Xiao Dezi, master and servant, also lifted the bowl and chopsticks, and elbowed Young Master Liu, still holding up the bowl and chopsticks in front of him with a slightly unnatural expression.

"I have my own hands, so I don't need you to pick up the food."

"That's right, my young master kindly treats me as the head of the donkey's liver and lungs."

Knowing in his heart that Chen Jie couldn't let go of her figure because of the presence of Li Ye's master and servant, Liu Mingzhi no longer was too intimate with the beautiful woman, picked up a chopsticks and picked up a pair of steamed fish to taste carefully.

"Stinky boy, the craftsmanship is not bad!"

"Hey! If my uncle likes it, eat more, and try other dishes too.

Come on, baby, I'll toast you again. "

A simple and unpretentious family banquet was carried out silently while several people were pushing cups and changing cups.

Chen Jie obviously couldn't stop eating the grilled fish that Young Master Liu made by himself, but whenever Young Master Liu asked how it tasted, Chen Jie always gritted her mouth and shook her head in denial, saying that the taste was mediocre.

In order not to let Liu Mingzhi get what he wanted, he resolutely refused to admit that the taste of grilled fish is quite good.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi could only grit his teeth secretly, and began to think about how to deal with this stubborn woman.

Li Ye, Xiao Dezi's master and servant directly chose to ignore their previous intimate actions, while silently tasting the food on the table, occasionally toasting a glass of wine to Liu Mingzhi and Chen Jie, the two elders.

The whole fish feast didn't come to an end until the golden crow fell outside, only Li Ye, master and servant, were left on the wine table drinking with Liu Mingzhi, and Chen Jie had long since disappeared.

When the moon rabbit first ascended, Xiao Dezi stared blankly at Young Master Liu who suddenly fell down on the table, and looked at Li Ye in bewilderment.

"My lord, Mr. Liu is drunk, what should we do?
The little one had originally discussed with Big Brother Ding that he would arrange for Mr. Liu and Niang Niang to spend the night at their home.

Now that Mr. Liu has drunk like this, how can he get over it? "

Li Ye breathed out drunkenly, stood up staggeringly while leaning on the wine table: "How dare you make such a claim, when will I tell you to arrange mother and uncle to spend the night at Brother Ding's house?" gone?"

"My lord calm down, my lord calm down.

You also know that in our family there are only two bedrooms for the little one and you to sleep in.

The little one is thinking that Mr. Liu and Niangniang are distinguished, even if the little one is working in the woodshed for the whole night, it would be inappropriate for them to sleep in the small side room.

So the younger one didn't discuss with the young master, but first greeted Brother Ding's family and asked him to arrange a wing room for Mr. Liu and his wife to prepare first.

It's just that Mr. Liu is so drunk now, what should I do. "

Li Ye shook his head, and walked towards the door like a small boat swaying in the wind and rain: "Ben... hiccup... I will live with you in your bedroom tonight, my bedroom is free for my uncle and mother." It's fine if they don't live.

There is no embarrassment, my uncle was a member of the army back then, and he would not mind if he had never lived in a simple environment. "

"Huh? Let Mr. Liu and Niangniang live together? Is this—is it appropriate?"

"There's nothing inappropriate, let's arrange it like this."

"Okay! Alright! I know. After the young master falls asleep, I will go to Brother Ding's house if the situation is suitable and let them know."

"Alright, by the way, where is my mother?"

"Your Majesty is preparing hangover soup in the kitchen! Do you want me to shout..."

Before Xiao Dezi finished speaking, Chen Jie's soft exclamation came from outside the room.

"Ye'er! You child, how can you drink so much wine?"

"Hi--mother, the baby is fine, the baby didn't drink too much at all.

Today, the boy is really very happy in his heart. He is happy to be able to reunite with your uncle and mother again. "

Chen Jie hurriedly handed a bowl of hangover soup on the tray to Li Ye's mouth: "Silly boy, no matter how happy you are, you can't drink so much!

Come on, open your mouth and drink the hangover soup. "

"Hurp—thank you, mother."

Li Ye took the warm hangover soup, put it in his mouth with drunken eyes, and drank it clean after three times.

"It's delicious. The hangover soup cooked by my mother still tastes the same as back then, the same taste, my child misses it so much..."

Li Ye spoke vague words, and went straight to the door and fell limply on the ground. Seeing this, Xiao Dezi rushed to help him immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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