Chapter 2387 Secret
Chen Jie was also taken aback by Li Ye's sudden fall to the ground, she hurriedly put the tray on the ground aside, squatted in front of Li Ye, and kept pushing Li Ye's shoulders.

"Ye'er, what's wrong with you? Don't scare mother.

Wake up, wake up, wake up. "

"Young master? Young master? Are you okay?"

What responded to Chen Jie and the two was Li Ye's even snoring, and Chen Jie and the two felt relieved when they saw this.

Only then did I realize that Li Ye fell to the ground because he drank too much, and his body couldn't bear it this time, and it wasn't because of some sudden emergency that he fell to the ground suddenly.

Chen Jie was in shock and wiped the fine sweat from her forehead: "Xiao Dezi, you can help Ye'er to rest on his couch first, and later Ai's family will boil a pot of hot water, and you can help him wash his body. Alcoholic."

Xiao Dezi looked at Chen Jie with a puzzled expression: "Madam, the young master has just told me that he will go to bed with me tonight to sleep on the side where I usually live.

He said that he would give you and Mr. Liu his couch to rest. If you help the young master back here, you and Mr. Liu will have no place to stay tonight.

The little one dared not disobey the young master's orders, and hoped that the empress would not mind the little one.

The younger one will help the young master to rest in the younger bedroom, and Mrs. Liu will take care of Mrs. Lao, so the younger one will leave first. "

When Chen Jie heard this, her jade cheeks blushed suddenly. Seeing Xiao Dezi supporting Li Ye who was unconscious, and walking unsteadily towards the small bedroom next to the courtyard door, Sakura Lips sighed silently, holding the hand in her hand. The tray walked towards the main room.

Gently closing the door, looking at Young Master Liu who was also drunk and unconscious lying on the table, Chen Jie put the hangover soup in the tray on the table with a helpless expression, and began to tidy up the table. leftovers.

When Chen Jie went to the kitchen with the rest of the dishes on the tray, the unconscious Liu Mingzhi suddenly sat up straight.

Young Master Liu was silent for a while, breathed out lightly, picked up the hangover soup that Chen Jie had just put down beside him, and tasted it carefully, his eyes sparkling, he didn't know what to think about.

"Yeah—you—aren't you drunk?"

Young Master Liu put down the soup bowl, stood up with a faint smile, and walked towards Chen Jie, who was leaning against the door and clutching her chest, still in shock.

"Woke up by peeing!
After urinating, when I came back, I found the hangover soup you prepared for my husband, Jieer. Good Jieer, you are so caring. "

Chen Jie patted her chest and let out a silent breath, closed the door and gave Young Master Liu an angry look.

"You still know what to say, what do you think Ye'er and the others have become after drinking?

One is drunk and unconscious, and the other is walking staggeringly, and looks like he can't do it anymore.

Ye'er, when he was in the capital, he never knew how to drink... ah... rascal, let go.

Boom... what are you doing?Drunk and dishonest! "

Young Master Liu imprisoned Chen Jie in his arms silently: "Good Jie'er, I made a bet with you for my husband when we were cooking.

If you keep feasting on your husband's grilled fish at the dinner table, it means you have lost.

According to our bet, you lost, what do you want to do as a husband? "

Chen Jie struggled with her hot cheeks: "I didn't promise you to bet against you."

"Then I don't care, you lose anyway."

"You! Smelly rascal!"

"Hehehe, even if you are a big rogue for your husband, you are only a rogue to Jie'er."

Listening to Young Master Liu's frank love words, Chen Jie's delicate body softened immediately, and she instinctively nestled into Liu Mingzhi's arms, her misty phoenix eyes remained clear for the last time, and her breath was blue like panting.

"Even if, even if the concubine loses, you have to wait until we return to Beijing.

Now we are at Ye'er's home, how could we do that here!What if they hear that you let your concubine die?
Good husband, let's talk when we return to Beijing, okay?
After returning to Beijing, I promise you everything! "

Regardless of Chen Jie's pleading shy appearance, Liu Mingzhi hugged the beautiful woman horizontally, and walked towards the bed.

"You also said that they were all drunk and unconscious.

Even if we knock the house down, they won't know.

You can rest assured! "

"No, let go of the concubine quickly, just in case they... 嘤咚..."

The moon is hazy, and the courtyard outside Yanliu Village, where spring returns to the earth, is full of spring breeze and full of spring spirit.

The next day, the sun was about three poles high.

After washing and dressing neatly, Young Master Liu walked out of the room. After searching around, they finally found Xiao Dezi outside the gate of the courtyard.

Young Master Liu frowned slightly, looking in surprise at Xiao Dezi who was squatting outside the courtyard gate and serving the two hard-working BMWs with good fodder.

"You said Li Ye asked you to tell me to tell Jie'er that he went fishing?"

Xiao Dezi nodded tremblingly: "Mr. Hui, this is indeed what the young master explained."

Chen Jie hurriedly walked in front of Liu Mingzhi, her beautiful eyes looked at Xiao Dezi eagerly: "Did he say when he would come back?"

"This young master didn't tell the younger one, but the young master specifically explained that after seeing you, he asked the younger one to tell the master and the lady a word... a word.

Have a smooth journey, and we will not send you far. "

Chen Jie's pretty face changed, she wanted to say something with a gloomy expression, but was stopped by Liu Mingzhi, raised her eyes and looked in the direction of Yanliu River, Liu Mingzhi held Chen Jie's bright wrist and sighed faintly.

"This child is afraid of parting and being sad!

That being the case, let's not let him down and come here, let's set off. "

Chen Jie's beautiful eyes gazed reluctantly at the snowy and deserted trail in Yanliu Village, and turned her head to look at Liu Mingzhi expectantly.

"Let's take a look at him from a distance before we start our journey, shall we?
I beg you! "

Liu Mingzhi squinted his eyes and fell silent for a while, nodding his head slightly: "Xiao Dezi, where did Li Ye go fishing?"

Xiao Dezi hesitated for a moment and stretched out his hand to point: "Probably in that position, if the young master finds out Mr. and Mrs. Madam, please don't say that the little one told you."

"Don't worry, you go back first."

Xiao Dezi handed the reins to the hands of the two, and gave them a big gift with a gloomy expression.

"We wish sir, ma'am a smooth journey."

Liu Mingzhi patted Xiao Dezi, an old friend, on the shoulder with a disappointed expression, and walked towards Yanliu River while holding the rein of the horse.

"Hey! Take good care of your young master, stay behind!"

"Respectful farewell to Mr. Liu, respectful farewell to empress."


On the wooden bridge of the Yanliu River, Liu Mingzhi and his two riders were silently watching the slightly lonely figure wearing a coir raincoat, wearing a bamboo hat and holding a fishing rod by the river a hundred paces away while holding a wine bag?
There are different expressions on the faces.

"One coir, one hat, one flat boat, one battle of silk and one inch hook. One song and one bottle of wine, one person fishes alone for one spring and autumn."


"Husband? Are you really not going to say goodbye to Ye'er?"

"Jie'er, don't tell anyone about things that can rot in your stomach, as long as you tell it to one person, then the whole world will know about it.

If you can't keep a secret yourself, how can you not expect others to?

Do you know what I mean? "

Chen Jie was silent for a long time, then nodded with a painful expression.

"I understand that Ye'er is still alive, unless I get your permission, I promise not to mention a word to anyone."

"I'm embarrassing you, but it's for the good of Li Ye, for you and me, and even for the good of the world.

If some caring people know that Li Ye, the former emperor, is still alive, Dalong, who has been at peace for three years, will set off another earth-shattering bloody storm.

And for the peace and tranquility of the world, at that time I had no choice but to kill him with my own hands, so as to avoid future troubles. "

Chen Jie's delicate body trembled suddenly, her beautiful eyes stared sadly at Liu Mingzhi's resolute face and she kept shaking her head.

"No, don't kill him.

I beg you, don't kill him, as you said, you treat him like a half-son! "

"Some things are not up to me!"

"I understand, I understand, I promise not to reveal any news about Ye'er to others."

(End of this chapter)

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