My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2388 Giving Too Much

Chapter 2388 Giving Too Much

The eleventh day of the first month of the fourth year of Dalong Taiping.

Young Master Liu and Chen Jie stopped on the wooden bridge of Yanliu River, and left without saying goodbye to Li Ye, who was sitting alone by the Yanliu River, drinking and fishing alone, and set off for Beijing.

When the two of them galloped on the official road leading to Laizhou, Liu Mingzhi suddenly felt an inexplicable palpitation, as if something bad would happen to him.

Chen Jie noticed something was wrong with Liu Mingzhi's state, and hurriedly asked why, but Liu Mingzhi himself couldn't explain why.

I just told Chen Jie that my heart suddenly twitched, as if something unfavorable to me was about to happen.

However, the two thought hard about all kinds of possibilities, but they still couldn't find anything wrong.

Liu Mingzhi, who had no results for a while, had no choice but to think that maybe it was his own illusion, and led Chen Jie to speed up the speed of rushing back to Beijing again.

Liu Mingzhi and the two started their trip back to Beijing at a high speed, and the soldiers on the right side of the Western Expedition Army thousands of miles away were also not idle at this moment.

Under the leadership of the three commanders, Nangong Ye, Wanyan Chizha, and Yunchong, hundreds of thousands of soldiers on the right side of the Western Expeditionary Army are launching a full-scale attack on the Boluo Dynasty in the southern border of Tianzhu.

Since October 28, the third year of Dalong Taiping last year, after the army on the right side ended the war of the Hapu Dynasty in Tianzhu, Nangong Ye and others, after deliberation, sent envoys to carry out the first battle with the Polo Dynasty in the south of the Hapu Dynasty. A 'friendly' approach.

The purpose of the initial contact is naturally very friendly, but the result is not satisfactory.

Otherwise, there would be no war between the two countries today.

On the first day of October in the third year of Dalong Taiping, the army from the right of Dalong had not launched the attack on Biro City, the royal city of the Hapu Dynasty in Tianzhu. King Baholi of Hapu sent two envoys to Dashi Kingdom and Decades old rival Polo dynasty called for help.

Naturally, Bahooli didn't know that the Great Food Kingdom had already been attacked by the left-wing soldiers and horses of Commander Zhang Kuang, and his own Hapu Dynasty had already destroyed the city and destroyed the country. Even the Great Food King was forced to flee to Yemen. Ask your brother-in-law for help.

In the end, he failed to ask for help but ended up being captured alive.

After Bahooli's envoys rushed to Baghdad, the royal city of the Great Food Kingdom, one can imagine what kind of results they will face.

As the saying goes, there is no unparalleled road, the envoy Baholi sent to the Great Food Kingdom for help disappeared, but the other envoy Baholi sent to the Balo Dynasty got his wish in Qunu City, the royal city of the Balo Dynasty. He was received by the King of Polo, Loye Polo III.

King Royepolo III learned of the current situation of the Hapu Dynasty from the messenger of the Hapu Dynasty, and he naturally expressed "deep sympathy" for the bleak experience of his old opponent Baholi.

So King Royepolo III held a big banquet in the palace that afternoon, and grandly entertained Talka, the special envoy sent by Bahooli who came all the way to ask for help from the "Friends of the Nation" Ka, deeply expressed his sympathy for the miserable experience of the Hapu Dynasty.

The situation is not as good as others, and Talka naturally dared to be angry and dared not speak out about the ridicule of King Royepolo III's words, and could only lick his face and smile cheerfully.

After all, he is his own king now, and his country needs others, so he cannot tolerate a tough attitude.

King Baholi, his family and people in the city are still waiting for him to take the soldiers and horses of the Polo Dynasty to support the city and drive away the demon soldiers and horses from the east!

Now if the relationship becomes stalemate, not to mention that it is impossible to bring back the army to support the king and the others, I am afraid that dozens of brothers from the mission and myself will also be decapitated.

Therefore, no matter how sneering and sarcastic Talka was towards Talka, Talka and the others, no matter how cynicism King Polo King Loye Polo III and the ministers in the court said, they all pretended not to hear them, and lowered their stature to the lowest level, hoping that King Loye Polo III would promise themselves At the request of the emperor, he sent troops to support the Hapu Dynasty.

The Polo king, Loye Polo III, and the ministers of the Polo Kingdom are not fools either. As the old opponents of the Hapu Dynasty, the Polo Dynasty has been fighting with each other for decades, and they are completely different about the strength of each other. clear.

The demon legion from the east was able to attack Baholi, a powerful old opponent, and had to send an envoy to ask for help from this enemy. It is conceivable that the strength of the demon legion in the east is naturally extraordinary.

Royale Polo III naturally did not dare to agree to the request of Talka and others rashly, but planned to wait until he found out the true identity and strength of the Eastern Demon Army before making a decision.

After all, the fire didn't burn himself, so there was really nothing to worry about.

So the delay lasted for more than half a month. At this time, the Dalong soldiers and horses had already started their offensive against Hiro City of the Hapu Dynasty.

Worried about the safety of the country and his family, Talka could only beg to see King Royepolo III again, and took out the trump card that Baholi had given him before he set off.

As long as the Polo Dynasty is willing to send troops to help, King Baholi is willing to donate [-] cities of the Hapu Dynasty to King Royepolo III.

At first, King Rajapol III and the ministers of the Polo Dynasty didn't believe Talka's words at all. Knowing how many cities the entire Hapu Dynasty had, how could Baholi be willing to cede [-] cities to his enemy opponent? ?
But when Talka took out the contract written by Baholi himself, which was guaranteed by the Buddha and the former wise man, King Rajapolo III had no choice but to believe it.

After all, this is a contract written under the witness of the Buddha. If Baholi dares to go back on his word, the Buddha will punish him.

So Royale Polo III immediately discussed with the ministers, and the final result was to decide to send troops to support the Hapu Dynasty.

King Raye Polo III and the noble ministers of the Polo Dynasty also had no choice. After all, the benefits offered by Baholi were too many, and they could not be rejected at all!

However, how did Loye Polo and the ministers know that the thirty cities that Baholi promised them to the Polo Dynasty had already been occupied by the soldiers and horses of the dragon.

Bahooli agreed to dedicate these cities to the Baltic Dynasty. As for whether they can take them back from the hands of the dragon soldiers and horses, it depends on their own abilities.

It's just that although the Polo Dynasty agreed to send troops to support Baholi, King Roye Polo III still didn't immediately send his own troops to join the battlefield rashly. Instead, he sent a large number of scouts to the territory of the Hapu Dynasty to investigate the eastern demons. The reality of the Legion.

King Royeporo III, who had been waiting for information on the battlefield, and the ministers of the dynasty had not yet received information about the situation on the frontline battlefield.

After learning the intention of the Great Dragon Envoy from the interpreter, King Loye Polo III and the ministers of the Polo Dynasty were naturally furious.

When we met for the first time, without saying a word, let our great Polo Dynasty bow down to you, the Great Dragon Kingdom, which has never heard of the name, is your Great Dragon Kingdom deceiving people too much?

What do you think of us as the Baltic Dynasty?Do you treat it like a child with a fluffy head that can be manipulated at will?

No such bully!

On one side is the Hapu Dynasty, who is willing to donate [-] cities to ask for help, and on the other side is the Dalong Kingdom, which makes itself bow down without saying a word after meeting.

But any man with blood will know how to choose.

An ordinary bloody man knows how to choose, not to mention that he is the great Polo King Loye Polo III?

Therefore, the Baltic Dynasty chose to send troops.

With the full support of King Loyepolo III and the noble ministers of the Polo Dynasty, the Polo Dynasty mobilized [-] elite soldiers and horses, crossed the border in a mighty manner, and marched towards Biro City, the royal city of the Hapu Dynasty.

The eighth day of December in the third year of Dalong Taiping.

The Polo Dynasty ushered in their nightmare because of the bloody decision of King Roye Polo III.

(End of this chapter)

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