Chapter 2389

The city of song girls in the Baltic Dynasty.

Fifteen miles away from the north gate of Qunv City, on the yellow sand wilderness, there are camps stretching for tens of miles, and the flags are so fierce that they seem to cover the sky.

Dalong was in the middle of the cold winter and the cold wind was blowing, but Qunu City, the royal city of the Balo Dynasty in the south of Tianzhu, was now as warm as spring, and occasionally it would make people feel a little stuffy.

In the big tent of the three armies of the Dalong army, Nangong Ye and other main generals were carefully examining the map seized five days ago. Tang Ru, the quartermaster of the three armies, hurried in with a stack of documents.

"Commander, Deputy Commander, Overseer, brothers, I found it, I finally found it."

Tang Ru's excited words attracted a group of people to look away from the map and look at the document in Tang Ru's hand.

When Nangong Ye looked at the map, his slightly frowning brows relaxed involuntarily, and he put down the bamboo pole in his hand and walked towards Tang Ru.


Ning Chao followed and picked up the tea on the side table, and handed it to Tang Ru, who was sweating on his forehead.

"Old Tang, drink a cup of tea to relax."

Tang Ru took the tea handed by Ning Chao and took a deep breath, distributed the stack of documents in his hand to a group of generals, and then took a sip of the tea.

"Chen Benli sent a letter to report that he led [-] soldiers to secretly search for a large amount of raw materials for making cannonballs in the territory of the Hapu Dynasty's Valli City.

Within [-] days, they can escort this batch of raw materials to join our main force.

As long as this batch of raw materials for making cannonballs is handed over to the artisans accompanying the army, the crisis of our cannonball shortage will be completely resolved.

The specific content of General Chen Benli's report has been transcribed at the end, Commander, please read it. "

A group of generals headed by Nangong Ye looked at the documents in their hands without hesitation. After a while, a group of generals smiled and closed the documents in their hands and slapped their palms heavily.

Yun Chong sighed with relief: "Okay, that's great, as long as the crisis of shell shortage is resolved, we have nothing to worry about."

Wanyan Chizha squinted his eyes and was silent for a while: "Commander, in order to ensure that the batch of raw materials for making shells can be safely and timely delivered to our main army, the general thought that we should dispatch another five thousand Qingqi to join Chen Benli.

Fully assist Chen Benli and the [-] soldiers under his command to ensure that these raw materials will be escorted back without any mistakes. "

Yun Chong hastily nodded in agreement: "That's right, the deputy commander is still considerate, in order to ensure the safety of the raw materials of this batch of shells, it is very necessary to send [-] troops.

Although we have completely occupied the entire territory of the Hapu Dynasty and [-]% of the territory of the Baltic Dynasty, because our marching speed is too fast, the territories we conquered have no time and extra manpower to manage the local barbarian people.

After those Yi people saw us capture the city, they collected food and grass and ignored them and continued to march. It is inevitable that they will be used by the so-called aristocrats in Tianzhu, and then hinder them.

Although these Yi people, and the 10,000+ Yi people who are now relying on us, do not know the purpose of these raw materials.

But in order to be safe, it is better to be safe.

No matter what, anything related to artillery must not fall into the hands of barbarians from Tianzhu, Dashi, and Dashi. This is what His Majesty repeatedly told us before the expedition. "

Nangong Ye thought about it for a long time, then nodded solemnly: "The two brothers are right. It's about artillery shells, so you really can't be careless.

Ning Chao, Sima Chun. "

"The end is here."

"You order the deputy generals under your command to dispatch [-] cavalry each, and immediately rush to the territory of Fali City in light clothes, and assist Chen Benli in escorting the raw materials for this batch of shells to our main camp to join them."

"Decree! I will retire at the end."

After Ning Chao and the two left the Chinese army tent, Nangong Ye frowned and looked at Tang Ru: "General Tang, how is the food situation?"

Tang Ru took out a ledger from his armor and looked at it for a while: "Reporting to the commander, since the city of Huala in the Balo Dynasty and the city of Guluo collected food and grass again, the food and grass for my army on the right are completely sufficient. It can last for half a year without any problem."

Nangong Ye nodded clearly, and looked at Wanyan Chizha: "How is it? There shouldn't be any problem with food and grass, right?"

Wanyan Chizha nodded silently, and walked towards the map hanging on the wooden stand.

"Commander, brothers, except for the royal city of Qunv, and the eight cities of different sizes in the south of the royal city, all the cities in the northern part of the Bolo Dynasty have been occupied by our soldiers and horses.

Now that our soldiers are approaching Qunv City, even if it takes a month to capture it, the remaining five months of food and grass are enough for our soldiers and horses to gain a firm foothold in the important cities of the two countries after we go down.

At that time, even if our current grain and grass are exhausted, as long as we have a firm foothold and have a source of continuous replenishment of grain and grass, the issue of grain and grass will no longer be a problem.

As for whether it will cause resistance from the local Yi people or not, as long as we treat the local people with a gentle policy, we will not be able to make big waves when we collect food and grass in the future. "

Yun Chong looked thoughtfully at Wanyan Chizha, who had the winning ticket in his hands: "How to be gentle?"

Wanyan Chizha gently stroked his beard, his old eyes sparkled.

"You brothers have also heard about how cruel the nobles in the two countries are to oppressing ordinary people.

We must let the local people understand a truth, our Dragon Heavenly Army is not here to plunder and occupy them, but to save them.

After we captured the Bolo Dynasty, we immediately united the soldiers and horses of our Dalong headquarters with the barbarian soldiers and horses under our command, and gradually dispersed the main cities in the two countries.

Suppress the rich and unkind big nobles, distribute their land to ordinary people, and then support the small nobles to assist our generals in various ministries to implement benevolent governance and educate the Han people.

As long as the soldiers of the Heavenly Army in our Dalong Headquarters don't commit crimes and commit crimes that are too outrageous.

In less than two years, after the Yi people have tasted the sweetness bestowed on them by our Great Dragon Heavenly Army, no matter how those Yi people's aristocratic officials try to persuade them, they will no longer continue to make waves with those wolf-minded Yi people's nobles. "


After hearing Wan Yan Zhizha's gentle strategy, many quick-minded generals couldn't help but gasped.

If this plan is successful, it will definitely be loved and loved by the barbarian people of the two countries, and its effect is far stronger than suppressing it with strong force.

Wanyan Chizha didn't care about the shock of a group of generals, and continued to talk: "The most important thing is that we should encourage unmarried soldiers in the army to intermarry with local barbarian women.

There are hundreds of thousands of soldiers in our army on the right, and at least one hundred thousand hot-blooded men went out with the army before we had time to get married.

The married soldiers, as long as they are young and strong, can treat the barbarian women kindly, and they can also form Qin and Jin friendship with the local barbarian women.

It's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines, so it's considered a concubine.

At that time, as long as there are no major problems, there will be at least [-] children a year in the two places.

Over time, it would be that Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, and three begets all things!

One day, this place will..."

Seeing Wanyan Chizha's extremely calm expression, Nangong Ye sighed faintly.

"Replaced by me, Dalong Erlang. Right?"

Wanyan Chizha nodded solemnly: "Of course!"

Nangong Ye glanced at the shocked group of generals, rubbed his brows and pondered for a while.

"This matter is too important to be decided by you and me.

It just so happens that the commander-in-chief intends to send the latest good news to the capital, so let's mention this matter again by the way!

As for the outcome, leave it to His Majesty to decide.

After all, if the matter of intermarriage with a barbarian woman had not been fully supported by His Majesty's will, the soldiers would not have accepted it so easily.

If you let them just sleep with the barbarian woman in their arms, they will definitely not have the slightest objection, but intermarriage is a matter of life, so it can't be sloppy!

Thinking about it, only His Majesty's prestige can calm him down. "

Wanyan Chizha nodded with a wry smile: "It is indeed time to send a letter to His Majesty, asking him to help us put things down."

"Commander, deputy commander, shall we continue to persuade the soldiers and horses of the Bolo Dynasty in Qunu City to surrender?"

"It should be persuaded or should be persuaded.

It's just that now the crisis of our army's shortage of shells has been resolved. If the enemy refuses to surrender, they can just attack the city directly.

Leave [-]% of our remaining shells for emergency use, and shoot out all the remaining shells.

It can be bombarded and covered, and it is determined not to let the soldiers take their lives to attack the city. "

"I have to wait!"

(End of this chapter)

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