My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2390 Rogue Tactics

Chapter 2390 Rogue Tactics
Fifteen miles south of the camp of the third army of soldiers and horses on the right of the Western Expeditionary Army, in Qunv City.

Dalong Vanguard Cavalry General Han Peng, Hapu Dynasty Army Deputy General Coors, Western Region Translator Zamuna walked out of the Qunv City full of Tianzhu style with different expressions.

The three of them came to Qunv City this time as the special envoys of the Great Dragon to persuade the Polo Dynasty to surrender. Although they met the noble ministers in Qunv City as they wished, they did not see the Polo King Loyepolo III.

From the words translated by Jamuna, we know that King Rayepolo III gave the Prime Minister Ebola of the Baltic Kingdom five days ago to defend the city, and he disappeared after that.

According to Han Peng's reckoning, if the days when King Polo disappeared were to be carefully calculated, it happened to be the day when Guluo City, which was adjacent to the king's city in the territory of the Polo Dynasty, was captured.

Guluo City is the last city leading to Qunu City, the royal city. Once Guluo City is captured, it means that Qunu City will no longer have any defenses, and it will be completely exposed to the world like a naked beauty. Under the front of hundreds of thousands of dragon cavalry.

After Han Peng walked out of the city gate, he looked back silently at the guards of the Baltic Kingdom standing on the city wall who were secretly watching the three of them, and cursed in a low voice: "Damn it, this King Luoyeboluo III will not be Abandon your own people, abandon the city and flee, right?
If so, this King Royepolo III is really ashamed to be a king, not as good as Baholi!

At least Baholi knew that the city would be destroyed and the country would be destroyed, but he persisted until the last moment of the city's destruction. "

Coors has been working hard to learn Chinese since he surrendered to the rule of the dragon army. However, because of the short time and the successive marches, Coors has limited time to study Chinese.

Therefore, he could only hear Han Peng's low-pitched cursing words with a half-knowledge, so he had to look for help to Zamuna, the translator from the Western Regions.

"Brother Zhamu, what did General Han say just now?"

"General Coors, General Han has some doubts that the reason why the king of the Polo Dynasty did not show up is because he abandoned the city and fled after hearing the news that our heavenly army is approaching the city.

Said that Rajapolo III is not as brave as your Bahooli king. "

Coors smiled wryly for a few times and didn't say anything, because Han Peng praised his former king Baholi for being brave.

The Hapu Dynasty was destroyed under the iron cavalry of your Dalong Kingdom, and King Baholi and those noble ministers who participated in the massacre of the people of Dalong were reduced to prisoners.

With such a bleak ending, what's the use of boasting about King Baholi?
The three of them walked for about three to five miles, and hundreds of elite cavalry immediately rolled up a long dragon of smoke and dust and rushed towards them.

"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"

When the distance between the two men and horses was more than 20 steps, they all tightened the reins, and Cheng Kai, the general of the trapped army, got off his horse and walked towards the three of Han Peng.

"The last general, Han Peng, sees the general."

"The last general Coors sees the general."

"Xiaomin Zamuna sees the general."

Cheng Kai waved his hand nonchalantly, and glanced at Qunu City, where the city gate could be vaguely seen: "How is it? Did you see King Polo after you arrived in Qunu City? Is he willing to leave the city and surrender?"

Han Peng shook his head regretfully: "I didn't see King Polo, I only saw their so-called Prime Minister Ebola, after Ebola received us...

Things are probably like this. As for whether King Polo really abandoned the people in the city and fled the city, this is just the last general's guess.

The possibility that he deliberately avoided seeing it cannot be ruled out.

Ebola said that because their king is not in the city right now, he can't make a decision about their surrender alone, and he must call the noble colleagues in the city to discuss it before giving us the result.

The last general didn't know what to do, and he was worried that the Baltic people in the city might play tricks on the last general and the three of them, so he didn't dare to stay in the city for a long time, so he had to go out of the city first and come back to join you, the general. "

After listening to Han Peng's words, Cheng Kai looked at the city wall of Qunu City with a gloomy look in his eyes, and gently stroked the handle of the saber at his waist with his palm, and said fiercely.

"I really don't know how to flatter you! Since you are looking for death, you can't blame us Dalong Tianchao for not showing kindness!"

"What does the general mean?"

"Go back to the camp in the army first, and report to the commander-in-chief truthfully. How to proceed will be decided by the commander-in-chief."


Cheng Kai flicked his battle robe and walked towards his horse. After getting on the horse, he whipped the whip and galloped away.

"Back to camp!"

Hundreds of iron cavalry turned their horses' heads resolutely, followed Cheng Kai without hesitation and rushed towards the three-army camp of the dragon army.

After less than half an hour, in the big tent of the three armies in the Dalong Camp, Nangong Ye and the others silently looked at each other after listening to Cheng Kai's report.

"What do the two brothers think?"

Yun Chong put the teacup heavily on the table, and scanned the many generals in the tent: "Whether this is King Polo's plan to slow down the army or not, we can't wait any longer.

The opportunity has been given to them, since they don't know how to cherish it, don't blame me, Dalong Tianchao, for using troops to act resolutely!
Time is very important to us, there is no need to look forward and backward for a little Qu Queen City.

The warlord proposed to immediately mobilize the soldiers and horses of the three armies to rush to the city of Qunv, ready to attack the city at any time. "

Cheng Kai was the first to stand up and nodded in agreement: "The last general will second the proposal.

Commander-in-Chief, Deputy Commander-in-Chief, Overseer, we don't need to think about it, we know that His Majesty is definitely eagerly awaiting the progress of our Western Expeditionary Army in the capital now, waiting eagerly!
Now it's not in the northern border, even if the battle report can reach His Majesty's hands unimpeded, it will take about a month and a half at the earliest.

It's harder to speak slowly.

Let's delay for three to five days, it's hard to say how long His Majesty will wait.

We must end the war in the north and south of Tianzhu as soon as possible, so that His Majesty and the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty can be completely at ease, and we don't have to worry about the safety of our two armies of the Western Expedition Army all the time.

Therefore, General Mo agreed with Governor Yun's suggestion, and the army immediately marched to the city of Qunv, striving to take down the entire territory of the Bolo Dynasty in one go.

Then we sent troops to station in the north and south to develop the people's livelihood, and the remaining soldiers and horses contacted Zhang Shuai to see if they needed the assistance of my soldiers on the right! "

After Cheng Kai's words caused a brief silence in the big tent, Nangong Ye slapped the table and stood up, scanning the generals under the tent with fierce eyes.

"What do you think?"

"My second opinion!"

"Okay! You wait for the order."

"I'm waiting."

"The three armies set out and rushed to Qunv City."

"We take orders!"

The eleventh day of the first month of the fourth year of Dalong Taiping.

The sun is in the middle of the sky, around three quarters in the afternoon.

Outside the north gate of Qunu City in the Bolo Dynasty, 20 soldiers of the Western Expedition Army were lined up, as well as the [-] vanguard army organized by the Indian soldiers and horses of the Hapu Dynasty.

When hundreds of cannons passed the first round of test firing, in less than half a cup of tea, Qunv City was completely shrouded in flames and gunpowder smoke.

Hundreds of thousands of troops silently looked at the smoky Qunv City with calm expression, without any strange expression.

They have long been accustomed to their own overwhelming siege tactics using artillery advantages.

First covered by artillery fire, covered by arrows, and burned the city with fire oil, then the vanguard broke through the city, the main force of the Chinese army entered the city to break through the formation and killed the enemy, and the rear army sent soldiers and horses to make up their swords, and cleaned the battlefield to collect spoils. This has been more than half a year. The Western Expeditionary Army was consistently dispatched during the siege battles in the north and south of Tianzhu.

I don't know when it started, under the influence of new generals like Cheng Kai, Ning Chao, Han Peng, and Jiang Lei, veteran generals like Nangong Ye couldn't help but like this kind of rogue tactics.

In field encounters, it is natural to form troops and gradually encircle and kill the enemy.

As long as the siege battle does not matter 21 [-], if you come up, don't say anything, first cover a wave of artillery fire before talking about it.

After that, there was a second strike with various long-range weapons, and finally the soldiers were ordered to attack the city.

Cannonballs, bows and arrows, bed crossbows, trebuchets, kerosene, and other long-range weapons can wipe out the enemy.

As time went by, Nangong Ye, Yun Chong, Wanyan Chizha...they understood more and more why Young Master Liu liked this kind of rogue tactics of killing enemies from a distance so much back then.

(End of this chapter)

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