My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2393 Because We Are Old

Chapter 2393 Because We Are Old
Nangong Ye took a sip of tea and regained his composure: "I understand in my heart that you all have a bottom line in these matters, so I will stop nagging you.

Now that the situation in the north and the south in Tianzhu has been roughly stabilized, it is time for us to discuss the issue of governance of the people's livelihood in the two places.

As the saying goes, conquering the world is easy, but ruling the world is difficult.

Although the [-] miles of mountains and rivers in Tianzhu have been planted with my dragon's dragon flag, whether we can hold the territory we have laid down now is also an important issue that cannot be ignored.

After all, we are not familiar with the place here, and even the most basic language communication depends on the existence of military translators.

Under such an unstable situation, who can guarantee that the old forces in Tianzhu and India will not revive?

Who of you has the confidence to guarantee this? "

The generals looked at each other in dismay, and fell silent.

If they are asked to charge forward, they will naturally do their part, but when it comes to considering the overall situation, they really don't have the awareness now.

After all, the generals have a clear division of labor, and they really don't want to waste their minds thinking about issues that they shouldn't think about themselves.

Cheng Kai and Ning Chao subconsciously glanced at each other, licked their lips twice, and finally said nothing.

The generals exchanged eye contact and shook their heads in unison.

"Our knowledge is superficial and we don't dare to speak falsely, and we will follow the orders of the commander-in-chief."

Nangong Ye's heart twitched, and he stood up with a slight brow and punched Dongfang: "Confused, you and this commander are following His Majesty's orders.

It is true that I am your commander-in-chief, but don't forget, we are all servants of His Majesty!

Therefore, many things should be based on His Majesty's will.

Your allegiance is to His Majesty the Emperor, not to the Commander.

In terms of military affairs, it is only natural for you to listen to the orders of the Commander-in-Chief, but in matters of state, you must obey His Majesty's orders! "

All the generals stood up in a daze, some already understood Nangong Ye's thoughts, and some were still at a loss.

"We are guilty."

Nangong Ye let out a sigh of relief, took out a slightly creased document from his wristband, and handed it to Cheng Kai.

"This is a temporary document drawn up by Ben Shuai and Vice Marshal Wan Yan, which contains ten proposals on the governance of the people's livelihood in the two places.

For the time being, you will manage the people's livelihood in various places according to the contents of the document. As for the final result, I will send a letter to His Majesty tomorrow, and we will discuss it after receiving your Majesty's reply!

Right now, first appease the people's livelihood officials in the two countries according to the general proposal in the document.

If there is nothing else, let's go back and settle down for the brothers under your command to set up camp! "

"I have to order, we will leave."


After a group of generals and generals left, Wanyan Chizha picked up the tea and rinsed his mouth, and looked at the helpless Nangong Ye with a smile: "Old man, it turns out that you were also afraid of the master of high merit?"

Nangong Ye silently rolled his eyes: "You old bastard, don't make sarcastic remarks, do you dare to say that you old bastard is not afraid of making great achievements?"

Wanyan Chizha nodded noncommittally: "I'm afraid! Of course I'm afraid."

"Then it's okay, you are also afraid of the Lord of High Skills, so why can't this old man be afraid of the Lord of High Skills?
You must know that our prestige in the army must not be too high, otherwise it will definitely not be a good thing.

His Majesty called himself emperor in the first place understand what the old man is trying to say. "

Yun Chong also echoed in a serious manner: "Brother Wanyan, what Nangong said is correct, Your Majesty... We all understand how he became emperor back then, but the old man doesn't know.

When there are some things that should be paid attention to, you still have to pay attention!

Although the old man and His Majesty were old colleagues who worked together in the past, but this time and that time!

Moreover, the old man and Nangong are both uncles and uncles, even so, sometimes they have to be cautious.

The founding king is different from the successful one! "

Wanyan Chizha sneered helplessly, raised his finger to Nangong Ye and sighed: "You two old bastards! It's just that you are too worried.

Or it is more appropriate to say that it is a fan of the authorities. "

Nangong Ye was taken aback, and looked at Wanyan Chizha in surprise: "Huh? Brother Wanyan, please advise!"

Wanyan Chizha picked up two cups of tea and handed them to the two of them, shaking his head nonchalantly.

"Do you think that we can still make great achievements by destroying two small barbarian countries?

You and I know the combat effectiveness of the soldiers and horses of the Hapu Dynasty and the Baltic Dynasty.

Let alone us, even Cheng Kai, Ning Chao and the others, who have followed His Majesty for many years, can easily capture him.

At the beginning, in order to unify the world, our court only counted the time when His Majesty entered the temple, and it took more than ten years of hard struggle between the three kingdoms to finally achieve the result.

Not counting His Majesty at the beginning, it has been separated for hundreds of years.

At present, the two small countries that have been pushed down by our Western Expeditionary Army in just a few months, compared to the great achievements of His Majesty, the founding king who is about to rule the world, do you have to worry that you will make great achievements?

If that is the case, wouldn't His Majesty's feat of sweeping over 30 countries in the Western Regions during his Western Expeditions mean that he would overshadow the merits of Ruizong, an unrivaled monarch?
It's a big joke in the world.

If we can capture half of the countries on the map, then we may have the possibility of making great achievements.

But even so, we don't need to worry about anything at all.

Because the old man just said that Cheng Kai and his young generals also have the strength to sweep Tianzhu and India. If so, why are some of us old guys leading the battle? "

Nangong Ye pondered for a moment, then looked at Wanyan Chizha suddenly realized: "Because we are getting old!"

Wanyan Chizha slapped his hands violently, and nodded with a faint smile: "It's right, because we are all old bones!

On the other hand, His Majesty is at the peak of his age, do you think he will be afraid of our masters?

But Cheng Kai and the other young generals are different. If they conquer Dashi, what will happen if the achievements of the barbarians in Tianzhu and India fall on these young generals?
understood? "

Seeing Nangong Ye and the others seem to have a look of understanding, Wanyan Chizha sighed silently.

"If that's the case, no matter who will inherit the great treasure among the sons and daughters of Your Majesty, who can deter Cheng Kai and his brave generals?
Each of them is a minister of the dragon, if coupled with the great achievements of opening up the territory and expanding the territory.

Not to mention the new emperor in the future, even His Majesty has to treat it with caution!
That is to say, when His Majesty reuses our old bones, he has already begun to pave the way for the new king in the future... Ahem... It's good for everyone to be clear about some things.

So, don't worry about fighting, even if we make meritorious service, no matter how great the contribution of us old bones is, it will not be able to shock His Majesty, the founding king who ruled the world.

Immediately the emperor!Founding King!For the courtiers, this is simply an insurmountable moat!

Even though His Majesty is still young, if you want to fight him in terms of power and influence, the three of us tied together may not be his opponents.

That being the case, what do we have to worry about?
It can be said that there is no need to worry at all. "

Nangong Ye and Yun Chong were silent for a long time, and nodded with wry smiles with clear eyes.

"Understood, after all, he is the former king of the Jin Kingdom, and his foresight in the temple is indeed not comparable to those of us generals who only know how to guard the frontier."

"Old Fox!"

The two commented on Wanyan Chizha casually, and Nangong Ye took out a document from his arms and handed it to the two of them.

"With regard to the management of the people's livelihood of the two countries, the commander-in-chief has made all statements based on the suggestions previously discussed between us.

Check it out with the two of you. If there is no problem, I will send the battle report to the capital together with the commander. "

"No need."

"A review or review, as long as His Majesty agrees with our proposal, it is better than our [-] review."

Nangong Ye looked at Wanyan and Chizha who didn't care at all, nodded with a light smile, and looked outside the palace.

"The orderly."


"Give this document to the golden eagle, and pass it to the capital immediately."


(End of this chapter)

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