My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2394 Diamond Mine

Chapter 2394 Diamond Mine

Dalong Taiping four years, January [-]th.

After the discussion, Nangong Ye and others circulated a letter to the capital to report the victory, informing Liu Mingzhi that the war between the north and the south of Tianzhu had finally been completed, and at the same time, on their own initiative, they began to disperse the soldiers and horses under their command to manage the people's livelihood in various parts of Tianzhu.

After receiving the order, many generals who were rough on the surface but as careful as a needle gradually realized that the orders passed by the three of Nangong Ye to govern the people's livelihood in various parts of Tianzhu and Zhu were filled with the idea that his Majesty would rule the North Mansion and the New Mansion after he ruled the world. The shadow of people's livelihood in the two places.

Many quick-witted generals suddenly became enthusiastic. Perhaps in the near future, the Dalong Heavenly Dynasty will add a large Protectorate.

And as the people who laid the foundation of the Protectorate's Mansion here, it would be difficult for them to leave their names in history.

Perhaps the history books will not describe each of them in too much detail, but just writing down the four characters of "opening up the frontier and expanding the territory" is enough to make them masturbate for the rest of their lives.

Let me ask you, among the hot-blooded men in the world, who doesn't want to win fame both before and after his life?

They left their hometowns and traveled thousands of miles. What they wanted was to make contributions, expand the territory for the imperial court, and create a foundation for eternal life!

Now, I finally got what I wanted, how can I not feel generous and heroic.

For a while, many generals of Dalong thought of the bright future in the future, and they were full of energy.

The great dragon's expedition to the west of the army on the right side has already seen initial results, but at this time the commander-in-chief of the army on the west expedition, Zhang Kuang, is worried.

The reason why Zhang Kuang is frowning is not because the war in the Great Food Kingdom is not ideal, but because Zhang Kuang has been planning to continue the Western Expedition after reading the secret letter given to him by Young Master Liu before going out, but he has been looking for it. There is no justification for continuing to lead troops westward.

Dalong is a state of etiquette. It has always paid attention to teachers who are well-known, and never fools unknown teachers.

If Zhang Kuang wants to command the hundreds of thousands of troops under his command to continue westward and expand the territory for the imperial court, he must have a legitimate reason that is in line with nature.

However, the war in the Great Food Kingdom has been over for some time, Zhang Kuang, Yeruha, and Hu Yanyu have discussed several times, but they still can't find a suitable excuse to send troops to Egypt and Rome, which are adjacent to the Great Food Kingdom.

After Zhang Kuang encountered An Gou'er from Yemen, he easily captured the king of Dashi who had fled to Yemen, Muhammad Mead, and escorted him and a group of princes and princesses back to Baghdad, the city of Dashi king. Join Hu Yanyu and the others.

Now that so long has passed since the end of the war, hundreds of barrels of black water that Huyanyu and Yeluha were secretly looking for have been filled, but there is no progress in their desire to continue westward.

Therefore, the insolence of worry can be described as not thinking about tea and food.

In the Baghdad palace, Zhang Kuang sipped his tea while flipping through the documents in his hand boredly.

These documents were passed down by the generals under his command and reported on the current situation of the cities of the Great Food Kingdom. The contents above described in detail all the changes in the Great Food Kingdom since it was occupied by the Great Dragon soldiers and horses in the past few months.

"Report, please report to the commander in chief, the deputy commander of Yale is asking to see you outside the hall."



"Deputy Marshal, the Marshal is here to invite you."

A few voices came from outside the hall, the deputy commander Yeluha strode into the hall with a stack of documents in his hand, Zhang Kuang put down the teacup and documents in his hand, got up and greeted him.

Zhang Kuang looked at the stack of documents in Yaluha's hand with a slight frown, and said weakly: "Brother Yale, it's not about the documents about the cities of Dashi Kingdom again, right?
Month after month is full of these unchanging contents, this guy's mind is about to explode. "

Yeluha smiled lightly and shook his head: "Then you will be disappointed, Commander. The document in the last general's hand is really not a document about the people's livelihood in various parts of the Dashi Kingdom. Even if you want to read it, you won't like it."

Zhang Kuang frowned suddenly: "It's fine if it's not, it's fine if it's not, come, sit down and talk."

After Zhang Kuang and the two sat down, Yeruha took the tea from Zhang Kuang and opened the paperwork in his hand.

"Feng Buer reported that there are now [-] barrels of clean black water, and he wrote to ask if we should dispatch a group of troops to escort a batch of black water back to Beijing first.

Let Your Majesty see if the black water he speaks of is exactly what we collected.

If these are exactly the black water that His Majesty needs, then it would be great, if not, we can find the black water that His Majesty needs again in time, so as to save such a waste of time.

Mo Jiang thought about it after receiving the letter, and felt that what Feng Buer said was very reasonable.

If there is no personal confirmation from His Majesty, all the efforts we have made now will really be in vain.

To be on the safe side, it is more appropriate to first mobilize a group of soldiers and horses to escort a group back to Beijing.

At the same time, we can also escort Muhammad Maid and those who participated in the massacre of our Dalong people to Beijing along with the black water, and hand them over to His Majesty for disposal.

The General thought, His Majesty should have been waiting for the results of our Western Expedition!

Although we delivered several good news to the capital one after another, the real culprit has not been handed over to His Majesty for disposal. I think His Majesty will never be able to feel at ease.

I don't know what the commander-in-chief thinks? "

Zhang Kuang untied the pipe from his waist and lit it with a torch, squinted his eyes and silently puffed out the smoke. The pot of shredded tobacco burned completely, so Zhang Kuang nodded silently in response.

"I don't think it's a big problem, but this matter needs to be passed on to Brother Nangong Ye, Brother Wanyan and the others, so that they can also dispatch a group of soldiers and horses to escort the executioners who slaughtered our Dalong people in Tianzhu Kingdom to join us on the way. The soldiers and horses of this road converged and returned to the capital together.

After all, the war in Tianzhu and Dashi has already ended, but the captives were escorted back to the capital in two batches and handed over to His Majesty for disposal.

It is better to ventilate the brothers on the right first. "

"Yes, yes, the general was negligent on this point. It is better for the commander to be more thoughtful. It is indeed more appropriate to communicate with Nangong commander first, and strive to escort all the executioners and prisoners of Heishui and the two countries at once. Going back to Beijing saves wasting time and manpower again and again, and there are many accidents.

Did the commander-in-chief do it himself, or did the general do it for him? "

"Brother Yale can do it for you. It's not a military matter. There's no need to be so cautious."

"Okay, the general understands, and the general will deal with this matter after returning.

In addition to the matter about Heishui and the escort of the prisoners back to Beijing, there is also the letter from Zhang Mo's nephew. "

Yeruha put down the document while talking, picked up another document and handed it to Zhang Kuang.

"Zhang Mo's nephew came back with a letter, and he led his elite soldiers and horsemen to investigate secretly in three ways, and finally found the gold and silver mine.

Among them, there are three gold mines and seven silver mines.

As for how much gold and silver can be mined, it is not yet possible to jump to conclusions.

What Zhang Mo’s nephew meant is that now that my army on the left has not found an excuse to continue marching westward, I just took advantage of this opportunity to immediately mobilize troops to mine these gold and silver mines, and then smelt them into gold bricks and silver ingots and escort them back secretly. the capital.

The general thinks that Zhang Mo's nephew's suggestion is very feasible. After all, my troops on the left can't continue marching westward for a long time. Except for some soldiers and horses guarding the cities of the Dashi Kingdom, [-]% of the soldiers are still practicing. , it is better to let them mine these gold and silver mines.

In addition to gold and silver mines, there is also this kind of ore. Zhang Mo's nephew doesn't know whether this kind of ore is precious or not, so he brought a pack of samples in the letter for us to have a look.

The general had a look at it earlier, this kind of ore is gorgeous and eye-catching, but the general dare not make a judgment on whether it is precious or not.

Dashuai, take a look too. "

As he spoke, Yeruha took out a handkerchief from his wristband and handed it to Zhang Kuang.

Zhang Kuang paused as he was about to flip through Zhang Mo's papers, put down the papers and opened the tied handkerchief, a dozen dazzling diamonds lay on the handkerchief emitting dazzling light.

Zhang Kuang frowned and picked up a diamond to look at it for a while: "This should be a diamond, right?"

Yaluha was taken aback, and looked at Zhang Kuang in surprise: "Huh? Diamond, what is a diamond?"

"I can't tell you the specific situation, but I have seen the empress wear a ring jewelry that is very similar to this stone.

It is said that His Majesty obtained it from Westerners back then, and the whole dragon is only the one held by the empress.

Rare things are precious, Ben Shuai thinks this should be regarded as a kind of gem! "

"Hiss... that means it's of extraordinary value?"

"It's hard to say! I don't know much about it, so I don't dare to make a judgment, but since your majesty wears it as jewelry for the empress, it should be of extraordinary value.

If it is not difficult, it is not a big problem to mine some and transport them back to the capital. "

(End of this chapter)

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