Chapter 2395
Just like Zhang Kuang, Yeruha also picked up a thumb-sized diamond and looked it at the sunlight outside the temple. Seeing the dazzling light of the diamond in his fingertips, he nodded knowingly.

"It's feasible, I think that even if this kind of ore is not as valuable as gold and silver mines, such a dazzling light will definitely be loved by famous families, wealthy women and everyone's daughters.

If those women knew that even the empress used this gemstone as jewelry, they would definitely follow suit. At that time, the Shifang Division under the Ministry of Household Affairs would operate a little bit, and it might bring a lot of benefits to the national treasury. "

Zhang Kuang casually threw the diamond in his hand onto the handkerchief. For a general like him, gems are of no use other than looking good.

"For the time being, mine a batch first. As for how to dispose of it after transporting it back, it is up to His Majesty to decide. There is no need for us to worry about it."

Yeluha also threw back the diamond in his hand nonchalantly: "The general understands, so the general will reply to Zhang Mo's nephew according to what we just discussed?"

"Okay, just read the book back."

"Then mobilize soldiers and horses to mine gold and silver mines?"

"After reading the documents submitted by the various ministries, the commander-in-chief sent down an order to let them set off secretly to the mine vein that Zhang Mo mentioned to settle down.

It is not yet known that the year of the monkey will send troops to the west again, and it will be beneficial and harmless for the brothers to move their bodies.

Although it is a bit inferior to let the elite soldiers and horses do the work of miners, it is better than boring training outside the city. "

"Hey! Who said no!

But this is also a last resort, I hope the soldiers will not complain! "

"It's definitely not possible to complain, it's just that they feel a little wronged.

Not to mention these things, there are now more and more businessmen from Egypt and Rome in the city, what worries me and Hu Yanyu is..."

"Report, please report to Commander-in-Chief, Huyan Governor to see you."



Zhang Kuang smiled and shook his head: "Look, Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here."

As soon as Zhang Kuang's words fell, Hu Yanyu's voice came into the hall: "What do you mean that Cao Cao will be here? Commander, deputy commander, you two are not talking about the last general?"

"That's right, just now the commander-in-chief and Brother Yale just talked about you, the Great Overseer, and you rushed here.

Ben Shuai even wondered if you had been eavesdropping on our conversation outside, that's why you arrived in such a timely manner. "

"It's just a coincidence, the general doesn't have such idle time to eavesdrop on the chatting between the two of you."

"What? Queen Safisa is pestering you again?"

Hu Yanyu's face stiffened with a smile, and he smiled awkwardly a few times, walked to the chair on the right side of the two and sat down, and gave Zhang Kuang an angry look.

"Old man, you are not serious."

Zhang Kuang poured a cup of tea and handed it to Hu Yanyu with a smile: "Brother Huyan, where did you start talking about this? Love between men and women is normal, why is it not serious?
Brother Huyan!After all, Queen Safisha is also a queen, and she is able to favor you, which should be something to be proud of. Why do you still look reluctant?

If you want my brother to tell you, don't hold it up, and follow his wish as soon as possible, wouldn't it be a good thing to come true?

Do you dislike the body of a big girl who is not perfect now?

Old brother, I have heard that Queen Safisha did not say that she must be your first wife, she is not an innocent girl, can you just give her the status of a concubine?

It's not a big deal.

You are not too old anymore, it's time to think about your own marriage.

If you drag on any longer, you will never be able to extend your lineage.

You must know that there are three kinds of unfilial piety, and it is the greatest to have no descendants! "

Hu Yanyu paused as she was about to pick up the tea, and retracted her hand twitching at the corner of her mouth.

"Crazy old man, why don't you have nothing to say and let me go?
The warlord Ben and Safisha are innocent and have nothing to do with each other. Can you stop messing with each other? "

Before Zhang Kuang said anything, Yalu took a sip of tea with a smile: "It's clear that people look at you with affectionate eyes?

Brother!The old brother and the commander-in-chief are both experienced people, so we won't be able to see what Queen Safisha is looking at you?

You are ruthless, but that doesn't mean the concubine has no intentions!

If it is inconvenient for you to do it because of the old guy Muhammad Mead, just leave it to the old brother and the commander-in-chief, and guarantee that Queen Safisha will become a widow who can remarry.

Women chasing men's interlayer gauze, I say you will make it possible for others! "

Hu Yanyu took a deep breath, and slammed the table: "You two old bastards, I am too lazy to argue with you, I came to you to talk about serious things.

If you continue to be so unscrupulous, this warlord will turn around..."

A slightly awkward Chinese interrupted Hu Yanyu's helpless words: "Brother Huyan, it turns out that you are really back from work!"

Huyanyu's tiger body shook, and she looked towards the palace door with an embarrassed expression, only to see Safisha, Queen of the Great Food King, walking towards the palace with a tray in her hand, swaying her exquisite figure with a bumpy figure and smiling.

Crazy, Yeluha and the two saw Huyanyu's embarrassment, laughed a few times and walked towards their chairs, sitting on the chair and watching Huyanyu with a half-smile, with a hint of teasing in their eyes , I want to see how it will deal with the uninvited Queen Safisa.

Hu Yanyu felt the teasing gazes of Zhang Kuang and the two, and stood up in embarrassment: "Safisha, you...why are you here?"

Safisha was mad at Madame first, and Yeluha and the two blessed a non-standard etiquette for a dragon woman.

"My little girl has met Marshal Zhang, the vice-marshal of Yale."

"No courtesy, no courtesy, sit wherever you want."

"Queen Safisha excuses me, just pretend we don't exist!"

"Thank you two elders!"

"Brother Huyan, my little sister specially learned the barbecue cooking skills from your big dragon fire leader army, you can taste it quickly.

Take a look at the difference between the little sister's craftsmanship and the taste of barbecue in your hometown.

If you are not satisfied, the little girl will go to the big brother of Huotoujun for advice, and I promise that one day you will have the taste of your hometown. "

"I... I... Safisha, I have business to discuss with the commander-in-chief right now, so it's not convenient to chat with you. I appreciate your barbecue, but now I have to..."

"Brother Huyan, my younger sister understands that my younger sister will never delay your discussion of serious matters. The barbecue younger sister will be put down for you, and my younger sister will leave first."

"This - take it easy."

"Two elders, the little girl bid farewell!"

"Walk slowly without sending."

Safisha turned her head three times and left the palace, her beautiful figure gradually disappeared.

Zhang Kuang got up with a smile and walked to Hu Yanyu's side, took a few mouthfuls of a skewer of roast mutton on the tray.

"Hmm! Delicious, really delicious! It's just a bit salty!"

Yeluha also unceremoniously picked up a skewer of barbecue and ate it: "Marshal, you are really picky, and Queen Safisha didn't give it to you, so what's the matter with being salty? Some people like to eat salty meat. of.

It's fine if someone shuts up, what does it have to do with us two bad old men? "

Hu Yanyu heard the teasing words of the two Zhang Kuang and others, took a sip of the tea, gasped and stared at the two Zhang Kuang who were chewing roast mutton and commenting. .

"Blame the Overseer?
If it weren't for what you two old men said, if you want to manage the people's livelihood of Dashi well, the assistance of Safisha, the queen of Dashi, is indispensable. If I have to let this warlord teach her Chinese, this warlord will be reduced to where he is today. ? "

Zhang Kuang shrugged helplessly: "Is it my fault? You were the only one of the three of us who was in Baghdad at the beginning, and you had more contact with the Dashi Kingdom. If you don't teach Safisha, you can't let us teach it?"

"That's right, we want to go, but the key point is that we don't know as many Dashiguo dialects as you, and we can't teach them even if we want to.

Besides, we asked you to teach others Chinese, and we didn't let you steal the hearts of other beauties!
The two of you have come to this point, you can't blame the old man and the handsome, can you? "

"You—well, you two old bastards have killed this warlord. I don't bother to argue with you. Let's talk about the business first, about Egypt and Rome."

Zhang Kuang and his wife turned serious when they heard the words, put down the barbecue in their hands, walked to the chairs and sat down.

Zhang Kuang looked at Hu Yanyu with a serious expression: "How is it? How is the situation in the city now?"

Hu Yanyu sighed helplessly: "There are more and more businessmen from the two countries coming to trade in the city.

The news of our destruction of the Great Food Kingdom spread to Egypt and Rome without knowing when.

Now not only the businessmen of the two countries, but even the imperial courts of the two countries are rushing to make friends with us.

According to the information collected by our scout brothers, the Great Food Nation is a very powerful country in their eyes.

Now that the Great Food Kingdom has been destroyed by us, the imperial courts of the two countries think that we are stronger than the Great Food Kingdom.

He has no intention of daring to be our enemy at all, and is now trying to figure out how to make friends with us.

If things go on for a long time, we will find no reason to continue westward.

If you directly send troops to attack without saying a word, it will run counter to the purpose of our Western Expedition. "

Zhang Kuang frowned and looked at the helpless Hu Yanyu, stroked his teacup and let out a faint sigh.

"Damn it, these Westerners are too good at judging the situation, right?
If they do this, it will be even more difficult for us to become famous as teachers. "

Yaluha's eyes rolled for a while: "Marshal, brother Huyan, why don't we try it on the military officer?

Whether our army is famous or not is just a small matter of their pen.

As long as they are dealt with, after Mr. Xia reviews the content of the expedition record, the history records recorded in the history books will not be a problem in the future! "

Zhang Kuang shook his head without hesitation: "No, the military recorder is full of tough bones.

If Xu Xutuzhi still has the possibility of asking him to rewrite the content a little bit, if it is too strong, it will be counterproductive.

How about this, invite them to have a drink first to find out what they say, if they have any signs of being willing to change the record of the expedition, we will make plans. "

"Commander, deputy commander, the last general hasn't finished speaking yet!

The reason why I came to meet you two in such a hurry is because the last general has found a turning point to send troops. "

" there a turning point?"

"Speak quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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