Chapter 2396 Principles
Hu Yanyu looked at the excited and curious expressions of Zhang Kuang and the two, and had no intention of showing off. Looking around, Hu Yanyu directly pulled out a folded rice paper from the wristband and handed it to Zhang Kuang.

"Marshal, let's take a look at the deputy commander first.

If there is something you don't understand, I will give you a detailed account of the information I heard at the end. "

Zhang Kuang and the two immediately got together, opened the rice paper without hesitation, and reviewed it with piercing eyes.

Looking at the content recorded on the rice paper, the curious expressions of the two were gradually replaced by contemplation.

Time passed silently, and after about two sticks of incense, the two put down the rice paper in their hands, looked at each other with a slight frown, and saw the doubtful look in each other's eyes.

Zhang Kuang raised his hand, folded the rice paper in his hand and handed it to Hu Yanyu: "Brother Huyan, brother seems to understand your purpose of coming here this time, but the content on the rice paper is too general. My brother didn't know whether his guess was accurate.

Why don't you explain it to us two old guys in detail.

Come on, sit down and talk slowly. "

Zhang Kuang poured another cup of tea and handed it to Hu Yanyu, sat on the chair and looked at Hu Yanyu curiously, waiting for his next words.

Hu Yanyu took the tea and tasted it, walked to the chair closest to Zhang Kuang and sat down.

"In the past two months or so, we have discussed several times, but we still can't find an excuse to send troops west again. The most fundamental reason is that the two old brothers also know something in their hearts, right?"

"Of course it's clear, it's nothing more than the news that we destroyed the Great Food Kingdom spread, and spread to the courts of Egypt and Egypt in the west, making Egypt and Rome very afraid of our military strength.

After all, for the current Roman countries, they don't know our details at all.

Maybe they should know that we come from the far east, but they don't know where we come from and how far away they are.

Therefore, they might have planned to take a share of the pie, but because they were afraid of our mysterious identity and strong military strength, they had no choice but to ask us to take the initiative to make friends.

This can be seen from the increasing number of businessmen from the two countries in Baghdad in the past few months.

If there were two small barbarian countries in Dalong's native land who came forward to bow their heads and make friends with each other, we would naturally be happy to be prejudiced.

But we are the Western Expeditionary Army of the Thousand Miles Expedition, and our ultimate goal is to march westward all the way until we reach the ends of the earth.Now that the two of them have come to take the initiative to make friends with us, it completely runs counter to our vested interests.

There is a saying in our Dalong, which is to stretch out your hand and not hit the smiling face.

When I was wandering around the city, I saw those businessmen from the two countries who greeted each other with smiles all day, and suddenly sent troops to attack the two countries for no reason. This commander really felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, compared to Dashi who actively slaughtered the people of our Dalong merchants because of its greed, Tianzhu, Rome, and Egypt have not had any substantive conflicts with our Dalong Dynasty so far.

But His Majesty's secret confession of the old man's will is... oh... embarrassing! "

Yeluha rubbed his brows with tea: "The commander-in-chief doesn't need to be bothered by this. The general thought that the reason why the businessmen from Egypt and Rome greeted our armored dragon soldiers with smiles was not the root cause. It is probably because of fear of our powerful military power.

If our strength is not as good as theirs, will he still greet us with such a smiling face?

I'm afraid he has already rushed into our camp with a butcher knife.

They treat us respectfully, are they sincere?Or flattery?Who among us can say for sure? "

Hu Yanyu hastily put down the teacup in his hand and nodded: "Yes, yes, yes, I agree with what the deputy commander said in the end.

The last general heard from Queen Safisa, and now we are talking about this Roman country, there was an Alexander the Great a long time ago, and this Alexander the Great once commanded the invincible Rome under his command The Legion aggressively invaded Dashi, Tianzhu and the two countries.

And it is said that there is also the current Egyptian country, which once fell under the cavalry of the Roman legion.

However, because Queen Safisha is not a native of the Great Food Kingdom, but the eldest princess of Yemen, a subsidiary country of the Great Food Kingdom, what happened to Alexander the Great in the end, because the age is too long, she can't say too much in detail.

Of course, the rumors about this Alexander the Great are not important to us. The important thing is that Rome once invaded the current three kingdoms of Tianzhu, Dashi, and Egypt.

This shows that the Romans are not as docile and approachable as we see them now.

They greet us with smiles, nine out of ten because they are afraid of our military power.

After all, the Great Food Kingdom that has been destroyed in our hands is very strong for them. With the ebb and flow, they are even more afraid of our strength.

Perhaps the arrival of these businessmen from the two countries is not just because of the simple trade in goods, nor does it rule out the possibility of acting as spies to spy on our truth.

Of course, this is just the general's guess. After all, the amount of goods traded in the city is real, which cannot be faked.

As far as I know at the moment, some of the local products brought by our soldiers because they missed their hometowns were almost all sold out by businessmen from the two countries when they took a bath and wandered around in shifts. "

Zhang Kuang frowned: "The soldiers didn't sell any prohibited goods, did they?"

"No, no, there is no need for the commander to worry about this, as long as it involves items in the army, none of the soldiers have left their hands.

And the turning point mentioned by the general appeared in the merchants of Rome.

The two of you have also read the content on the rice paper, and the general mentioned this point at the end, which is exactly what the merchants of the Roman state want to buy excellent military equipment from us.

It's just that we can't agree to this at all.

After the general received the report, he immediately dispatched elite scouts to secretly investigate the Roman caravan that wanted to buy our armaments.

Sure enough, behind this caravan was the shadow of the Roman court.

With the in-depth investigation of the scout brothers, the last general finally figured out the fundamental reason why Rome wanted to buy our dragon's excellent military equipment.

That is, Rome is now at war with a country further west called the Frankish country!
These Romans did not know when they learned from the soldiers of the Great Food Kingdom that our Great Dragon Army has artillery, bed crossbows, arrow arrays and other powerful combat equipment, especially the artillery that looks like a thunderbolt. The armament they dream of wanting to buy.

In this way, we can make some articles on the Romans. "

"You won't tell me that you want to sell artillery to the Romans, will you?
This is impossible. You must know that before the expedition, His Majesty has issued repeated orders. Even if the artillery is destroyed by us, it must not fall into the hands of Huawai barbarians.

The selling points of those ordinary items seized are fine, but the artillery, bed crossbows, and chain crossbows brought from our homeland are absolutely not allowed to flow out.

This is a matter of principle! "

"Hey! Commander, where are you going? Even if you don't say it, the general won't think about selling cannons and bed crossbows.

No matter how much you give, don't sell high or low.

What the last general meant was that now that Rome is at war with the Franks!Well, we can start from the war between the two countries.

Why did the Romans ask us to buy excellent military equipment?It shows that they think that their own strength may not be the opponent of the Frankish country.

Now you should understand what the last general means, right? "

Zhang Kuang looked at Hu Yanyu's eyes full of deep meaning, supported his beard and pondered thoughtfully, a moment later Zhang Kuang's eyes lit up, and pointed to Hu Yanyu with a smile.

"Send troops to aid friendly countries, so as to open the gap for westward advance."

Yeruha, who was still muttering to himself, suddenly looked up at the two madmen who were looking at each other and smiling, and patted the table heavily.

"A clever plan! A brilliant plan! Now I can finally find a legitimate reason to send troops."

The three looked at each other and laughed for a long time, Zhang Kuang squinted his eyes and stroked his beard: "This matter needs to be discussed in the long run.

The Romans must first establish diplomatic relations with us, and then ask us to send troops to help.

Of course, even if it is a friendly country, they have to make a considerable contribution.

After all, the movement of hundreds of thousands of troops is not a child's play. "

"Marshal, I already have a rough plan, it's much better than being bored in Dashi Kingdom without moving.

So we don't need to worry at all.

The urgent task now is how to arrange for people to slowly contact the Roman merchants in the city, use them as a medium to let the Roman court feel our goodwill, and then gradually map it out. "

"Yes, this matter should not be rushed, it must be done steadily.

Brother Huyan, Brother Yale is going to handle the matter of escorting the captives and black oil back to the imperial court, so you have full authority to deal with the matter of contacting the Romans. "

"Yes, the commander-in-chief is in command!"

"Okay, then it's settled. This commander will immediately draw up the document to be sent back to the capital. Let's perform our duties and strive to fulfill the high expectations entrusted by His Majesty as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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