Chapter 2397 Uneasy
The fifteenth day of the first month of the fourth year of Dalong Taiping is the Lantern Festival.

Along the way, Liu Mingzhi and Chen Jie, who rode their horses and raised their whips, finally rushed back to Dalong Capital from Laizhou on this day.

When the two arrived at the east gate of the capital, night had already fallen, and the joyous Lantern Festival had already begun outside the city gates in the southeast, northwest, and north.

In the capital city, there are even more lights and festoons, and there is a lot of people's voices, and the people who go out to visit the lantern festival can't see the end of it at a glance.

If it was in the past, Liu Mingzhi would definitely take Chen Jie for a stroll at the Lantern Festival, to relax with the beauty.

However, the two of them had just rushed back to the capital from Laizhou. The journey was full of dust and dust, and they were exhausted after a few days. No matter how lively the Lantern Festival inside and outside the capital was, Liu Mingzhi couldn't get any pleasure from it.

Liu Mingzhi is so tired as a martial arts practitioner, let alone Chen Jie, a pretty woman with no strength to restrain a chicken.

However, in order to respect Chen Jie, Liu Mingzhi still asked Chen Jie if he wanted to accompany her around the lantern festival and pick a lantern that he wanted to take back with him.

The horse galloped and bumped non-stop along the way, and Chen Jie was already exhausted. Hearing Liu Mingzhi's caring question, Chen Jie was downhearted and yawned and directly refused.

Now she just wants to go home and have a good sleep on the bed, other than that, she has no interest in anything else.

Seeing that Chen Jie's thoughts coincided with his own, Liu Mingzhi breathed a sigh of relief, and rode his horse through the tide-like crowd towards the city.

Because of the Lantern Festival, the streets and alleys were filled with crowds. After the two returned to the Prince's old mansion, the moonlight was already high in the sky.

Liu Mingzhi originally thought that after sending Chen Jie home, he would rush home to report that he was safe, but considering the situation in the city, it would be more convenient to rest here tonight.

In Chen Jie's boudoir, the voices of people outside the mansion could be faintly heard, but to the two who were trapped by sleepiness, these were nothing at all.

After taking a bath to wash away the dust and dust on their bodies, the two hugged each other and fell asleep deeply.

The next day, the sky was bright.

First Young Master Liu stretched his waist and looked at Chen Jie who was still sleeping soundly beside him, then walked off the bed lightly and began to put on his clothes.

The two of us have been on our way for the past few days. It's not easy for Chen Jie, a weak woman, to bear it. Now that she's finally home, seeing her tired face after a night's rest, Liu Mingzhi feels pity , I really don't want to disturb her lucid dream.

After a few sticks of incense, Liu Mingzhi left a note on Chen Jie's dressing table after washing, and then quietly left the Prince's old mansion and hurried back home.

Qi Yun was arranging the wardrobe in the room, and she couldn't help being startled when she saw Young Master Liu walking into the boudoir without warning.

"Husband... Husband? Why are you back?"

"What? You don't want to see your husband?"

Qi Yun shook her head hastily, stuffed the sheet in her hand into the closet, and greeted Liu Mingzhi.

"Of course not, how could this concubine not want to see you, husband!
It's just that before you left home, didn't you tell my concubine that you were going to Donghai?

With such a journey from the capital to the East China Sea, I thought it would take you ten and a half months to get back, but I was a little surprised when I didn't expect you to come back so soon. "

Liu Mingzhi let out a sigh of relief, and walked towards the chair beside him: "On the way home for my husband, I suddenly felt uneasy, and always felt that something bad would happen.

Feeling worried about her husband, the two sweaty BMWs changed trains one after another along the way, and rushed back to the capital day and night.

Well, nothing happened at home, right? "

Qi Yun looked at her husband with a hint of worry between her brows, Dai Mei froze for a moment, and hurriedly poured a cup of tea and handed it over.

"Nothing bad happened at home!

Not only did nothing bad happen at home, but even the capital was peaceful. Last night's Lantern Festival was so festive!

A few days ago, when the officials from the six ministries, the nine ministers and the government offices came to the mansion to pay New Year's greetings, they never mentioned to my concubine any major natural and man-made disasters in other state capitals.

Could it be that husband, you are too tired because of the exhaustion of traveling and traveling, and then you have delusions? "

Liu Mingzhi took a sip of tea, closed his eyes and rested his mind for a while, then nodded silently: "Maybe it's because of my husband's illusion.

It's just that I have been restless along the way, always feeling that something bad has happened.

Since there is not, I feel relieved as a husband.

By the way, Yiyi, Feifei, Chengfeng, Chengzhi... Have the seven brothers and sisters sent a letter to their families to report that they are safe? "

"It's been passed on! Husband, wait a moment, I will bring you the children's letters right away."

Qi Yun walked lightly towards the dressing table, opened the drawer, took out a stack of letters and returned.

"Husband, on the third day, the fourth day, and the fifth day after you left home, the seven children sent back a letter from home to report their safety, and now all seven of them have rushed to the state capital where you told them to go. territory.

Now the seven children have started private visits on micro-services, secretly investigating the local people's livelihood and administration, and have not encountered any life-threatening troubles. "

Liu Mingzhi took the seven letters from Qi Yun and read them one by one. After a long time, Liu Mingzhi gently put the seven letters in his hand on the table, staring at the warm sun outside the door and sighing. With a sound.

"Everything is safe at home, the children who are traveling far away are safe and sound, the world is even more peaceful, and everything is peaceful.

Since nothing bad happened, why did my husband suddenly have palpitations and was restless all the way?
Could it be that something happened to the hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Western Expedition Army? "

Qi Yun sighed silently when she heard the words, walked behind Liu Mingzhi and gently squeezed her husband's shoulders: "Husband, stop thinking about it.

There are more than 40 elite soldiers in the imperial court, and there are hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers from the Anxi Dufu and the Western Regions Allied Forces to assist. Such a strong and powerful elite army, how can any accident happen?
Can you stop being paranoid and expect something bad to happen? "

Listening to Qi Yun's comforting words, Liu Mingzhi drank the tea in the cup in one gulp, stood up and put the teacup heavily on the table.

"Oh! I wish!

Yun'er, you can continue tidying up the closet, and go out for a walk for your husband. "

"Husband, you just came back from the dusty journey all the way, so it's not too late to take a rest to recharge your spirits before going out for a walk."

"No! No!

I'm still a little worried about my husband, I'll go to the palaces of the princes and ministers first, and then I'll have a good rest when I get back.

Only after confirming that everything is safe and sound, can I rest at ease, otherwise I am afraid that my husband will not sleep well. "

Qi Yun stared blankly at Young Master Liu's retreating back, raised her hand and rubbed her brows, not knowing what to say.

As soon as the husband came back, he was talking like a different person. If he hadn't slept together for many years and knew each other so well, she really wondered if he had been dropped by someone.

It wasn't until Liu Mingzhi's figure disappeared in the corridor that Qi Yun walked towards the wardrobe behind the screen in a daze.

First Young Master Liu went to the mansion of the chief minister of the cabinet Xia Gongming at the first stop. About half an hour later, Young Master Liu left the mansion of the chief minister of the cabinet under Xia Gongming's stunned expression and went to the mansion of the right minister Tong Sansi superior.

Around the midday of the day, Young Master Liu came to Song Qing's mansion again, and was warmly received by Song Qing.

Within half an hour, Liu Mingzhi left Song Qing's mansion drunk with alcohol under Song Qing's bewildered gaze.

Young Master Liu walked home on the street with a blank expression, like a walking dead who lost his soul.

I visited the mansions of the officials of various ministries in the capital all morning, and I didn't ask if anything bad happened.

Since nothing happened obviously, why did the feeling of uneasiness in my heart become more and more intense after returning to Beijing?

I always feel like I'm about to lose something.

"Liu...Young Master Liu, this servant is finally waiting for you."

Young Master Liu came back to his senses, and looked at the delicate and lovely beauty in front of him in surprise.

"Huh? Why... why is it you?"

(End of this chapter)

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