Chapter 2398
Outside the gate of Penglai Restaurant, Liu Mingzhi looked in surprise at the beautiful Huan'er who exuded a mature charm despite his delicate features.

Huan'er is Tao Ying's personal servant girl. This girl was Tao Ying's personal servant girl brought out from her natal family back then. She has served Tao Ying for about 30 years, and she is approaching her early 30s.

Although Huan'er is still an innocent old girl, her gestures and gestures all reveal a hint of maturity like ordinary women.

It's just that since the girl experienced the bloody incident of Spy Shadow in Li's house that night, every time she sees herself, she is always evasive, afraid to look at her, and even has an attitude of avoiding her, which makes Liu Mingzhi very helpless.

Today, this girl came to look for her on her own initiative. For Liu Mingzhi, this is definitely a very rare thing.

Huan'er raised her eyes and took a sneak peek at First Young Master Liu who was looking at her with a surprised expression, and hurriedly lowered her head, still daring not to look at Liu Mingzhi as before.

"Liu...Young Master Liu, this servant is finally waiting for you!"

As soon as Huan'er's voice fell, she lowered her head, and the brows gave off a feeling of sadness, as if she had been wronged by the sky.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Huan'er who was behaving strangely in astonishment, secretly guessing in his heart what happened to this girl?
You are still as afraid of yourself as before, so why come here alone to find yourself?
Could it be that Sister Tao Ying didn't see me for a long time and went to have a private meeting with her, and she missed herself?
So I specially asked the personal servant girl to come and invite me to make an appointment after dusk.

Muttering to himself, Liu Mingzhi glanced around at the passers-by on the street, and at the Penglai Restaurant, which hadn't opened to welcome customers.

Huan'er's delicate body trembled, she struggled subconsciously, and finally let Liu Mingzhi be dragged and walked towards the restaurant silently.

The two stopped under the eaves in front of the restaurant, and Liu Mingzhi looked at Huan'er who nodded and lowered his eyebrows with interest, and asked softly: "Huan'er, you just said that you finally waited for my young master. What you said meant that you You've been waiting for this young master for a long time, haven't you?"

Huan'er raised her eyes sadly to look at Liu Mingzhi, nodded silently, and replied with a voice like a mosquito.


"Oh! Huan'er!

This young master is not a monster who eats people, why are you so afraid of me?
Since you have been waiting for me for so long, you must have something to look for me, did sister Tao Ying ask you to look for me? "


"How many days have you been waiting for me?"

"Three...three days.

Except for the curfew at night, the slaves have been waiting for Mr. Liu at the fortune-telling booth next to the restaurant. "

"Three days? Waited for three days in a row? It seems that my good sister wants to see me impatiently because of my young master.

You are really a girl, you have a dead brain, before the Lantern Festival on the [-]th of the first month, have you ever seen a business that opened the door to welcome guests?

Even after the Lantern Festival, every three to five days the shops in the capital may not all be able to open their doors to welcome customers.

Not to mention the fortune-telling stall of Master Ben, it may take another ten and a half months for Master Ben to set up a stall to pick up customers.

You have been waiting here for two days, and if you still can't wait for me, can't you go to my house and ask?

Young master who has lost money today went to wander around the mansions of various dignitaries and dignitaries, and happened to pass by here, otherwise you might not be able to wait for me. "

Huan'er's fingers were tightly intertwined, and she replied timidly: "My lady said that I can't let the servant go to your mansion to look for you, Young Master Liu. The servant has no choice but to wait at the place where you tell the fortune. "

Liu Mingzhi's expression froze, thinking of the embarrassing relationship between himself and Tao Ying, he could only nod with a wry smile.

"My young master blamed you wrongly, since Sister Tao Ying has asked you to look for me for several days, then let's stop standing here and go to Li's house to meet Sister Tao Ying first.

This young master had to leave the capital for a few days because of some trivial matters, and he just rushed back to the capital when night fell last night.

I'm not in the capital, so it's no wonder you waited until the young master at the fortune-telling booth.

Walk around, let's go back to Li's house together, Sister Tao Ying has asked you to look for me for several days, and now I finally met by chance, let's go back quickly, don't keep Sister Tao Ying waiting for a long time. "

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he patted Huan'er's fragrant shoulder lightly, and walked down the steps of the restaurant first.

Young Master Liu had strode to the main street, but Huan'er still buried her head in her chest and stood motionless under the eaves in front of the restaurant.

"Huh? Huan'er, what are you doing in a daze? Let's go?"

Huan'er slightly raised her head and looked at Liu Mingzhi silently with her red eyes, she bit her red lips tightly with her white teeth and remained silent, her face was like a pool of stagnant water.

"No! What's wrong with you? Don't look at me like this. If you don't know, you may think that you are bullying me!
Don't be like this, don't be like this, did you not find me for several days, sister Tao Ying punished you because you were bad at things?
Sister Tao Ying is also true. After all, there is a reason for the incident and it is justifiable. She won't let you go to my house to find me. How can she punish you for such a reason?
Walk around, when you see sister Tao Ying, I will definitely give you justice and punish this bad woman. "

Hearing Liu Mingzhi's words of comfort, Huan'er's originally reddened eyes suddenly shed two lines of clear tears, and looked at Liu Mingzhi with choked up sobs.

"Liu... Mr. Liu."

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi hurried up the steps of the restaurant, and looked helplessly at Huan'er who choked up when he didn't agree with each other.

"No, what's the matter with you? Although it's hard to find this young master, you won't be so excited to cry, right?

Your crying makes it seem like this young master has made a big mistake.

Is it because sister Tao Ying punished you too harshly?No way, didn't you just not find me?
Let's go, let's go back to Li's house first, my young master will seek justice for you! "

Huan'er stared at Liu Mingzhi's helpless look with tears streaming down his face, and choked up, "Master Liu, my lady...she...she died for Emperor Hezong!"

"Hi! Master Ben thought it was a big deal!
Sister Tao Ying was originally He Zong's concubine, so what's the point of dying for him... die... die for... die for love? say it again, what happened to sister Tao Ying and Li Yunlong? "

Huan'er raised her hand to wipe away the tear stains on her face, her lips quivered slightly as she watched the sudden change in expression, and Young Master Liu choked up and said, "The twelfth day of the first month, the day of the death of Emperor He Zongxian's death. , my young lady died for Emperor Hezong."

Liu Mingzhi's pupils shrank suddenly, and all of a sudden, he felt his blood rushing up and his eyes turning black, he was supporting his body that was about to fall, and his lips were trembling as he looked at Huan'er, who was crying with rain.

Did Tao Ying die in love with her third brother Li Yunlong?
Could this be the reason why I was always restless along the way?

"No...impossible, impossible!

Say it again, sister Tao Ying, what happened to her? "

Huan'er looked at the tottering Liu Mingzhi, suppressed the fear of him in her heart, wiped the tears on her cheeks with her sleeves and hurriedly supported Liu Mingzhi's arm.

"Young Master Liu, are you alright?"

"it's okay no problem!

Say it again, sister Tao Ying, what happened to her? "

Huan'er looked at Liu Mingzhi staring at her scarlet tiger eyes, and tremblingly replied an answer that Liu Mingzhi was unwilling to accept no matter what.


My lady died for Emperor Hezong! "


Bold servant girl, you dare to deceive me, how brave you are!
Aren't you afraid that I will kill your nine clans? "

Huan'er looked at Liu Mingzhi, who was full of evil spirit, and knelt down in front of Liu Mingzhi with a puff, her head was shaking like a rattle.

"Slaves dare not! Slaves dare not!

My young lady has really died for Emperor Zongxian, on the twelfth day of the first month and the day of Emperor Zongxian's death..."

Huan'er stared at Liu Mingzhi's back suddenly rushing towards Xing'an Square in a daze, recovered his senses and wiped away the tears on his cheeks, got up hurriedly and trotted after him with the hem of Ruqun go up.

"Young Master Liu, wait for your servant."

(End of this chapter)

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