My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2399 Martyrdom!not an old rumor

Chapter 2399 Martyrdom!not an old rumor
Panting, Liu Mingzhi stopped in front of Li's Mansion on Changshun Street in Xing'anfang. Looking at the gate of the mansion, which was as usual and not hung at all, a glimmer of hope suddenly rose in his heart, and he rushed towards the mansion.

"Who dares to... Mr. Liu? It's... you're here."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the dozen or so Li Zhai family members wearing white silk around their waists in front of him, and he felt a little panicked, and the glimmer of hope that had finally risen in his heart flew down like a golden crow falling to the ground.

"Your family... where is your wife?"

The middle-aged man among the servants, whom Tao Ying called third brother, looked at Liu Mingzhi's sharp gaze, and pointed in the direction of Tao Ying's boudoir in the inner courtyard with a sad expression.

"Liu...Young Master Liu, my wife...she...she is waiting for you in the main hall of the boudoir!"

Looking at the dejected look on the third brother's face, Liu Mingzhi's heart sank suddenly, and before he had time to ask any more questions, he ran towards the inner courtyard of Li's house in a bewildered manner.

Young Master Liu's figure had just disappeared down the corridor, and Tao Ying's personal maid, Huan'er, panting, ran into the gate of the mansion dripping with sweat, and looked at a group of servants out of breath with her hands on her knees.

"Third brother, where is Young Master Liu?"

"Mr. Liu, he has just gone to the inner courtyard, and it's not enough time for half a cup of tea. Miss Huan'er, are you okay? Do you want to rest..."

Before the third brother finished his sentence, Huan'er endured the soreness in his feet, and trotted towards the inner courtyard again to chase after him.

More than a dozen servants looked at each other and sighed silently. Their identities were inconvenient to set foot in the inner courtyard. The lady's personal servant girl chased after them without saying anything, and they had no choice but to continue in the center of the outer courtyard. waited.

With a muffled clang, the door of Tao Ying's boudoir was violently pushed open by Liu Mingzhi, and the two doors kept shaking and creaking on the door frame.

Liu Mingzhi was shocked, staring blankly at the exquisite coffin placed in the main hall of the room, his knees softened suddenly and he almost sat on the ground.

Liu Mingzhi stared at the coffin in the room with a ferocious expression for a long time before he came back to his senses. He scanned the room for a week with clenched fists, and wanted to walk directly into the room to the coffin, but he didn't have the courage.

"Tao Ying, your joke is a little too big, it's not funny at all, please stop playing, okay?
Come out quickly and call three numbers for your husband. If you don't come out again, your husband will be really angry.

You understand my husband, if my husband is really angry, you won't be able to coax me well if you don't pay a price.

Come out!I know you like to joke, but I don't like your joke of putting the coffin in the hall. Don't you think this kind of joke is too inauspicious?

Tao Ying!Tao Ying!Tao Ying!

Come out quickly!Come out quickly!
I beg you, stop hiding!
As long as you come out obediently, I will promise you everything in the future, and I will never argue with you again.

I will listen to you whatever you say, if you tell me to go east, I will definitely not go west, okay? "

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking with a slightly crying voice, he fixed his eyes on the extremely quiet boudoir of the beautiful woman, and his eyes became sour involuntarily.

Seeing the beauty's boudoir where there had been no movement for a long time, Liu Mingzhi supported the door frame and looked behind the screen, choked up and said, "Tao Ying! Tao Ying.

Good sister, good sister.

Don't be naughty anymore, okay?You are so afraid of your husband.

really scared.

Come out soon, okay?Stop making such jokes!
I beg you for my husband, come out quickly! "

Liu Mingzhi hysterically spoke words of pleading to the empty boudoir, a threshold separated, for Liu Mingzhi and the coffin in the main room, it seemed to be an insurmountable moat.

After a long time, the only response to Liu Mingzhi was the draft in the boudoir and the exquisite coffin placed in the main room, other than that, there was no more movement.

The sound of footsteps came from far and near, Huan'er stopped outside the boudoir sweating like rain, she didn't care to wipe the fine sweat on her pretty face, Meimou looked sadly at Tao Ying's boudoir while holding the threshold and talking to herself Young Master Liu's cherry lips parted slightly.

"Liu... Mr. Liu."

Liu Mingzhi looked back at Huan'er who was panting behind him with dull eyes, stared at Huan'er for a while, and then the big hand holding the door frame drooped feebly.

Turning his head silently and staring at the coffin placed in the main room for a long time, Liu Mingzhi lifted his weight like a thousand weights, as if two Mount Tai were tied to his ankles, and stepped into the well-regulated threshold with both legs.

"Master Liu, my young lady has really...already...

Thank you for your condolences! "

Liu Mingzhi turned a deaf ear to Huan'er's sad words of admonition, and walked towards the coffin that was close at hand with a dull expression.

Gently placing both hands on the unsealed coffin as if swinging a pendulum, Liu Mingzhi looked into the coffin in a daze.

I saw Tao Ying's skin was better than snow, wearing a plain white gauze cloud dress, which was as thin as cicada's wings, tightly wrapped the beauty's graceful and exquisite jade body, and a pair of jade hands that bullied frost and snow were quietly clasped together. At the ribbon on the flat belly.

The hair that was originally coiled up like ink, now reaches to the waist of the beautiful woman Liu, spreading under Tao Ying's slender jade body, losing its former luster.

The pair of delicate and exquisite almond eyes filled with endless temptation in the past are still closed tightly at this moment, and the slender eyelashes cover the eyelids motionlessly.

The beauty's skin was as pale as jade, her black eyebrows were like a crescent moon, and her vermilion lips were a little red.

Tao Ying, who was lying in the coffin, was as peaceful as a sleeping fairy at this moment, but this sleeping fairy-like beauty, at this moment, had no vitality at all, and had already passed away.

Tao Ying wore a plain white dress with no makeup on her jade cheeks, but she surpassed thousands of beauties in the world. Only the ordinary cherry blossom hairpin in her jet-black hair became the only thing on her body. Embellishment.

And that cherry blossom hairpin was exactly the one she bought on November 24 last year on her birthday, after she and Liu Mingzhi had traveled halfway around the capital city and bought it at a reasonable price and as she wished.

It happened that this hairpin, which was a birthday gift, became the only decoration on her body.

Liu Mingzhi tremblingly put his palm on Tao Ying's cold and slightly stiff cheeks, the mist in his eyes kept swirling.

"Tao Ying! Good sister!
After sleeping for so long, it's time to get up, right?

I know it's my fault for not saying hello to you before I left home, but how could you... How could you punish me like this?
How can you punish me? "

"Young Master Liu! Before my young lady dies, let the servants hand over to you..."

"Huan'er, you can wait outside first, Sister Tao Ying is asleep, I want to have a conversation with her."

"Master Liu!"

"go out!"

Huan'er's tender body trembled, looked at Liu Mingzhi hesitating for a while, and silently blessed him.

"Yes, the slaves retire."

After Huan'er exited Tao Ying's boudoir, Liu Mingzhi stroked Tao Ying's cheeks and remained silent for a long while, the tears swirling in his eyes could no longer be held back, and silently flowed down.

A piercing pain lingered all over his body, it was ten times more intense than the self-blaming heartache after Ruyi's death, and it was a pain that could not stop a hundred times.

It's like a piece of heart has been gouged out alive.

With a slight force on his arm, he lifted Tao Ying's silent jade body out of the coffin, and Liu Mingzhi carried Tao Ying with difficulty and walked towards the bed behind the screen.

Liu Mingzhi carefully placed Tao Ying's jade body on the bed, gently lifted the neatly folded brocade quilt to wrap Tao Ying's stiff jade body, Liu Mingzhi hugged Tao Ying tightly in his arms and let out a silent flow with tears.

"It's just spring, and the weather is still very cold! You lie like this for four days and don't know how to cover yourself with a quilt. What if you get cold?
For your husband to keep you warm, you won't be cold if you cover yourself with a quilt.

Tao Ying, we are not cold, we are not cold.

We won't be cold if my husband hugs you to sleep.

Silly Tao Ying!Why are you doing this?

Why are you punishing me like this?Ummmm...why do you punish me like this? "

Liu Mingzhi suppressed the pain in his heart, and cried bitterly in a low voice.

"Hey, since when did such a heroic, handsome and unrestrained gentleman set up a stall in the capital to tell fortunes?
Elder sister just has nothing to do, so I have to try your hexagram skills! "

"Whether you are missing in my sister's life, we have to see if you can make my sister miss you so much that I can't sleep or eat."

"Good brother, have you never seen a woman's breasts? Then stare straight ahead and be careful to pop your eyes out.

Besides, if you want to watch it, just go home with your sister.At that time, my sister will feast your eyes openly and aboveboard, why bother to be as sneaky as you are now?
Do you dare to go home with your sister? "


"Liu Mingzhi, I have a sworn hatred against you."

"I can't avenge my husband, but lose my body with you. Tao Ying's death is not a pity."

"Good brother, you are a good emperor for the country and the people, you must treat the people of the world well!"

"My sister wants a birthday that will be unforgettable for a lifetime, can you do it?"

"This scene of prosperity and mist is the most beautiful picture scroll in the world, isn't it?"

"You promised me, don't you want to go back on your word?"

"Good husband, thank you for giving me such an unforgettable birthday, I will never forget it in my life, love me!"

"You are not only the head of the family, but also the king of the country, how can you only know how to stay at home with your concubine and love your children?

Promise my sister, you must put the people of the world first! "

"Liu Mingzhi!"


"It's nothing. Happy New Year. You must treat your wife and children well after you go home."

"It's for sure, I don't need my good sister to teach you, my little brother will do it too."

"Liu Mingzhi?"

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"I just want to call you, after all, you can call the king of a country by his first and last name, so of course my sister has to call you.

Liu Mingzhi. "


"Liu Mingzhi!"



"Hmm! Lady!"

The scenes of getting along with Tao Ying in the past involuntarily lingered in his mind, Liu Mingzhi tightly held Tao Ying's cold and stiff hand and cried bitterly.

"Tao Ying! Tao Ying! My young master will never forgive you for the rest of my life.

You bad woman, you big liar. "

Liu Mingzhi rested his chin on Tao Ying's hair and kept rubbing it. Tears flowed down the beautiful woman's hair and on the beautiful woman's cheeks, slowly sliding towards Tao Ying's heart.

"Shouldn't martyrdom be just an ancient rumor? Shouldn't it be just a rumor?
Tao Ying, you died for Li Yunlong, have you considered me?

You just left without saying goodbye, what should I do?What should I do? "

(End of this chapter)

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