Chapter 2401

Liu Mingzhi took out a few folded rice papers from the envelope, subconsciously guessing what was written in Tao Ying's last letter to him.

Slightly turning his head to glance at Huan'er who was still standing beside the coffin and sobbing softly, Liu Mingzhi slightly staggered his body, and then looked down at the letter in his hand.

My husband Liu Mingzhi, dear.

The humble concubine Tao Ying bowed her head.

On the day when the book is stretched, my husband, the words should be like faces.

Weeping goodbye for many days since last year, how is your husband?

Although there is no chance to meet again, the concubine only wishes her husband well.

The concubine's life is shallow and her fortune is low, and she meets her husband by fate, but she has no part to stay with her. Since then, they have been separated, and Yin and Yang will be separated forever!
The road to Huangquan is long, but it is quiet.Look at my husband, don't read it even though it hurts.

Don't use the selfishness of being a concubine to disregard the common people in the world.

Looking back on the past two years, the concubine met the king for the first time, and the concubine was full of resentment and approached the king because of her personal enmity.

Thinking about it today, I regret it at the beginning.

But looking back on the past, it is too late to regret.

As a result of being reduced to today's state, the concubine deserves what she deserves, and it has nothing to do with her husband's fault.

Although the concubine has let go of the grievances of the former deceased husband, although the death of the former deceased husband was not killed by the husband himself, it has a great relationship with the husband after all.

As the saying goes, a good woman does not marry two husbands, and a loyal minister does not have two masters.

The concubine and her husband have no name as husband and wife, but they have had fun several times day and night. These behaviors are completely different from the women's morals I learned when I was young.

It's really embarrassing to think about it alone in my spare time.

The concubine came here to seek revenge, but she lost her body at the hands of her husband due to a coincidence, and she lost her name of innocence.

It is even more difficult to control the relationship with the husband for a long time, and he should be ashamed of the spirit of the deceased husband.

When the identity of the concubine was revealed, I wanted to leave without saying goodbye, but because of the pity of my husband for a long time, I wanted to leave, but my heart stayed, and I was reluctant to say goodbye to my husband, so I left sadly.

It never occurred to her that one day the concubine would treat her husband with love and fall into the love web woven by her husband and could not extricate herself.

However, although getting along with her husband is sweet, but every time after her husband leaves, the concubine will feel ashamed because she has lost her wife's virtue when she thinks of her deceased husband's spirit in heaven.

You and I have always been dew couples with no real names, and the identity of the concubine is Li's wife and concubine after all, not the husband's family.

Although he has his own desires, he is willing to consider himself a husband and concubine, but he is deceiving himself and others after all.

I only wish to die in love with my life to repay the apology to my deceased husband in my heart.

May the husband forgive the selfish choice of the concubine, and don't care about the concubine's femininity, so that I will hold a grudge against the concubine in my heart, and make the concubine die with regret.

On the eve before the identity of the concubine was revealed, the concubine learned from a senior in Spy Shadow that not only the concubine was alone, but also the elder sister-in-law Li's Chen Jie had an affair with her husband in private.

And give birth to the apple of the eye for her husband.Liu Jiajiao'e, the master is Lianiang.

Getting along in private is also full of affection.

At first, the concubine despised the eldest sister-in-law for her lack of chastity, but she spent time with her husband day and night, not knowing that she was also stuck in the mud like the elder sister-in-law.

It wasn't until the affair had subsided for many days, and when the husband came to the house to meet the concubine privately again, the concubine couldn't help but feel happy, and at that moment the concubine suddenly realized that the concubine, like the elder sister-in-law, had already been deeply involved in it.

At this time and at that time, the concubine can't help feeling envious of her eldest sister-in-law who can accompany her husband and lord.

Of course.Good fortune is impermanent, and things backfire.

Although the concubine and the eldest sister-in-law are both wives and concubines of the Li family, they have different identities.

It is the identity of the deceased husband.

Although the eldest brother Li Baiyu died young, he had nothing to do with her husband. Although her husband came a long way late to rescue her, but the incident happened suddenly, and her husband had tried everything he could to bring it back.

Benevolence comes to an end.

Under the turmoil of the husband, he also vigorously supported Li Ye's son to become the emperor. For the Li royal family, although it is the duty of a minister, it is also a great kindness.

Under such circumstances, the eldest sister-in-law has a private affair with her husband as a widow. Although their identities are contrary to human relations, for lovers, they are both emotional and reasonable.

However, being a concubine is different, the death of the deceased husband is ultimately caused by the husband.

As far as the elder sister-in-law is concerned, the husband has kindness, but as far as the concubine is concerned, he has the hatred of killing her husband.

Although the concubine's body has been relieved, but because of the spirit of the dead husband in the sky, and the identity of the concubine's body, she has never been able to frankly face the inner condemnation, and calmly stay with her husband until the end of her life.

Ask yourself, this is the virtue of a wife.

In the final analysis, the concubine never thought that one day, the concubine would treat her husband, a person who has hatred, with all her heart and love in every possible way.

Love is impermanent like wind and snow, but it will die when it moves.

The concubine always thought that she and the concubine had a good time because of her husband's lust and coercion.

However, on the eve of the day when I asked my husband to accompany my concubine to celebrate my birthday, the concubine suddenly understood that the concubine had already moved her heart, and the love was deeply rooted.

Once the woman is moved, there is no way back for the concubine.

At the first moment of love, I wanted to spend time with my husband and grow old together.

After careful consideration, the shackles in the concubine's body and mind are difficult to break away. I only feel that my life is poor, and I have no chance to stay with my husband until the end of my life, and I have no blessing to be loved by him in every possible way.

Therefore, the only way to return home is for the concubine to die and pay off her debts.

On the snowy night of my birthday in the past, my concubine murmured softly, and my husband once asked me what I said in a low voice.

The concubine smiled but didn't answer, and today the concubine will tell me in writing.

Farewell to you in this life, I only hope to meet again in the next life.

The lovesickness in the two places is the same as the snow, and this life is also considered a white head.

A husband can take his concubine's status as a concern, but he must not worry about it all the time. Because of his concubine's status, the country and the country will be ruined and the country's affairs and people's livelihood will be affected.

Husband is now a prosperous Mingjun who is deeply loved by the people. I hope that you will not forget your original intention, forge ahead, and always put state affairs and world affairs as the most important things.

Fang lives up to his status as a king.

Although the concubine's soul has gone to Jiuyou, but the concubine left a cherry blossom jade card on her husband's side, just like a concubine accompanying her husband.

These half hanging copper coins, totaling 520 pieces, are earned by selling female reds embroidered by my concubine herself.

Treating it as a relic is a bit tacky.

However, things are vulgar and sincere, this is the concubine's feelings of repaying each other with a grass title ring.

This move is all due to the stories that the husband told when he chatted with his concubine in the past.

The cherry blossom hairpin is what the concubine asked for after spending 310 four copper coins from her husband.

The deep meaning in it, looking at the world, only the concubine and her husband understand it.

Because the husband once told the concubine that the clichéd anecdote is that the husband only talks to the concubine.

Therefore, although the concubine met her husband late, compared with the Xu and sisters of the husband's family, the feeling of love is naturally gratifying.

If the concubine is alive in heaven, I wish to see my husband become the eternal emperor of benevolence and holiness in my dynasty.

I would like to protect my husband secretly, so that I will be free from all diseases and live a long life.

You and I will meet again in the dark in the future, and this concubine will be proud of it.

Good husband, you must be a good emperor who is diligent in government and loves the people!

Parting words, long speeches, are already nagging.

But thousands of words, but it is hard to overcome the concubine's longing for her husband.


This word will be the end.

The concubine wishes her husband all the best.

concubine!Liu's Tao Ying.


Liu Mingzhi tightly held the few pages of rice paper in his hand that were filled with elegant lower script, and slightly raised his head to look towards the courtyard outside the door.

"Two lovesickness in the same snow, this life is also a white head."

Suddenly, in the clear courtyard, Liu Mingzhi seemed to see the figure of that graceful lady dancing in the wind and snow on that snowy night on January 24 last year.

"Tao Ying, have you ever thought about it?
Unable to calmly face the shackles of identity in your heart, you chose to sacrifice yourself for love, but left Liu Mingzhi with an unforgettable love for half a lifetime. "

Silently muttering sad words, Liu Mingzhi silently rubbed the half hanging copper coins in his palm.

At this time, he realized that Tao Ying insisted on buying her a satisfactory birthday gift with hexagram funds. The reason turned out to be that he told her some clichéd stories from his past life a year ago when he was bored to pass the time.


(End of this chapter)

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