My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2402 Imperial Mausoleum

Chapter 2402 Imperial Mausoleum

Liu Mingzhi recovered from the remembrance, folded the letter in his hand and put it into an envelope, and put it in his arms together with the half-hanging copper coins in his hand.

Pretending to inadvertently wipe the blurry corners of his eyes, Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, looked at the grey-faced Huan'er, who was holding the coffin in agony, and had red and swollen almond eyes, and sighed.

Although Tao Ying and Huan'er are masters and servants in name, he can tell that they have a relationship like biological sisters in private.

Think about it too, people are not grass and trees, how can they be ruthless.

I have only known Tao Ying for more than two years, facing Tao Ying who has become a cold corpse is already heartbroken, let alone Huan'er!

The good sister who has been with her day and night for decades is actually separated from her overnight. This kind of blow is like a bolt from the blue, and I am afraid that not many people, male or female, can bear it.


When Huan'er heard Liu Mingzhi's call, she hurriedly wiped the tears off her face, and looked at Liu Mingzhi suspiciously: "Huh? Sir?
If you need anything, just ask your slaves! "

Liu Mingzhi walked gently to the side of the coffin, supported the edge of the coffin with both hands, stared at the peaceful 'sleeping' beauty with deep affection and pain, and let out a sigh.

"My husband, Tao Ying, has full authority to arrange Tao Ying's funeral, so you don't have to worry about it!"

Huan'er was stunned for a moment, looking at Liu Mingzhi's expression of silence as he looked at his young lady in the coffin, with some hesitation on his face.

"Sir, my lady told the servant in her last words to ask the servant to beg you sir.

I hope that you, sir, can read the miss because of the fact that she and you met each other, and after the funeral, you can order her body to be buried in the tomb of Emperor Hezongxian with her.

The young lady said that she was the concubine of Emperor Hezong after all, and it was only natural that she would be buried with her late husband after death.

The servant girl just let you read the last words my young lady left to the servant girl, did you not see clearly?
The servant will show you again. "

Liu Mingzhi glanced lightly at Huan'er who was groping towards his waist, and raised his hand to stop it.

"No need to take it, I have read all the content above.

I agree to other things together, but I will never agree to this request. "

"Huh? But... sir..."

"Okay, it's not a problem for Tao Ying to be buried in the imperial tomb, but it's not Li Yun... He Zong's tomb.

You don't have to worry about this matter, I will handle it with full authority.

If you are not afraid, just talk to your lady.

I'm going back here first, and I will come back as soon as possible after discussing with others about the burial of Tao Ying.

Without my order, no one can handle Tao Ying's funeral.

Those who violate the order will be killed without mercy. "

Sensing the fleeting domineering aura on Liu Mingzhi's body, Huan'er couldn't help but shuddered, pursed her lips and nodded timidly.

"Yes, the servant knows."

Liu Mingzhi leaned over and grabbed Tao Ying's cold and stiff hand, stroked it for a while, then gently put it back, sighed quietly and left silently outside the door.

Huan'er stared blankly at Liu Mingzhi's desolate and lonely back, this was the first time she saw Liu Mingzhi's lonely figure.

Compared with the high-spirited posture of the past and the past, it can be said to be a world of difference.

On the fifth floor of Penglai Restaurant.

Liu Mingzhi silently stopped in front of the window, looked up at the new moon quietly rising in the sky, and remained silent.

A black shadow lightly floated into the window and stopped beside Liu Mingzhi.

"Queer sees the young master."


After Suzaku got up, she got used to sticking to Liu Mingzhi: "Master, you are in such a hurry to find Que'er, do you miss..."

Suzaku spoke in a charming voice, but as soon as he approached, he found Liu Mingzhi's expression was extremely heavy, and subconsciously stopped.

"Master, did something happen?"

"Que'er, is the spy who secretly protects Tao Ying from your Suzaku Division?"

"It's Huwei Tiangang's brother, what's the matter?"

"Tao Ying committed suicide by taking poison four days ago! Is this how the staff of Tiger's Might protect her?"

"What? How is this possible?"

"Master, I have already seen her dead body with my own eyes, so I can still pretend.

It would be great if it was fake! "

Suzaku looked at Liu Mingzhi's silent expression, and kept rubbing his hands on his lower abdomen: "How could this happen? How could this happen?"

Liu Mingzhi turned his eyes and glanced at Suzaku who was a little at a loss, took off the dry pipe, lit the tobacco, took a deep breath of the thick smoke that choked his throat, and let it out.

"Master and servant, there is some kind of friendship. Let those spies who secretly protect Tao Ying's safety die with dignity!

Afterwards, they were buried in the name of dying in the line of duty, and the pension was handed over to their relatives. "

Hearing Liu Mingzhi's emotionless words, Suzaku hastily knelt down on one knee: "Master, please forgive me, please forgive me.

Que'er begged the young master to spare the lives of those brothers, after all, it was you, the young"

"You can say whatever you want, you don't have to hide it."

Suzaku bit her red lips tightly: "Master, that Que'er dared to say it.

Previously, you told Que'er to pass orders to Zhuquesi's brothers, only to protect Sister Tao Ying's safety outside Li's house.

You said that Sister Tao Ying is a woman after all, and Suzaku Division's brothers are both male and female, so it is not convenient to get close to protect her.

Just make sure no spy spies approach her outside the house.

The brothers are protecting Sister Tao Ying's safety outside the house, and there is an outer courtyard blocking them.

Brothers are not clairvoyant, Shunfenger, Sister Tao Ying committed suicide by taking poison in her boudoir, how could brothers know about this?

Brothers, even if they are guilty of negligence, they are not guilty of death.

Please forgive me, young master, and spare Huwei Tiangang those brothers who protect Sister Tao Ying's safety! "

As soon as Suzaku's pleading words fell, the room was silent and could hear needles dropping.

The dark shreds of tobacco in the smoking pot gradually burned out, and the lingering smoke drifted along the window towards the new moon in the sky.

A crisp sound.

Five bright red fingerprints suddenly appeared on Liu Mingzhi's cheeks.

Suzaku stood up hastily, grabbed Liu Mingzhi's wrist, looked at the clear and vivid fingerprints on Liu Mingzhi's face under the moonlight, and shook his head heartbroken.

"Master, please don't do this.

No one thought that Sister Tao Ying would do such a stupid thing, you are so sad! "

"Oh, it turns out that I killed her after all!"

"Master, no one wants Sister Tao Ying to disappear, but since the matter has already happened, what can you change even if you blame yourself to death?

You have to look ahead! "

"Yeah, let's move on!
I think if Tao Ying had a spirit in the sky, she wouldn't be happy to see me so decadent, would she?
bird! "


Liu Mingzhi untied a gold medal from his waist and handed it to Suzaku: "Send people to secretly investigate Tao Ying's relatives in this world, and if they find them, order the local chief officer to escort them to the capital in my name.

If someone doesn't want it, don't force it. "

Suzaku took the token and nodded silently: "Que'er understands, do you have any other orders from the young master?"

"No, you should do this first!"

"Yes, the brother of Tiger Mighty Tiangang Department?"

"Two months' salary."

"Thank you, young master, Que'er will leave."

Suzaku came and went even faster, and within a few ups and downs, the beautiful figure disappeared under the bright moonlight.

Withdrawing his gaze from watching Suzaku leave, Liu Mingzhi took out the cherry blossom jade tablet from his bosom and stroked it gently for a long time, raised his hand to wear it on his neck, and then put the jade tablet into his lapel.

Gazing at the new moon in the sky for the last time, Liu Mingzhi closed the window silently.

In front of the House of the Minister of the Household Department, Liu Mingzhi gently knocked on the door.


"Palace people."

"Please... please wait a moment!"

After about half a stick of incense, in the main hall of the Jiang Mansion, Jiang Yuanming put the tea beside Liu Mingzhi with a puzzled expression.

He was a bit puzzled by Young Master Liu's behavior of coming back in the evening just after leaving in the morning.

"Your Majesty, please have some tea."

"Well! You sit too."


Liu Mingzhi took a sip of tea, looked at Lao Jiang calmly and said, "Lao Jiang, after the winter tax, how much idle money can be taken out of the treasury besides various fixed expenses?"

Old Jiang was stunned for a moment, but he reacted in time, stroked his beard and pondered for a while.

"Excluding the silver taels that have been scheduled to be spent by the inner government, the new government, and the northern government and the silver taels in the emergency reserve, the idle silver taels are about 340 million to 400 million.

Of course, if it is possible to fight against that Tsarist Russia this year, it will be hard to say.

It may be exhausted, and even emergency reserves of money and food will be activated. "

Liu Mingzhi closed his eyes and silently calculated for a while, then gently put down the teacup.

"First transfer 100 million taels of silver to build my imperial tomb."

(End of this chapter)

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