My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2403 Some People

Chapter 2403 Some People

Jiang Yuanming paused as he picked up the teacup and prepared to drink tea, and looked at Liu Mingzhi in astonishment, obviously he couldn't believe that he had just heard the words.


"I said, first transfer 100 million taels of silver from the national treasury to build the accompanying tombs of the Emperor's Mausoleum first, and only build one of them. It is not necessary to complete all the accompanying tombs."

Liu Mingzhi's words this time were calm and forceful, and Jiang Yuanming could hear them clearly.

Lao Jiang hastily put down the tea brought to his mouth and looked at Liu Mingzhi in surprise. You must know that since Liu Mingzhi ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, he rarely took the initiative to ask for major construction projects on himself.

Every year, [-]% of the money in the treasury of various tax revenues is spent on the development and construction of the people's livelihood in the three prefectures of the Inner Mansion, the New Mansion, and the North Mansion.

In my impression, the only time Liu Mingzhi ordered the household department to carry out large-scale construction projects was to repair the Fu'an Palace bedroom for the Empress Dowager Nan Gongmeng.

And this kind of expenditure is not because of his own greed for enjoyment, but to express his filial piety to his mother, Nangong Meng.

For the first time today, Liu Mingzhi asked himself to transfer 100 taels of silver from the treasury to build the imperial mausoleum for him. For a while, Lao Jiang really couldn't recover.

In his own impression, Liu Mingzhi seldom bothered about the construction of his imperial tomb. The imperial tomb on the outskirts of the dragon can have the current scale. Liu Mingzhi, the current emperor, has not worked hard at all. It is all his own gang of civil and military The minister built it for Liu Mingzhi according to the custom.

During the period, the construction of the imperial mausoleum was suspended several times due to the shortage of treasury and silver. After he and others reported it to Liu Mingzhi, he always let it go, and his words remained unchanged.

I am still young!The construction of the imperial mausoleum will be built if the treasury has money, and if there is no money, it will be put on hold until the treasury is full.

This is his attitude towards the construction of his imperial tomb.

Now that he took the initiative to mention the construction of the imperial mausoleum, Lao Jiang was really surprised.

What Lao Jiang didn't understand was why the companion tomb was built first?And even want to use 100 million taels of silver to build the accompanying mausoleum!
According to Dalong's custom, this companion tomb is prepared for the concubines who died after His Majesty or the princes and ministers with outstanding achievements.

The former is because after the dragon-breaking stone in the main tomb fell, those concubines who died after the emperor could only be buried in the accompanying tomb.Of course, there are exceptions, that is, a certain concubine is deeply loved, and the emperor's decree specifically ordered the new king to reopen the Dragon Breaking Stone in the future, and bury the concubine's body in the main tomb.

The latter is the emperor's gratitude to the princes and ministers who have made great contributions to the court, and he is specially granted to allow them to be buried in the imperial tomb after their death as a show of honor.

"Your Majesty...Your Majesty, I have the courage to ask, did you make a mistake? Are you sure you built the companion mausoleum instead of the main mausoleum?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded calmly: "You heard me right, the accompanying tomb is not the main tomb, the project of the main tomb is too huge, there is not enough time, let her live with the tomb for a while.

After the main mausoleum is completed, the coffin will be moved. "


After hearing Young Master Liu's somewhat quiet words, Old Jiang swallowed involuntarily.

Why do His Majesty's words sound so frightening?

what is happening?who is she?Or is it him?
Will it be moved to the main mausoleum in the future?

In this way, she must be a woman. After all, apart from women, the main mausoleum of the emperor's tomb would not put the corpse of a man in it for burial.

Female identity?

Could it be that some empress is blessed with poor fate, unfortunately, in her young age... hiss...

Old Jiang took a breath of air, raised his eyes to look at Liu Mingzhi, saw the heavy expression on Liu Mingzhi's face, and immediately realized that his guess was probably close to ten.

"Yes, the old minister understands, may I ask how many days it will take for His Majesty to complete the accompanying tomb that His Majesty mentioned?"

"At all costs, it must be completed within forty days."

Must be completed within 30 days?This shows that the mourning period for the dead body is about 36 days, and it should be the [-]th without a doubt!

This is the standard that only noble concubines can enjoy!

well!I don't know which noble concubine or empress died in such a young age?what a pity!

"The old minister understands. If His Majesty has no other orders, the old minister will immediately leave to meet with the Ministry of Industry, and the two colleagues from the Ministry of Rites will discuss the matter together."

"The Ministry of Industry is fine, but the Ministry of Rites is fine!"

"Huh? Don't ask the Ministry of Rites to discuss the funeral..."

Liu Mingzhi's closed eyes slightly opened a slit, and he stared quietly at Lao Jiang who looked stunned: "Just do it like this."

Lao Jiang felt the simple and quiet gaze in Liu Mingzhi's eyes. After dealing with Liu Mingzhi for so many years, he knew too well what Liu Mingzhi's gaze meant, and his heart twitched subconsciously.

"Yes, yes, the old minister understands."

Liu Mingzhi stood up silently, and walked towards the outside of the main hall at a leisurely pace.

"After discussing with the Ministry of Industry about the construction of the accompanying mausoleum, I went to the palace to find Xiao Chengzi during the court meeting, and asked him to transport some flashy things from the warehouse of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Ministry of Households, and then sold them in the name of Shi Fangsi. Until the gap of 100 million taels of silver spent by the treasury is filled."

"The old minister took the order and sent you off to His Majesty."

Watching Liu Mingzhi's back go away, Lao Jiang raised his hand to wipe the fine sweat from his forehead.

He had a strange intuition that Liu Mingzhi seemed to be a little different.

"Housekeeper, prepare your official robes."

"Yes! Sir!"

In Liu's mansion, Liu Song happily greeted Young Master Liu when he saw Young Master Liu returning to the mansion.

"Master, you are back."

"Well! Go get busy."


Liu Song stared in astonishment at the figure of Liu Mingzhi walking towards the next yard in a daze, scratched his head in bewilderment, turned around and rushed towards the front yard.

"Old man, where is my mother?"

Liu Zhi'an, who was sipping slowly with a pot of wine, looked at First Young Master Liu who appeared in front of him inadvertently, and silently put down the wine glass in his hand: "It should be in the room, what's wrong? What can I do with your mother?" ?"

"It's just a small matter, it has nothing to do with you, you continue to drink, I will go to my mother first."

"Okay! By the way, the old man seems to have something wrong with your face, are you okay?"

"What can my young master do? It's okay. Nothing. You continue to drink."

Liu Zhi'an looked at Young Master Liu's leaving back and smacked his lips.

"What's the situation? Why does this bastard look like a dead lady?"


Liu Zhi'an looked at Liu Yuan who stopped in front of him and frowned: "Huh? Why haven't you rested in the middle of the night?"

Liu Yuan leaned close to Liu Zhian's ear and muttered softly for a while, then got up and stood aside to wait.

Liu Zhian narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the direction in which First Young Master Liu was leaving with a disappointed expression.

"I see."

Liu Zhi'an filled the wine glass in his hand with the pot, and gently raised it to the bright moonlight.

"Some people are timid and afraid of death, while others see death as home.

Some people break their promises, and some people stick to their hearts.

Some people are ungrateful and ungrateful, and have a cold nature; some people value love and righteousness, and are kind-hearted.

Some people are full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, but they have countless hearts; some people act romantically, but they are sincere.

Some people have smooth sailing and regard their children's love as a trifle, while some people have a rough half of their life and regard love as their life.

This world is fate!

Good woman, good daughter-in-law, father-in-law toasts you.

May you be reborn in a good family in the next life. "

"Mother, are you resting?"

"Zhi'er? Mother isn't asleep yet, come in."

"Mother, what are you doing?"

"What can I do! Of course it's making tiger-toed shoes for my mother's little grandson Cheng Rui.

His older brothers and sisters all had tiger-toed shoes made by their mother when they were young, so naturally they couldn't miss it when it was his turn. "

Liu Mingzhi sat on the stool opposite Mrs. Liu, looked at the small and exquisite shoe pattern in Mrs. Liu's hand, and was silent for a while.

"Mother, I want to ask you for another bracelet for my daughter-in-law."

(End of this chapter)

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