My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2404 Just drifting in a foreign land

Chapter 2404 Just drifting in a foreign land

Mrs. Liu gently twisted the ball of thread, and subconsciously raised her head to look at Liu Mingzhi: "A bracelet for... for your daughter-in-law?"

"Yes, a bracelet for my daughter-in-law. It doesn't matter whether it's valuable or not, what matters is the meaning of taking it out of your hand."

Mrs. Liu suddenly put the ball of thread in her hand into a basket beside her, walked over to Young Master Liu and stretched out her hand to twist Young Master Liu's ear.

"Brat, aren't you satisfied with Yun'er and the others at home? They even go out to make trouble?

Are you going to die of anger as a mother?

Said, which girl is it, who has such a great charm, can seduce you, a married man with a group of charming ladies in his family, who is so fascinated.

It even reached the point where I came to my mother to ask for a bracelet. "

"Mom! Leave it alone!"

"Hey! How dare you kiss your mother..."

Mrs. Liu was about to pull the palm of Liu Mingzhi's ear hard, when she suddenly noticed Liu Mingzhi's somewhat sad gaze under the candlelight, and subconsciously let go of Liu Mingzhi's ear with pale white fingers.

"Zhi'er, you...are you alright?"

"It's okay! What can my child do! Mother, just say yes or not?"

Mrs. Liu noticed something unusual in Liu Mingzhi's somewhat vague words, she lowered her head and stared at Liu Mingzhi silently for a moment, then Mrs. Liu nodded imperceptibly.

"Promise, can't I promise you for my mother?
It's just that it's too late today, and tomorrow my mother will go to the jewelry store to buy a high-quality jade bracelet and come back, and then you will pass it on to my daughter-in-law who hasn't met yet. "

"Thank you mother, I'm sorry.

You can make tiger-toed shoes for Cheng Rui first, the child still has some mundane things to deal with, so I won't stay with you any longer.

Mother, don't stay up too late, go to bed early.

The boy left. "

Mrs. Liu looked at the back of Liu Mingzhi who got up and walked towards the door, and hurriedly chased after him: "Child!"

Liu Mingzhi paused, turned around and looked at Mrs. Liu who was chasing him with a light smile.

"Mom, is there anything else?"

"I...for my mother...for my's okay, it's okay, I just want to tell you to rest early after you've dealt with the trivial matters."

"Hey! The child knows, let's go first."

After Liu Mingzhi's figure disappeared, Mrs. Liu hurriedly closed the door and ran towards the place where Liu Zhian was drinking.

The child traveled far away from home after the year, and he didn't know what happened during the period, so he became like this.

"Husband, you are back, how are you? Is what I said right? Is the capital peaceful?

If you are not allowed to go out, you insist on going out, is it because you have been running around for nothing all day? "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Qi Yun who came up to him with a sweet smile, and with a bitter smile on his lips, he nodded silently and walked towards the wardrobe behind the screen.

"Yes, the capital city is indeed peaceful.

Yun'er... For my husband... For my husband, I want to tell you something. "

"Okay, my concubine is all ears, what does my husband want to say?"

Liu Mingzhi took out a light white Confucian shirt from the closet, walked towards the stool beside him, and sat down silently.

"Two years ago, our family moved from the palace to our home for about two months. When my husband was setting up a fortune-telling stall outside the restaurant of the two sisters in Bizhu and Lingyi, we met a woman named Tao... ..."

The moon was hanging high, and the red candles in Qi Yun's boudoir were dim and dim, flickering with faint brilliance, echoing Liu Mingzhi's soft and slow voice.

Qi Yun was sitting on the stool in front of the dressing table, with her hands naturally resting on her slender legs, her expression was sometimes nervous, sometimes excited, sometimes resentful, and sometimes sadly looking at her husband in front of her, her expression changed like a magic trick.

Liu Mingzhi gently held Qi Yun's jade hand, and told Qi Yun the past events between himself and Tao Ying, kindness, resentment, and love for children without reservation.

Liu Mingzhi already had the idea of ​​confessing to Qi Yun about the matter between him and Chen Jie, He Shu, and Tao Ying.

Originally, she planned to find an appropriate time to tell Qi Yun everything after she came back from Laizhou, but she never thought that Tao Ying, a silly woman, would never give herself this chance.

It was quiet and peaceful outside the room, except for the occasional movement caused by the breeze passing through.

A brand new candle on the dressing table burned more than half of it in the passage of time, and Liu Mingzhi's voice also stopped.

Qi Yun silently watched her husband grabbing her hands in helplessness and pain, and gently held Liu Mingzhi's hands in her arms and rubbed them.

"Silly husband, my condolences will change, if Sister Tao Ying is alive in the sky, she definitely doesn't want to see you like this.

The concubine thought that the reason why she chose such a result must be thought of from time to time, but the idea had been born long ago.

But because of her husband, she fell into a situation of struggling to make a choice.

It's a pity that Sister Tao Ying still didn't figure it out in the end, and chose a path that made people feel sad.

Doesn't the husband just want to bury her in the imperial tomb?The concubine has no objection. In fact, the husband does not need to discuss such trivial matters with the concubine. As long as the decision is made by the husband, the concubine will support you unconditionally. "

"Oh, Yun'er, it's good that you don't get jealous."

"How could the concubine be jealous? Let's not say that the dead are the most important, but that sister Tao Ying dares to love and hate, a woman who is so affectionate and sexual, the concubine can't be jealous even if she wants to!

The funeral will be handled according to what you said, my husband, and I will be buried as a noble concubine, and I have no objection at all.

During sister Tao Ying's funeral, if your husband needs the concubine's help to handle any matters, just ask the concubine to do it. "

"Hey, my husband knows."

Three days later, Liu Mingzhi personally put the jade bracelet sent by Mrs. Liu on Tao Ying's wrist, and ordered someone to prepare an ice coffin made of ice and sent it to Li's residence, temporarily moving Tao Ying's body inside.

Although the weather is still cold today, with the return of spring and the recovery of everything on the earth, Liu Mingzhi can only do this for the sake of safety.

During the construction of the imperial tomb accompanying the mausoleum, Dalong continued to flourish in the direction of prosperity.

Whether it is the capital or the state capitals, the population of common people continues to increase.

The large and small court meetings in the palace were also going on as usual, but the Manchu civil and military officials in the court all became cautious and trembling, as if there was some haze hanging over their heads.

The reason for such a situation is that Liu Mingzhi seems to have changed today. The king of a country who used to spend three days fishing and two days drying the net suddenly became diligent in politics.

Every big court meeting always arrives as scheduled.

It can be said that civil and military officials other than the Minister of the Ministry of Household and the Minister of the Ministry of Industry are uneasy.

It wasn't that they were disturbed because Liu Mingzhi had become diligent, but that there must be demons when things go wrong.

They really didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Liu Mingzhi's gourd, and they were afraid that they would accidentally fall into His Majesty's hands because of a trivial matter.

On February [-]th in the fourth year of Dalong Taiping.

Tao Ying's body, which had been in the ice coffin for 36 days, was buried by Liu Mingzhi in the tomb of his imperial tomb.

About Tao Ying, Liu Mingzhi did not tell anyone in court except his family.

Although the Ministry of Household Affairs and Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry vaguely guessed something, but Liu Mingzhi never took the initiative to mention this matter, they had no choice but to keep silent, pretending that nothing happened.

After the accompanying tomb was completed, the two discussed and ordered the removal of all the officers and soldiers who supervised the imperial tomb, and the craftsmen who built the imperial tomb vacated the entire huge imperial tomb.

As for whether someone would go to the imperial mausoleum to make trouble after the officers and soldiers withdrew, the two were not worried at all.

The country is stable, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the world is peaceful and peaceful. In the prosperous world, no one has the courage to dare to make troubles in the imperial tomb of a founding emperor who will be buried in peace.

"Master, it's time to seal the coffin."

"Go out first, I will stay for a while."

Liu Song and Huan'er looked at each other and saluted respectfully.


After the two left, Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at Tao Ying whose delicate face had changed a lot, silently took out a handkerchief from his bosom and slowly opened it, picked up a few leafy cherry blossom branches and moved towards Tao Ying's Put it aside.

"Silly Tao Ying, you gave my husband three relics, and my husband will return you three gifts.

Hairpins, bracelets, and sakura branches are not valuable items. They are mainly for my husband's heart!
This branch of cherry blossoms is about to bloom, and you will be able to see it soon.

sleep well!In a few decades, our husband and wife will be able to meet again. It's only a few decades, and the time is gone in the blink of an eye.

When you and I meet again, my husband will definitely swell your ass.

This is my husband's punishment for making you haunt me. "

Finally, Liu Mingzhi gently stroked Tao Ying's cheek, his lips trembled and he closed his eyes, his arm trembled slightly, and a muffled sound echoed in the cold tomb.

"Good sister, sleep well, I will leave first for my husband, and I will come to see you again for my husband every year during the holidays."

Liu Mingzhi turned around and opened his eyes, not daring to look back at the coffin behind him for the last time, and walked towards the outside of the accompanying mausoleum with a slightly stooped figure.

After about half a stick of incense, there was a loud bang, and the heavy broken dragon stone sealed the door of the tomb. Liu Mingzhi murmured with a lonely expression, and walked towards the main road outside the imperial mausoleum without daring to turn his head.

"Life and death are yin and yang, so it doesn't matter if you die or return to the underworld. The yang and the underworld are all similar, and you can only drift in a foreign land."

(End of this chapter)

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