My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2405 Qi Liang Transferred

Chapter 2405 Qi Liang Transferred
On February 25th in the fourth year of Dalong Taiping.

As the weather warmed up, the roads became smoother, and many things that had been hindered by the imperial court gradually got on the right track.

One of Dalong's imperial uncles, Qi Liang, the governor of Yuzhou, was appointed by Liu Mingzhi after his political achievements were reviewed by the Ministry of Officials, and Qi Liang was transferred to Beidi as the general manager under the complicated mood of various officials. State and Songzhou are the governors of the two governments with military and political power.

Regarding Qi Liang's reassignment to be the governor of the two prefectures in the North, although the military officials in the DPRK and Chinese have different ideas and the factions are distinct, they all have a common purpose to find out.

That is whether His Majesty is ready to appoint the second prince Liu Chengzhi as the crown prince.

After I and others retire and leave the court, the burden of the future prosperity and decline of the family will naturally fall on the children below.

However, if you want to keep the family's foundation, you must be inseparable from the future successor.

The prerequisite for attaching to the successor is to determine the identity of the crown prince.

Only after confirming that His Majesty wants to appoint the second prince Liu Chengzhi as the crown prince and prince, can he and others make corresponding countermeasures according to the changes in the overall situation.

At that time, it is the best time to start making arrangements for the children to get close to the crown prince and prince.

But now that His Majesty has not established a crown prince for a long time, who is the right choice for so many princes to let their children get close to?
Considering Liu Mingzhi's character of never playing cards according to common sense in the past, Baiguan really had no idea.

The change of imperial power means that the forces in the court will inevitably face a comprehensive reshuffle in the future.

Some people are promoted day by day, while others will be reduced to stepping stones.

If they were on the wrong team, let alone keep their current family business, they might end up with a miserable ending of family ruin.

Regarding the matter of who Liu Mingzhi wanted to be the crown prince, the civil and military officials felt itchy in their hearts, but there was nothing they could do.

Every time the civil and military ministers advised against this matter, His Majesty always laughed it off in an unpredictable way, which made all the officials feel even more uncertain.

All officials also know that Liu Mingzhi's current age is indeed not too old, but that is only for ordinary people. For a king of a country, although Liu Mingzhi is now at the peak of spring and autumn, but for the lifespan of the emperors of all dynasties. , It's time to establish the crown prince.

On February 28th in the fourth year of Dalong Taiping, Qin Ziying, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, once again advised Liu Mingzhi on the establishment of the crown prince, but was transferred to other matters by Liu Mingzhi with the excuse that many princes were not in the capital for the time being.

In the Palace of Qinzheng.

Liu Mingzhi flipped through the few war report documents in his hand with a smile on his face. He was in a good mood. The news he had been waiting for finally came back.

"Old minister Zhang Kuang sees Your Majesty.

Reporting back to Your Majesty, I have been waiting since last year...


So far, the war in the Great Food Kingdom has been settled.

The heads of barbarians who killed my Dalong people have been escorted back to the capital, and they will be rushed to the capital in a few months to be dealt with by His Majesty.

Long live my emperor, long live.

The veteran Zhang Kuang nodded. "

With undisguised excitement on his face, Liu Mingzhi closed the last battle report heavily and stood up.

"Good! Good! Good! I am a great dragon, long live the soldiers of the Western Expedition Army."

All the officials looked at Liu Mingzhi's smiling face, and they all held up the chao wat and stood up to salute.

"The army of the Western Expedition has won successive battles and finally put down the Dashi. The two countries of Tianzhu have transformed the barbarians. This is His Majesty's blessing. Long live my emperor."

Liu Mingzhi put the few documents in his hand on the dragon case, and wandered happily on the dragon platform.

"My lords, there is no need to say more about flattering people.

Our Dalong Heavenly Dynasty was able to quell the barbarians of the two countries. It was all due to our soldiers in the Western Expedition who fought bravely and fought hard to kill the enemy. It has some relationship with me, but it has nothing to do with it.

The soldiers of the Western Expedition knew that Guanshan was far away, but they stayed away from their homeland without hesitation.

They have made contributions to the country in a foreign country, galloping on the battlefield to show the prestige of our country.

Throwing his head and blood, he finally avenged the more than 700 people of our heavenly dynasty. Even though I am the king of a country, I dare not claim such feats alone.

If your words reached the ears of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, how would they feel? "

"Your Majesty, please forgive me."

"Everyone is seated without courtesy, I am happy today, no fault."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Liu Mingzhi moistened his throat with tea, and walked down the dragon platform habitually, scanning the officials in the hall calmly.

"My lords, apart from the Ministry of War's report on the success of the Western Expedition, do you have any other memorial documents?"

Song Yu got up and walked out: "Your Majesty, I have a book to play."


"Reporting to Your Majesty, according to the report, Zhou Baoyu, Ye Baotong, Bahana, and Yeluhu, the four generals who guarded the border in the north, jointly sent a letter to report.

Since the beginning of the new year, the number of patrolling scouts at the border has tripled, and they have been patrolling our country's borders day and night.

The four generals asked if they would send a few troops across the border of our country to the north to investigate the enemy's situation in depth.

The specific situation has been summarized and transcribed by the old minister, please have a look at your Majesty. "

Liu Mingzhi took the document from Song Yu and carefully flipped through the contents.

After a while, Liu Mingzhi closed the document, pursed his lips, thought for a long time and nodded slightly.


After the dynasty is over, your Ministry of War will immediately plan to write back to Zhou Baoyu and his various ministries to arrange this matter on your own. "

"The old minister obeys the order."

"As far as this matter is concerned, what do you love ministers think?

Do you think it is possible for us to go to war with Tsarist Russia in half a year from now to the end of this year? "

Xia Gongming, the chief minister of the cabinet, got up and walked out: "Your Majesty, the veteran thinks that there is no possibility of fighting this year."

"Oh? Tell me in detail."

"Reporting to Your Majesty, in the war between the two countries last year, our Celestial Dynasty border guards beheaded and captured more than [-] enemy troops.

Tsarist Russia lost so many soldiers and horses in our territory at once, and the four Slavic generals of Tsarist Russia also saw the strength of our dynasty in the capital.

After they rush back to Tsarist Russia, they will definitely report to the Queen of Tsarist Russia what they saw and heard in my dynasty.

The four of them may even exaggerate their words in order to avoid the guilt of their own disadvantages in leading the army and causing the defeat of the [-] troops in our dynasty.

Because only by making my Great Dragon Heavenly Dynasty say that it is extremely powerful can we cover up their guilt of losing one hundred thousand soldiers and horses.

Combining the two situations, the Queen of Tsarist Russia will have to think twice whether to continue to be an enemy of my dragon.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the Queen of Tsarist Russia is a reckless person regardless of the cost, and there is a possibility that she will continue to be an enemy of my dragon regardless of the cost.

However, the soldiers patrolling the border so far have not found any Tsarist Russian soldiers and horses appearing on the border, which shows that the veteran's speculation is very likely. "

Song Yu also nodded in agreement: "The old minister seconded the proposal.

Your Majesty, Mrs. Xia, Tsarist Russia lost one hundred thousand soldiers and horses at once, and the pressure on the Tsarist Russian Empress is definitely not a trivial matter.

After all, with so many troops, she must give an explanation to the families of those Tsarist Russian soldiers.

Maybe the Queen of Tsarist Russia is too busy to take care of the problems of the people in the country now, so why send troops to my side again?

However, people's hearts are unpredictable. Regardless of whether the Russian Empress will send troops to invade the border this year, our dynasty must prepare for the whole army to prevent accidents. "

Liu Mingzhi frowned and nodded thoughtfully.

"What the two love ministers said is well-founded, so the matter related to the war with Tsarist Russia will be put on hold for now.

Your military department wrote back to Beidi, asking all the generals to pay close attention to the situation on the border.

Regardless of whether there is a war this year or not, we must be ready and ready at any time. "

"The old minister understands."

(End of this chapter)

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