My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2406 Some people rush to the examination room starry night, some people resign and return to

Chapter 2406 Some people rush to the examination room starry night, some people resign and return to their hometown
Liu Mingzhi handed the document in his hand to Xiao Chengzi who was beside him, and raised his eyes again to glance at all the officials in the palace.

"Apart from the Northland matter, who else has a plan to play, my loves?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the old minister has something to play."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Du Chenghao, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, who came out and nodded with a light smile: "Sure."

"Your Majesty, the Spring Examination is about to start in less than ten days, and now all the candidates from various state capitals who came to the capital to take the exam are waiting for the imperial court to start the exam.

However, His Majesty has not yet appointed who will be the fifteen examiners for the examination. It is related to the future talents of the imperial court. The old minister asks His Majesty to appoint fifteen examiners as soon as possible.

This is the list of examiners temporarily drawn up by the veteran, please have a look at it. "

Liu Mingzhi took the document in Du Chenghao's hand, walked aside with a half-smile and opened the document under the watchful eyes of all the officials.

Looking at the fifteen officials recommended by Du Chenghao on the document, Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly and pondered.

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi gently closed the document in his hand: "It's generally okay, but there are a few examiners who are not suitable. I will send someone to send you the specific list after careful consideration."

"Yes, the old minister understands."

"Any other documents?"

"Your Majesty is wise, the old minister still has a book to play."


"Reporting to Your Majesty, the Ministry of Officials examines the merits of officials in various states every three years. Some officials are promoted, some are relegated, and some return to their hometowns.

Now the promotion and relegation of officials are all done, only the old officials who have returned to their hometowns have not yet been dealt with.

After the old minister reported the officials from various states to the imperial court, he asked His Majesty to allow them to return to their hometowns and copied the list of officials.

As for the biographies of many colleagues, there are too many records of political achievements, and the veterans did not carry them with them.

After the dynasty is over, the old ministers will send someone to His Majesty's house from the official office.

Please Your Majesty first look at the list of many colleagues who have requested to retire and return to their hometowns. "

Liu Mingzhi took the document from Du Chenghao again, and carefully read it.

The names on this document were densely written on seven or eight pages, and Liu Mingzhi roughly checked that there were about a hundred people.

"Put it on hold for now. I will decide whether to allow them to return to their hometown after checking the documents of these officials."

"Yes! The old minister understands."

"Any more books to play?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the old minister is worthless."

"Well, take your seat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Is there any lover who has a book to play?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the old minister has something to play."


"Your Majesty, when the end of last year was approaching, His Majesty ordered the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Households to jointly build the Dalong Academy of Sciences, which has started construction and will be completed within three months.

The old minister dared to ask His Majesty, who should hold the post of the so-called Academy of Sciences?
Only when the veteran knows who is the head of the Academy of Sciences, can he negotiate with him and build the most suitable Academy of Sciences according to his needs.

After all, how the Academy of Sciences will be used and what its responsibilities are. Veterans don’t know anything about it. If it is directly built like the Imperial College, then the Academy of Sciences will be dissatisfied, and it will be troublesome if it is reworked. "

Liu Mingzhi's eyes brightened: "The construction has already started so soon?"

"Your Majesty's special account, how dare the ministers be negligent and slack."

"The old Aiqing has worked hard, and the Aiqing of the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Households have also worked hard."

"The ministers dare not, this is the duty of the ministers."

"The first member of the Academy of Sciences is none other than the former King of the Kingdom of Jin, Wanyan Feixiong, who is also one of my brother-in-laws.

Some of you have met this person, some of you haven’t. Although his knowledge can’t be said to be astronomy at the top and geography at the bottom, he is well versed in yin and yang, but he has his own uniqueness in science.

It is the best choice to serve as the first president of the Academy of Sciences.

After the court is over, I will inform him and ask him to go to your Ministry of Industry to discuss the establishment of the Academy of Sciences. "

"The old minister understands.

By the way, out of curiosity, the old minister took the liberty to ask His Majesty how high the rank of an official in this court is? "

Liu Mingzhi raised his brows, and lightly turned the puller on his thumb to think.

The Academy of Sciences is one of the foundations of rejuvenating the country, and Liu Mingzhi still counts on Fei Xiong to give him a vigorous industrial revolution!
Considering the particularity of the Academy of Sciences, if the official position is low, it may be inconvenient to handle many things in the future.

Then you can only give a higher grade and get some real power.

"On the third rank, and at the same time lead the rank of the left servant of the military department."

As soon as Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, all the officials were in an uproar, and even the important officials of the first and second ranks looked at Young Master Liu in amazement and showed curiosity.

Not to mention some officials below, they thought that the Academy of Sciences was just a fifth-rank official position.

Who would have thought that Liu Mingzhi would give such a high rank all of a sudden, the third rank is enough, and he would even lead the military department as the left servant.

For them, if they can sit in this position, it will be a great thing for their ancestors to soar to the sky.

If they didn't really know what the so-called Academy of Sciences was doing, they would have volunteered to ask Liu Mingzhi to let himself and others take up the post of the first president of the Academy of Sciences.

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry reacted from the astonishment, and looked at First Young Master Liu with twitching corners of his eyes: "This... cough cough... Your Majesty is holy."

"Hehe... all the ministers will understand in the future. Is there any Ai Qing who wants to play?"

"The ministers have nothing to play."

"Then let's retreat! I don't care about food today!"

Baiguan smiled lightly and stood up, bowing and saluting.

"Your Majesty will be sent off respectfully, long live long live long live long live."

After Liu Mingzhi's figure disappeared at the gate of the apse, all the officials got up and left the Qinzheng Hall one after another.

After Liu Mingzhi returned to the harem and changed into a Confucian shirt, he rushed out of the palace accompanied by Liu Song.

"Master, are we still the same?"

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the majestic palace gate, nodded silently with sore eyes.

"Yes, it's still the same, you go to sell books, and this young master goes to fortune-telling.

Diligence is diligence, but you have to make a living. Who made my young master have so many wives and children, all of which need me to support you!
Let's go! "

"Hey, please, young master."

Liu Mingzhi slept on the recliner and stared at the sky in a daze, until the sunset and no one came to the door.

Sighing that life is not easy, Liu Mingzhi greeted Liu Song to close the stall and go home.

After Liu Mingzhi returned to the mansion and told Wanyan Feixiong about the Academy of Sciences, he plunged into the study after supper and started to get busy.

It's the list of examiners who decide the Chunwei Examination, and it's too busy to look through the documents of the officials sent by the Ministry of Officials who have retired and returned to their hometowns?
It wasn't until the cock crowed twice in the courtyard that Liu Mingzhi blew out the candles on the desk and fell asleep at the desk.

The years passed quietly, as if in the blink of an eye, and the time came to the day of the Chunwei Exam on March [-]st.

Exam candidates all over the world have waited too long for this day.

In front of the hexagram booth outside Penglai Restaurant, Liu Mingzhi was holding tea and smilingly looking at the students who were flocking towards the Gongyuan on the street.

These candidates wearing Confucian shirts include young talents who are at the age of the crown, young talents who are heavy and restrained, and middle-aged scholars who are a little late.

Raising his hand to drink the tea in the cup, Liu Mingzhi put down the cup with two clicks of tut.

"Some people are Hoshino rushing to the examination room, some people resign and return to their hometowns.

In the vast world, there are all living beings, all in it! "

Taking a last look at the pedestrians on the street, Liu Mingzhi leaned back, slept on the recliner, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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