My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2407 Arrive as promised

Chapter 2407 Arrive as promised
Dalong Taiping four years March [-]th.

Du Chenghao, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, came out with a smile on his face, holding the documents in his hand, in the Grand Internal Affairs and Government Hall of the Imperial Palace.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, after the end of the Chunwei Examination, the candidates' test papers have been reviewed by [-] examiners. This is the list of high schools drawn up by the [-] examiners. Please have a look at it.

The test papers of the famous candidates on the list and the old ministers have been ordered to be strictly guarded in the official office, waiting for His Majesty to call in for verification at any time.

The old minister hoped that His Majesty would immediately dispatch the Imperial Army to the official office to fetch the examinee's test papers for verification and finalization.

Then release the list as soon as possible to comfort the eager hearts of students from all over the capital.

The veteran thought that the students who took the exam in various state capitals were waiting for the list of the imperial court, and I am afraid that they have already waited desperately. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly and turned to look at Song Qing: "King Wu Yi."

Song Qing strode out and bowed to salute: "The minister is here."

"Immediately dispatch three hundred forbidden troops to the official office to escort the test papers of the famous students on the list to the palace."

"The minister obeys the order."

"By the way, the test papers of the students who failed the rankings are also escorted over."

"According to the order, the minister will leave."

"Xiao Chengzi."


Xiao Chengzi hurriedly walked down the dragon platform, took the document from Du Chenghao's hand, ran back to the dragon platform and handed it to Liu Mingzhi.

Liu Mingzhi picked up the tea tree to moisten his throat, then picked up the documents and began to look through them.

The first name will be Yuan Lin Hanzhi.

Gongshi Li Wenbo.

Gongshi Chen Tonggong.

Gongshi Yan Yinan.


Gongsheng Li Shun.

In this Chunwei Examination, a total of 310 Gongsheng students were entered, and all the names were listed on the page.

Liu Mingzhi roughly scanned the pages of the famous students on the list, and finally his eyes returned to the name of the top student Lin Hanzhi.

Looking at Lin Hanzhi's name taboo, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but have some thoughts, subconsciously flashing memory fragments about last year in his mind.

It was the day I made an agreement with Tao Ying that I would spend an unforgettable birthday with her with her, and it was also the day when I met Lin Hanzhi, an impoverished student who was taking the exam.

If Tao Ying had a spirit in the sky, she didn't know how she would feel if she knew that the student who was so poor that she borrowed money from her husband had actually won the top honor in high school.

Thinking about it, I will definitely feel... oh...

Forcibly expelling Tao Ying's voice and smile from his mind, Liu Mingzhi deliberately did not think deeply, but turned his mind to Lin Hanzhi.

This guy still owes him 50 taels of silver!

This time, Huiyuan, the top student in his high school, should return it to himself after taking the reward from the court, right?
I hope this kid can keep his promise, otherwise his whole life's future will be ruined because of these 50 taels of silver.

Closing the list of Gongsheng in his hand with a half-smile, Liu Mingzhi looked at Du Chenghao.

"Ministry of Officials."

"The old minister is here."

"It seems Lin Hanzhi, the first famous member of the club, was also the first famous Jieyuan in Kunzhou back then, right?"

"Your Majesty, Lin Hanzhi, the leader of Huiyuan on this list, is the leader of Kunzhou Prefecture, Jieyuan.

Now not only the veterans, but even the fifteen examiners are waiting eagerly, waiting to see if Lin Hanzhi can get a big three yuan at once.

If he won the big three yuan in one fell swoop, then Lin Hanzhi really became famous all over the world in one fell swoop without anyone asking him for ten years.

You must know that it has been more than ten years, and there has never been a scholar who won the three yuan in one fell swoop in my dynasty. Now the old minister finally sees a glimmer of light.

I hope Lin Hanzhi can live up to expectations. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the expectant smile on Du Chenghao's face, put down the paperwork in his hand with a smile, got up and walked down the dragon platform.

"If Du Aiqing said that, I would definitely hope to see a third-class Jinshi who can produce a three-year-old Jinshi in the middle school.

I thought about it, in order for us Xinchao to be able to produce a candidate for the third year of the Lianzhong University, I might as well cheat a little bit and reveal to Lin Hanzhi in advance the questions I will take in the palace exam.

It's also good to help him, so that he can ascend to the throne of Enke's number one scholar in one fell swoop, and fulfill your wish, Lao Aiqing, what do you think of Lao Aiqing? "

Du Chenghao was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and took a few steps back when he came back to his senses.

"Hey, hey, your majesty can't take this joke, you can't take this joke!
Enke's selection of scholars is to select talents of pillars for the imperial court, the cornerstone of the country, how can it be such a trifling matter?

Whether Lin Hanzhi can win the first place depends entirely on whether he has real talents.

Don't say that the ministers can't see the big three yuan obtained by malpractice for personal gain. Lin Hanzhi himself would think it was a humiliation to him by the court.

It's about the court's face in the eyes of scholars all over the world, His Majesty must not mess around!

If this is spread, not only will the imperial court's face be lost, but His Majesty's majesty will also be lost.

No kidding, absolutely no kidding. "

Not only Du Chenghao, but the rest of the civil and military officials also subconsciously twitched their eyes.

Looking at the serious Du Chenghao, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help laughing.

"I was just joking, how could Lao Aiqing take it seriously?
It is a matter of the imperial court's selection and selection of talents, how can I treat it like a child's play. "

"It's fine if you don't have it, it's fine if you don't have it. The old minister dares to say something disrespectful. Your Majesty has never acted according to common sense. The old minister is really worried that His Majesty will..."

"Not at all! Not at all!"

"Chen Songqing visited His Majesty and reported back to His Majesty that all the test papers of the candidates have been escorted back, and they are waiting outside the hall."

"Carry in."

"As ordered."

Song Qing leaned out and waved to the soldiers of the Forbidden Army outside the hall, and more than 20 soldiers of the Forbidden Army walked into the hall carrying boxes with heavy locks in pairs.

After dividing the ten large boxes into two places and putting them away, more than 20 imperial guards bowed to Liu Mingzhi and retreated outside the hall.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the box placed alone in front of him, and looked up at Du Chenghao: "Old Aiqing, where are the keys?"

"I'm taking it! I'm taking it! Your Majesty, wait a moment, the old minister will unlock it immediately."

After a while, Liu Mingzhi picked up the test paper on the top of the box and peeled off the paste seal to have a look. As expected, it was Lin Hanzhi's test paper.

Liu Mingzhi took Lin Hanzhi's test paper and sat cross-legged on the carpet: "Xiao Chengzi."

"His Majesty?"

"Decree to the imperial dining room, prepare the meals for me and all the ministers."

"As ordered, we will leave."

After Xiao Chengzi left, Liu Mingzhi waved to the surrounding civil and military officials.

"My dear friends, please help me to verify the test papers selected by Dai Haosong and his fifteen dear friends, and strive to release the results tomorrow.

If you encounter a controversial test paper, it will be handed over to me. "

"The ministers obey the order."

In less than a cup of tea, the rustling sound of flipping through the test papers echoed in the Palace of Qinzheng.

From the time when the sun rose until the moon was high, the voices in the Hall of Qinzheng gradually subsided.

Liu Mingzhi and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty spent a whole day checking the test papers in the Palace of Qinzheng before it was completely over.

The next day, as soon as the sky was bright, the sound of gongs and drums echoed everywhere in the two cities inside and outside the capital.

The yelling of the officials from the official department woke up all the students who were still sleeping in the exam.

Although they didn't know whether they would be able to go to high school or not, all the students started to get up and wash in a hurry.

Restaurants, post stations, inns, folk houses... These places are full of students who are taking exams.

"Your Majesty has a decree. The imperial court will post the gold list at Jing'an Gate at the time of the day. At the time of the day, the officials of the Ministry of Officials announce the good news."

"Your Majesty has a decree. The imperial court will post the gold list at Jing'an Gate at the time of the day. At the time of the day, the officials of the Ministry of Officials announce the good news."

"Your Majesty has a decree. The imperial court will post the gold list at Jing'an Gate at the time of the day. At the time of the day, the officials of the Ministry of Officials announce the good news."

All of a sudden, I heard the yelling of the official officials along the street, some candidates for the exam ran towards the direction of Jing'an Gate in groups of three or four, and some students were waiting in their temporary residence or at home. .

I don't know if I have the confidence to be named on the gold list, or if I have self-knowledge.

At about three poles in the sun, a slightly thin but breezy young man appeared on the street. He ran to the hexagram stall outside Penglai Restaurant and stopped panting with a bag in his arms.

"First... huh... Mister, have you met Mr., are you polite?

Wansheng abided by the previous agreement and came to pay the debt as promised.

(End of this chapter)

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