Chapter 2408 Marriage

Hearing the commotion in front of the booth, Liu Mingzhi opened his eyes and glanced slightly, looking at Lin Hanzhi standing in front of the booth panting, a hint of relief flashed in Liu Mingzhi's eyes.

Raising his arms high and stretching his waist, Liu Mingzhi got up, walked to a stool beside him and sat down.

"So it's Mr. Lin Xiaolang, long time no see, how are you?"

Lin Hanzhi stroked his chest to calm his shortness of breath, and respectfully saluted Liu Mingzhi.

"Mr. Wansheng, thank you for your concern. Everything is fine."

After pouring out two cups of tea from the pot, Liu Mingzhi put a cup of tea on the opposite side, and pointed to the stool beside him.

"Don't be too polite, sit down and talk."

"Yes, thank you sir for your seat."

"You're welcome. After running all the way, my throat must be dry and dry. Drink a cup of tea to moisten your throat!"

"You're welcome to be born that night."

Lin Hanzhi wiped the sweat from his forehead, picked up the teacup and took a swig.

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and picked up the teapot to fill up Lin Hanzhi's tea: "Just now, Shanren was sleepy and didn't hear Mr. Lin's purpose clearly. I don't know why you are here this time?"

"Don't dare to dare, sir is a late-born senior, so you can just call him a junior.

Wansheng came here this time to repay the 50 taels of silver that his husband sponsored Wansheng last year, and to show more kindness to him, otherwise, Wansheng might not be able to survive last year's cold winter. "

"So that's the case, so Mr. Lin must have been named on the gold list, congratulations."

Lin Han was taken aback, and looked at Liu Mingzhi who smiled lightly in surprise: "Sir, did you go to Jing'anmen to read the list?"

"I never read the list."

"Then... how did the gentleman know the title of the junior gold list? Could it be that the gentleman counted it again?"

"No! No!"

"Then dare to ask how did you know?"

Liu Mingzhi shrugged slightly, and pointed at the burden in Lin Hanzhi's arms cheerfully: "Because Mr. Lin rarely earns money in a short period of time by other means besides being named on the gold list and getting the silver taels rewarded by the court. Enough for 50 taels of silver.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Mr. Lin raised 50 taels of silver by chance, but Mr. Lin still has to study to obtain fame and rarely has time to go out, so this possibility is unlikely.

Therefore, Shanren concluded that Mr. Lin is most likely to be named on the gold list. "

Lin Hanzhi looked in amazement at Young Master Liu, who was surrounded by the old god, and saluted with his hands clasped together: "Mr.

This time I went to Beijing to rush for the exam, and it was an honor for the younger generation to meet such an expert as Mr.

Please accept another gift from the juniors.

One is to admire Mr.'s talent and virtue, and the other is to thank him for his financial support. "

Liu Mingzhi accepted Lin Han's gift calmly, picked up the tea tree and took a sip carefully.

"Excuse me, Shanren is also a whim, and he doesn't want the court to lose a pillar of talent.

Facts have proved that Shanren has a good vision, and Mr. Lin is indeed a dragon and a phoenix among men.

Mr. Lin Chunwei was able to win the gold medal in the general examination today, and he will be able to shine in the palace examination in a few days, and it is just around the corner to serve the court in the future.

In the future, if Young Master Lin is granted a holy family, Shan Ren will also be honored. "

"The junior accepts your good words."

After Lin Hanzhi finished speaking, he put the bundle in his hand on the table and gently untied it, and the twelve taels of silver ingots in the bundle were instantly revealed to the two of them, no more, no less, exactly ten ingots and 100 taels of silver.

Lin Hanzhi smoothed the burden, and pushed the 100 taels of silver to Liu Mingzhi without hesitation.

"Please accept it, sir."

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and looked at Lin Hanzhi with a slightly puzzled expression.

"Mr. Lin, what do you mean by this?"

"Sir, don't think too much, this is just a little wish of the junior.

Although the husband only lent 50 taels of silver bills to the younger generation at the beginning, but without the 50 taels of silver that the husband subsidized, the younger generation would have frozen to death on the street.

Even if my life is hard to guarantee, how can the younger generation be named on today's list?

For the husband, 50 taels of silver may be just a stinking thing, but for the younger generation, it is a life-saving thing.

To the younger generation, the 50 taels of silver from the husband is like a gift of rebirth, and being able to repay the grace of life of the husband with 50 taels of silver is already a big advantage to the younger generation.

But sir, please rest assured, if the younger generation is able to go to high school again in the palace examination and obtain the title of Jinshi, they will definitely come back to report.

In the future, if the husband is driven, as long as it does not violate conscience and morality, the younger generation will definitely do everything possible to repay the husband.

The silver is not only what the husband deserves, but also some wishes from the younger generation.

The palace examination will begin in a few days, and the junior will have to go back to study and ask questions, so he won't stay here any longer.

Sir, please accept another gift from the junior.

By the way, Mr. Lao will say hello to Mrs. Lao's wife on behalf of the younger generation.

The younger generation said goodbye. "

Lin Hanzhi came and went quickly, leaving behind 100 taels of silver, got up and rushed towards the outer city.

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at Lin Hanzhi's disappearing figure in the crowd, and reached out to caress the cherry blossom jade plaque on his chest.

"I want to say hello to her more than you do."


"Hey! Here we come!"

"Take up the money and give it to the young lady when you get home."

"Got it!"

"Sir, are you here to measure marriage...marriage?"

Hearing the voice in front of him, Liu Mingzhi raised his eyes subconsciously, and at some point there were already two young girls standing in front of the booth looking at him timidly.

Judging by their attire, they should be some lady from a great family and her personal servant girl.

"Forget it, of course I have calculated it. Please sit down, miss."

The [-]th beauty looked around for a while, and sat down on the stool opposite Young Master Liu with a brisk movement. She looked at Young Master Liu with a blushing face and said in a coquettish voice like a mosquito: "My little girl wants to ask Mr. to do the calculation for my little girl." Take a look at your own marriage.

The little girl has been in her boudoir for a long time, but she has never found a satisfactory husband to tie the knot.

The little girl wants to ask Mr. to figure out what is the fate of the little girl's marriage? "

"It's easy to say, easy to say, I don't know if Miss is reading words? Or reading palms?

If you want to measure characters, just write down a word you think in your heart on the paper. If you want to read palmistry, please stretch out your hand. "

The girl looked down at her pale jade hands, and shook her head hesitantly.

"Whether men and women give or take each other, the little girl should test the word!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a slight smile, picked up a piece of rice paper and his pen and put them in front of the girl.


The girl nodded shyly, picked up a pen and dipped in ink, and began to write on the rice paper.

In an instant, a beautiful and elegant word "marriage" appeared on the paper.

The girl put down the brush and handed the rice paper to First Young Master Liu.

"Mister, please guide the little girl."

Liu Mingzhi took the rice paper and looked at the marriage word on it, pondering, and glanced at the girl's dress and appearance from time to time, and put down the rice paper with a smile after a while.

"Marriage, female left, Shi Shang, Sun Xia also.

A woman can only be called a family name after she is married. The young lady has never been able to find a good husband to tie the knot, because her eyes have fallen to the bottom.

It can also be understood that the young lady's vision is too low.

The day is dusk, what is dusk, dusk is dusk.

What is marriage? Marriage is a combination of words and women.

But only women do not get married, only the combination of young talents can be married, and it is a good marriage.

And the word "marriage" is on the left, left to right, indicating that the lady's god-given marriage is on the right.

And if the heaven-sent marriage is successful, it must be the affectionate eyes of the lovers.

Therefore, the young lady can go to the right side of the Shanren hexagram booth at dusk four days later.

You will definitely find your perfect husband.

Settle the major events of marriage and achieve a beautiful marriage. "



"Little girl, thank you sir for pointing out the maze. If little girl can find a good husband, I will definitely thank you in the future.

The little girl said goodbye first.Tao'er, give Mr. tea money. "

"Yes, ma'am."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the backs of the girl's master and servant going away, holding the five copper coins in his hand, turned his head and glanced at the palace gate on the right, smiled and shook his head.

"Four days later, after the palace examination was over, there were at least a hundred young and talented young talents who came out of the palace at dusk.

With such a large group of high-quality candidates in front of you, if you can't find your own good husband, I really have nothing to do.

well!Damn, business is getting harder and harder, and fooling people is also a skill!
Liu Song, it's time to eat! "


(End of this chapter)

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