My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2409 I am Liu Luoyue!to be an orphan

Chapter 2409 I am Liu Luoyue!to be an orphan

After Liu Mingzhi and the two casually ate something in the Penglai Restaurant, they returned to their respective seats and waited for the guests to come to their door.

Young Master Liu was sleeping on the recliner with his legs crossed, picking his teeth, and rinsing his mouth with tea from time to time. His childhood seemed very pleasant.

Occasionally, I looked up at the people in a hurry on the street, and I felt a sense of pride in my heart. Although no guests came to the door, I didn't feel bored at all.

Liu Mingzhi squinted his eyes slightly to bask in the warm sun, picked up the tea and sent it to his mouth again, just as he drank the tea, Liu Mingzhi suddenly felt the darkness above his head, and instinctively opened his eyes to look.

"Puff...cough are you?"

Young Master Liu coughed and stood up hastily, staring in surprise at the guy in front of him who was wearing a broken straw hat and a ragged beggar's outfit, his face was covered with filth, and he subconsciously took two steps back.

This guy was gnashing his teeth and raised his hand, and wiped heavily the tea that he had sprayed on his face unexpectedly.

However, as the tea slipped from his hair and mixed with the filth on his face, Liu Mingzhi couldn't see the face of the person in front of him even more, but he could roughly see it from the person's exquisite eyes and the graceful figure that had begun to take shape on his chest. She should be a young girl when she comes out.

"You... Miss, who are you? Do you have anything to do with the Shanren?"

The exquisite eyes of the beggar girl stared closely at First Young Master Liu, with a clearly visible sense of resentment in her eyes, and the creaking sound of clenched white teeth faintly sounded from the beggar girl's small cherry mouth.

"Who do you say I am, aunt?"

"How does this young master know who you are? With so many ashes on your face, the devil would know that you are... hiss... your voice seems familiar!

Girl who are you?Have we met? "

Hearing Young Master Liu's unconfident question, the beggar girl's breathing suddenly became disordered, and the small breasts that had begun to take shape rose and fell one after another with the sound of the woman's breathing.

The beggar girl took a deep breath, clenched her hands tightly and rushed towards First Young Master Liu like a madman.

"Smelly old man, I will fight you, aunt!
This girl suffered hardships outside because of you, and lived a poor life with barely enough clothes to eat.

I have suffered so much and lost so much weight.Now after traveling thousands of miles, I finally returned to the capital.

It's fine if you don't give this girl a warm hug after meeting, but you don't even recognize who this girl is.

This girl has worked hard for you, and today I will turn myself into an orphan without a father. "

Hearing the familiar cursing voice of the beggar girl, Young Master Liu suddenly took a deep breath, and put his generous hand on the beggar girl's forehead, preventing the beggar girl from continuing to pounce on him.

"Yue... Yue'er?"

"Don't call me by my girl's name, you don't have a heartless father like this girl... Bah... This girl doesn't have a heartless father like you, I will fight with you.

Today, I am determined to be this orphan girl, no one can stop me, I, Liu Luoyue, said so! "

Young Master Liu's mouth twitched as he looked at the little cutie who flung her teeth and claws at him, and put his palm against the little cutie's forehead, and kept walking back and forth in circles.

"Yue'er, don't be like this, calm down! Calm down!"

"Calm down, my girl can't calm down. Only one of us father and daughter can stand back today, otherwise it will be hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart."

"Hey! You stinky girl, is it itchy? How dare you talk to me like that?

I order you, stand there honestly for me! "

"This girl is not a soldier and general. You order you a big-headed ghost. This girl will kill you, a heartless stinky old man."

"Ai ai ai... Bastard, you should wash your face first, rinse your mouth before biting!"

"You still think I'm dirty now? I'll fight with you."

"Hey! It's really fucking against you, you stinky girl. If you don't give you some color, look, you really don't know what your last name is."

Young Master Liu's big hand that was touching the little cutie's forehead suddenly withdrew, and he bent his fingers like a sword, leaving an afterimage on the little cutie's left and right shoulder blades.

The cutie who was originally baring her teeth and claws immediately became like Sadako, holding her hands high and fixed there, unable to move.

First Young Master Liu let out a sigh of relief, raised his hand to pat the dust on his sleeves, and looked at the eyes rolling round in annoyance, the little cutie who was full of grievances.

"Little dirty girl, your father's clothes are made of Shu brocade, can you afford to pay for it if it gets dirty?
Dad, I will untie the acupoints for you, you are not allowed to rush over again, you know?
Blink if you agree. "

The little cutie's eyes that were spinning around immediately blinked non-stop.

Seeing this, Young Master Liu tapped twice on the cutie's shoulder blades to untie the acupoints.

"Stinky old man, I'll fight with you..."


When the little cutie saw his father pinching his sword fingers again, he stopped immediately when he was about to pounce, and rubbed his dirty hands on the tattered clothes with an aggrieved expression.

"I... I... I am a good woman and don't fight with men."

Young Master Liu nodded in satisfaction, walked towards the reclining chair beside him, lay down comfortably, and narrowed his eyes at the cutie who was no different from a beggar.

"You're a stinky girl, tell me, why did you become like this?"

The little cutie looked at her unscrupulous father angrily: "Is there anything to eat and drink? This girl is hungry..."


Seeing Young Master Liu's expression on his pillow again, the little cutie shrunk her neck subconsciously: "Daddy, do you have something to eat?

Yue'er is hungry, let's talk after eating, okay? . "

Liu Mingzhi nodded in satisfaction, took out his handkerchief from his cuff, picked up the teapot, poured herbal tea on it, raised his hand and threw it to the little cutie.

"Wipe off the dirt on your face, go to the restaurant to find your Aunt Bi Zhu for dinner, take a shower and change into clean clothes."

"Oh! Then shall I go to Aunt Bizhu's place first?"



Young Master Liu looked at Ben Ying, who was wiping his face and walking towards Penglai Restaurant, and shook his head with a strange expression.

I have already known the general situation of the seven brothers and sisters in the various state capitals of Xiaocuti, from the relevant spies.

But what I know about the specific details is not so clear.

For example, Young Master Liu didn't know why the cutie became like this.

About half an hour later, Young Master Liu was a little drowsy basking in the warm sun, and the sound of light footsteps dispelled his drowsiness again.

First Young Master Liu sat up and looked up, only to see the little cutie walking over with picturesque eyes and graceful eyes after taking a bath.

The icy skin and snowy skin may be slightly bright red due to the steaming water, and the graceful and delicate body that has just grown out is wearing an ill-fitting Yunyanru skirt.

Quietness is like flowers shining in water, actions are like wind blowing willows.

This girl has just reached the cardamom age, and already has an appearance that is not weaker than her mother's Wanyan Wanyan.

I don't know who's little bastard will cheat me in the future.

The little cutie sat down on the stool next to First Young Master Liu with a dignified demeanor, holding a tray, and snorted softly when she saw her father's admiring expression.


Liu Mingzhi looked at his daughter's arrogant appearance and smiled wryly, shaking his head: "Stinky girl."

"Smelly old man."

The little cutie replied without showing any weakness, then picked up the tray of sauced beef and osmanthus cakes and put them in her mouth, breaking the posture of gobbling it up

First Young Master Liu picked up the tea in the tray and poured a cup of tea for the little cutie: "Eat slowly, don't choke.

Since no one is robbing you, can't you pay attention to your manners? "

"Thank you Daddy, you drink too, Yue'er will pour tea for you."

Young Master Liu picked up the tea and took a sip: "Assuming you are sensible, tell me, how did you become like this?"

"Hi! Forget it.

After Yue'er dealt with the affairs of the North Mansion, she accidentally lost the purse containing the money on the way back to Beijing. She originally wanted to go to the local government to find the local chief official for some money.

But old man, you said there was no special situation, and we were not allowed to reveal our identities, so Yue'er had to beg all the way back to Beijing. "

While eating the food, the little cutie told her father about her miserable experience as if she was crying.

(End of this chapter)

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