My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2410 Daddy, hurt each other

Chapter 2410 Daddy, hurt each other
First Young Master Liu looked at the stuffed mouth, the pitiful little cutie sighed and shook his head: "A random piece of jewelry on your body is worth at least a hundred taels of silver, so you can't find a pawnshop to exchange some taels of silver." ?"

"The jewelry on Yue'er is a gift from my aunts. Even if Yue'er dies of starvation, she can't pawn them."

"You girl is really dead-brained. After you become a princess, go back to the capital and order someone to redeem it, isn't it all right?"

"How can I do that? What if..."

"Young Master, Young Master, Miss Yiyi, Miss Feifei, Young Master Chengfeng...they already... Huh? Miss Yue'er so you're back too?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Xiao Wu who was rushing over in surprise: "Xiao Wu, Yiyi, have Chengfeng and the others come back?"

"Back to the young master, young masters, all the young ladies are back, I thought that only young lady Yue'er has not come back for the time being!
I didn't expect Miss Yue'er to come to you, now she's fine, all of them are back. "

Liu Mingzhi immediately stood up and stretched: "Let's go home.

Yue'er, give the leftovers to Uncle Liu Song, let's eat when we get home.

Your aunt Yun must have prepared your favorite delicacies for your brothers and sisters, and she is here to welcome you. "


The little cutie nodded obediently, and trotted towards the bookstall guarded by Liu Song with the tray.

"Uncle Liu Song."

"The little one greeted Miss Yue'er."

"Don't dare, Uncle Liu Song, Yue'er and Daddy are going back home first, you can just watch and deal with these meals, that's right—"

The cutie glanced back at First Young Master Liu.

"Uncle Liu Song, you can eat food, but you must not drink tea? Do you understand?"


"Just remember, Yue'er will go back first."

Liu Song looked at the back of Little Cutie running towards First Young Master Liu in bewilderment, and looked down at the tray in his hand.

"Can't drink tea? Is it overnight?"

"Liu Song, Master Ben and Yue'er are going back first, you just need to close the stall on time."

"Ah? Oh! Alright young master, I understand now."

On the street leading to Liu's Mansion, Young Master Liu, Xiao Kei, and Xiao Wu rushed towards Liu's Mansion without haste.

Gollum... Gollum... Gollum...

It was as if the cuckoo of a hungry stomach echoed from the father and daughter of Young Master Liu.

First Young Master Liu looked at the cutie chattering non-stop beside him, frowning and secretly rubbing his stomach from time to time.

"Yue'er, you walk and chat with your little fifth uncle first, because Dad is in a hurry to rush back."

The cute and exquisite eyes narrowed suddenly, and she stared at First Young Master Liu's stomach with a smile: "Daddy, do you feel sick to your stomach?"

Young Master Liu frowned: "Huh? How do you know?"

"Hee hee...Because Yue'er's stomach is also uncomfortable,

Howling... Yue'er has to go back in a hurry, see you again, Daddy. "

The corner of Liu's mouth twitched as he looked at the little cutie who had deep eyebrows, clutching his belly and rushing towards the door if he didn't agree with him, he snorted and chased after the little cutie, clutching his stomach.

"Stinky girl, stop for me, what did you drink in the tea?"

"Croton powder with laxatives."

"Liu Luoyue, your mother!"

"Father, I told you to touch my acupuncture point, is this girl so easy to bully?

Come on, hurt each other, at worst, we father and daughter pull down our pants together.

Even if I, Liu Luoyue, can't be an orphan today, I still have to grab three of your dragon's whiskers.

Afraid that you won't drink it, this girl will not hesitate to risk her life just to make you drink the tea.

Come on, hurt each other? "

Young Master Liu stared at the little cutie with trembling legs, seeing her wrinkled pretty face while clutching her belly but still showing off her might, pointed at the little cutie a few times, and wailed towards Liu's mansion The door flew away.

"Liu Luoyue, you rebellious girl! Let's wait and see."

The sun slanted westward.

With Ying'er's support, Young Master Liu walked towards the main hall of Liu's house in two warring directions.

"Grandpa, grandma, Yue'er has diarrhea and even went to the street to buy gifts for you. Quickly see if you like it?"

"I like it, as long as you buy it, grandpa will like it."

"Grandma likes it too, but next time I can't go shopping after my stomach is ruined. I have to buy gifts for my grandparents when I'm in good health."

"It's okay, Yue'er is in good health.

These top-quality shredded tobacco are for you, grandpa, but no matter how good the shredded tobacco is, grandpa should smoke less, otherwise your mouth will become stinky.

These pearl powders are for your grandma. Although grandma is not old at all, she looks as young and beautiful as Yue'er's mother, but you must pay attention to maintenance. Pearl powder is a treasure for beauty.

Aunt Yun, Aunt Yan'er, Aunt Ya...Mother, this is the rouge powder I bought for you.

Tell Yue'er if you don't like it, and Yue'er will replace it with other rouge powder for you tomorrow. "

"Hey! Yue'er is really sensible."

As soon as Young Master Liu rushed to the main hall, he saw the little cutie smiling and courting Liu Zhi'an and his wife, as well as the empress and Qi Yun.

He understood in an instant that this stinky girl had found enough and powerful backers, and it might not be so easy to settle accounts with her today.

This stinky girl drank a small cup of tea, and she drank more than half of the rest.

I almost collapsed, but this girl is still alive and well.

Rebellious girl, rebellious girl!
Although the careful Mrs. Liu cheerfully held the pearl powder jewelry box handed over by the cutie, she still spotted the disheveled Young Master Liu standing outside the hall door.

"Zhi'er, what are you doing standing outside the door? Come in quickly for supper, and wait for Ying'er and you two."

First Young Master Liu stared at the little cutie snuggled in Qi Yun's arms who was smiling at him, then turned around and walked towards the study with Ying'er.

"Mother, the child is not hungry, you can just eat it yourself.

You seven little bastards, after eating supper, come to the study to see Lao Tzu. "

Mrs. Liu's pretty face froze with a smile, she stared blankly at the back of her eldest son not knowing what happened.

"Master, this is... what's wrong with this?"

Liu Zhi'an glanced at the cutie who was very close to Qi Yun with a half-smile, and shook his head with a smile.

"Who knows? He likes to eat or not, we eat ours.

Really, without him, Young Master Liu, wouldn't our family still have a reunion dinner?Eat, eat together, and leave him alone. "



"Go to the kitchen and see if there is anything else to eat. Bring it and let's eat together. We don't eat with their gangsters."

Ying'er pursed her red lips and snickered, then nodded obediently.


In the moonlight, Young Master Liu was crouching over the desk with a calm expression to review the documents in his hand in the study room of the Liu Mansion. Liu Yiyi and the other seven brothers and sisters stood in the study room without daring to breathe and peeked at the father who was reviewing the memorial documents. .

The cutie stood closest to the door, so that she could rush out to ask for help at any time.

The lights were dim, and after an unknown amount of time, Young Master Liu finally put down the vermilion pen in his hand.

"Chengzhi, Chengqian."

"The child is here."

Liu Mingzhi opened the drawer and took out a few documents and put them on the table. He stared at the second brother Liu Chengzhi and the third brother Liu Chengzhi with a faint gaze, looking at them with horror.

"How does it feel to have the heads of dozens of corrupt officials fall to the ground?"

(End of this chapter)

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