Chapter 2411
Liu Mingzhi's plain question made the two brothers Liu Chengzhi, who had been stared at by the old man, look at each other subconsciously.

In the past, they could judge the mood of the old man based on Young Master Liu's emotions, but now the old man's unsophisticated and calm expression made the two brothers really have no idea.

In particular, the father was able to bluntly ask about the seven unreported situations of his brothers and sisters, which made the two brothers feel uneasy that there was no secret at all in front of the father.

"Chengzhi, you are an older brother, so you can tell me first."

Liu Chengzhi's body tensed instinctively, and he thought for a moment with slightly disordered breathing.

"That's was hard to get used to the eyes of those officials' wives and children kneeling and pleading in front of their children, but according to my Dalong Law, ten deaths of those officials would not be too much.

But looking at some children of officials who were about the same age as Hai'er, Hai'er admitted that he was moved with compassion. "

Liu Mingzhi leaned back on the chair slowly, tapping the table with his fingers lightly.

"Since you are moved with compassion, why do you insist on executing these corrupt and bribe-taking officials?"

"At that time, Hai'er saw the excitement of the people, and knew that the death of these officials was not a pity.

Secondly, changing orders from day to day is difficult to convince the public, and these officials should indeed be executed according to the law.

As soon as Hai'er gritted his teeth, he ordered the beheading of these criminals. "

"What about the confessions of the prisoners?"

Liu Chengzhi hastily took out some folded rice paper from his cuffs and handed it to Liu Mingzhi: "Here, please have a look."

Liu Mingzhi took a few sheets of rice paper from Liu Chengzhi and gently put them on the desk.

"Let's put it aside, we'll see later.

What about you?Your second brother finished talking, it's time for you to talk. "

"Hail——Hail is the same as the second brother, looking at the pleading eyes of those officials, he couldn't help being moved with compassion.

As for why they insisted on beheading them for public display, it was because the boy had suffered there and felt the same as the common people.

The family members of those criminal officials are sad and sad, but the families of the people who were implicated when they corrupted the law will also feel uncomfortable, and it will only be more uncomfortable.

Given the solid evidence, not killing them would not be enough to anger the people. "

"What about the confession?"

"Here, please take a look at Daddy."

Liu Mingzhi took the rice paper from Liu Chengqian and looked at the boss Liu Chengfeng: "Chengfeng, have you also felt compassion?"

"Yes, it is."

"You three brothers were all moved with compassion, but you are the only one of your three brothers who really spared the lives of those officials. Tell me what you think?"

"Father, after getting the confessions of those criminal officials, Hai'er made a careful unannounced investigation, and found that the officials investigated by Hai'er were only corrupt and accepting bribes, and did not violate the law for personal gain.

Therefore, the boy thought that God has the virtue of good life, so it is better to spare their lives and let them do something practical for the people.

Although Hai'er didn't execute them on the spot according to the law of the dragon, he temporarily removed their official positions and made them perform crimes and make meritorious deeds.

And after confiscating their embezzled property, they distributed it to the poor local people.

Hai'er gave these criminal officials two years. After two years, as long as [-]% of the people under their command recognize that they are good officials who serve the people, they can be reinstated.

This is the confession of those criminal officials who took bribes, please read it. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded thoughtfully, and moistened his throat with some tea.

"Well! Let it go!"


Liu Mingzhi put down his teacup and looked at Liu Yiyi, Liu Feifei and Liu Yaoyao cheerfully.

"Yiyi, Feifei, Yaoyao, the three of you sisters have all gone to a good place. Although the local chief executive has some shortcomings, his performance is not bad.

How does it feel to be loved by the people? "

"Reporting to Daddy, I was very excited, just because they knew we were Daddy's daughters, the local people treated us well and respected us very much.

We spent almost no money along the way, and we couldn't finish eating the delicious food given by the people. "

"The same is true for Yaoyao. The news of Yaoyao's return to the capital got out somehow, and the people spontaneously organized and sent Yaoyao for dozens of miles. They all entrusted Yaoyao to say hello to her father!"

"That's good, you have experienced the hardships of people's livelihood, and it will be of great help to your growth."

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, he picked up a book from the table and flipped through it, raising his eyes from time to time to glance at the smiling eldest daughter Liu Yiyi.

"Yiyi, don't you have anything to say to Daddy?"

Liu Yiyi was stunned and pondered for a moment in a daze, then shook her head at Liu Mingzhi in a daze.


"Really? Duan family in Qingzhou, don't you plan to tell your father about Mr. Duan Jinhong and Mr. Duan?"

Liu Yiyi's delicate body trembled, her pretty face turned red, she took a peek at her father and hurriedly lowered her head.

"Daughter...Daughter and Mr. Duan have some similar interests, except for spending more time with each other, nothing else happened.

Really, Daddy, you have to trust your daughter! "

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Liu Yiyi's blushing, shy pretty face, and sighed faintly.

For the sake of her daughter's safety, although she deliberately didn't want her to leave the court and marry as a wife so early, but after all, her daughter has reached the age of first love.

The children are growing up gradually, and some things will come after all, and I can't stop them even if I want to.

It's just that my daughter's vision is really not very good, and what she meets is not a good person!
If I hadn't been guarding behind the scenes, I'm afraid this silly girl would have been betrayed without knowing it!
Maybe I blame myself, I blame myself for protecting them too well, I only want to let them grow up happily and carefree, but I ignore that they may lose the ability to distinguish between good and evil.

It seems that when it's time for her to loosen her rein in the future, she should also loosen it a little, so as to save these silly girls from being bullied at her husband's house after leaving the cabinet.


"Huh? Daddy?"

"Come here, Daddy."


Liu Yiyi nodded obediently, and walked towards Liu Mingzhi shyly with her lotus steps.

The closer Liu Yiyi got to her father, the more obvious the blush on her cheeks became. Nodding her head and lowering her eyebrows, she stopped beside Liu Mingzhi, her pale jade fingers tightly intertwined, not daring to meet her father's gaze.

Liu Mingzhi looked at his daughter's shy look after being found out, stood up with a wry smile, looked at her slender figure that had reached the tip of his nose, raised his hand and gently stroked Liu Yiyi's shawl hair hanging down her waist, and sighed.

"Good girl, you have really grown up."

Liu Yiyizhen lowered her head even lower, and said softly: "Daddy."

"Yiyi! You are a smart child, and you have reached the young age of love. Daddy has no objection to you looking for someone you like.

But you can't be confused by your own clever mind.

Your identity is the eldest princess of the dynasty, unlike ordinary girls, some people approaching you do not necessarily mean that they really like you, but because they have ulterior motives.

Then this kind of person is not only not worthy of your entrustment for life, but deserves death.

do you know? "

"Ah? What does daddy mean by that?"

Liu Mingzhi sighed softly, picked up the document on the desk and handed it to Liu Yiyi.

"Silly daughter, take a good look at the brilliant deeds of Mr. Duan Jinhong and Mr. Duan!"

A trace of doubt flashed in Liu Yiyi's shy eyes, she stretched out her hand to take the document handed over by her father, leaned slightly down her willow waist, and leaned forward to review it in front of the candlelight.

As time passed, the blush on Liu Yiyi's pretty face gradually faded, and then gradually turned a little pale, and her delicate body trembled uncontrollably.

A moment later, the document in Liu Yiyi's hand slipped quietly towards the ground, staring blankly at the flickering candlelight in front of her for a while, Liu Liuyiyi's trembling delicate body suddenly threw herself into Young Master Liu's arms and choked up.

"Liar, the big liar, the scumbag.

Daddy, Yiyi is so stupid to believe this despicable and shameless villain. "

Seeing the sudden change of the elder sister, Liu Chengfeng and the other six looked at each other wondering what happened?
What exactly was recorded on the rice paper that made the eldest sister so sad?

Liu Mingzhi listened to the grievance words choked by the choked up daughter in his arms, and stretched out his hand to gently pat the daughter's back to comfort her softly.

"Silly boy, don't cry, don't cry, what's the big deal, isn't it just that you met a bastard who can only talk sweetly? Just treat him as a fart and pass it.

In the future, you will definitely meet a Ruyi Langjun who treats you sincerely and kindly.

Stop crying, stop crying. "

"Yiyi is so sad, Yiyi thought he really fell in love with Yiyi at first sight!
I didn't expect him to meet me because he accidentally saw the gold medal that Yiyi lived in when he was paying at the inn, and I didn't expect him to be such a nasty and nasty playboy. "

"Good girl, don't cry, don't cry. Why would daddy watch you being bullied? Don't worry, daddy has already avenged you."

"Really? Did Daddy order the local officials to punish that scumbag? Daddy, that bastard... the scumbag must be beaten for three months so that he can't get out of bed?"

"Can't get out of bed for three months? That's too cheap for him."

Liu Mingzhi put away the big hand that was patting Liu Yiyi's back, and lightly patted the door a few times.

After a while, Liu Song walked into the study in an orderly manner followed by a dozen servants holding wooden boxes in their hands.

"See you young master, see you young masters, young ladies."



"Open the gift for Yiyi."

"Open it and show it to Miss Yiyi."


When Liu Yiyi heard that her father had prepared a gift for herself, she subconsciously looked up at Liu Song and the others.

When Liu Yiyi's eyes saw the thirteen heads in the boxes, all of them were filled with lime and sealed up, especially one of the young-looking heads was so familiar to her, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

After recovering, Liu Yiyi screamed, and buried Zhen's head on Young Master Liu's shoulder.

The six Liu Chengfeng brothers and sisters were caught off guard and staggered in fright, and retreated to the side, looking at the heads in the wooden boxes, swallowing their saliva non-stop.

"Daddy has killed and done too many crimes in his life. Originally, I thought I would only kill the culprit, but your grandpa can't see his good granddaughter being bullied.

Those Duan family members who conspired against you with Duan Jinhong, their heads were also brought back by your grandfather.

Just to relieve you, my good daughter.

Daddy's good daughter, the princess, can punt a boat in her belly, so don't care about the dead. "

(End of this chapter)

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