My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2413 Palace Exam

Chapter 2413 Palace Exam
Liu Mingzhi repeatedly picked up and put down the documents on the desk for countless times, and more than half an hour passed, but he still didn't read a single word.

The moonlight outside the study room became more and more hazy. The sound of knocking on the door awakened Young Master Liu, who was drifting away from his thoughts, and he raised his eyes to look towards the door.

"Come in."

Holding a porridge bowl in her hand, the empress walked slowly into the room with lotus steps and walked towards Liu Mingzhi's desk.

"Aren't you done yet?"

Liu Mingzhi got up and supported the queen, walked to the opposite chair and sat down, rubbing his brows and sighing.

"It's not busy, but there are only a few scattered documents that haven't been reviewed yet, and I just can't read them."

The queen pushed the porridge bowl in her hand in front of First Young Master Liu: "Drink some of the white fungus and lotus seed soup I cooked for you just now."

"it is good."

The queen was silent for a while, her bright eyes looked straight at First Young Master Liu who was holding the porridge bowl: "Is it because of Yue'er's troubles in Beifu?"

Liu Mingzhi paused slightly while stirring the lotus seed soup, and nodded silently as he watched the queen.

"It seems that after Yue'er met you, she told you everything that should be said."

"Well! I have indeed said everything that needs to be said. She told Wanyan that you asked her to find me. After hearing what she told about Datong's experience in Beifu, Wanyan understood that you must be worrying now!

After Yue'er returned from Wanyan's place, Wanyan handed Cheng Rui over to the nanny and came to you after going around the kitchen.

Sure enough, you are worrying about this!

Actually, what is there to worry about?
Yue'er was raised by Wan Yan as the successor since she was a child, she is too smart.

She was chattering, and under her carefree appearance, there was a delicate heart hidden.

What was going on in her mind, even though she could guess a general idea, she couldn't say bluntly that she would be right.

When the Kingdom of Jin was destroyed at the hands of Mr. Yunyang and the others, Yue'er witnessed too many bloody scenes that she should not have seen at her age.

Since then, her mind has become more mature.

Do you think that based on her experience and experience, she will do the last kind...forget it...even if you don't say it bluntly, you have already seen it through yourself. "

Liu Mingzhi tasted the lotus seed soup and nodded thoughtfully: "So what? What do you want to say to my husband?
I want to say that this is just what Yue'er did on purpose, not her original intention, is that right? "

The empress shook her head with a slightly sad face: "No, I just want to give you a bowl of lotus seed soup, and I don't want to say anything else.

That's it.

Yue'er has her own ideas, and you have your own plans.

To put it bluntly, although Yue'er is the flesh that fell from Wanyan's body, between you and your children, Wanyan is nothing more than an outsider at best.

More than polite words, Sister Ya, Sister Yun'er, Sister Yan'er...we are all outsiders.

What do you think, although Wanyan can't guess, but Wanyan thinks that you must have a general idea in your heart.

That being the case, why bother to get involved?
After all, Wanyan is no longer the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, but your maiden status.

Watching Cheng Rui, a tormenting little guy every day, is enough to make Wanyan exhausted.

Wanyan really doesn't have the heart to ask you about the matter between father and son, father and daughter. "

Young Master Liu drank up all the lotus seed soup in the bowl, picked up the handkerchief and wiped the corners of his mouth.

"You came to the study just to talk about this?"

The queen's fragrant shoulders shrugged slightly, and she picked up the porridge bowl with a smile, got up and walked out of the study.

"Otherwise? Let's go to rest early. I really can't read the content of the document. It's not a big deal to put it on hold for a day."

Looking at the beautiful figure of the empress, Liu Mingzhi blew out the candles on the table in boredom.

"Please wait for me politely, I will go to your place to rest today for my husband.

It was not easy to send this kid Cheng Rui to the nanny. You have cultivated your body for so long after confinement, so you have to seize the opportunity as a husband. "

"Virtue. Diarrhea makes you tremble when you walk, but you still have the mind to think about something else."

"It doesn't matter if the legs are soft, as long as the other places are not soft."

A few days passed quickly.

On March [-]th in the fourth year of Dalong Taiping, under the yelling of the officials beating gongs and drums a few days ago, the imperial examination officially started today.

In the two halls of Wenyi Hall and Wen'an Hall in the Imperial Palace, hundreds of scholars, led by the soldiers of the imperial army, had already been waiting for the questions of the palace examination for a long time in the two halls covering a large area.

In the back hall of Wenyi Hall, Liu Mingzhi and a group of court officials were silently sipping tea in their cups.

Xia Gongming took a look outside the back hall, put down his teacup and bowed to First Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, it's getting late, we can't delay any longer, it's time to announce the exam questions to the candidates!"

Liu Mingzhi savored the aftertaste of the tea in his mouth with the tip of his tongue, put down his teacup, took out two sealed envelopes from his cuffs, and handed them to Liu Song and Xiao Chengzi respectively.

"The two of you go to the Hall of Wenyi separately, and in the Hall of Wen'an, let's announce the questions of this palace examination to the candidates who have been waiting for a long time in the hall."

"Huh? I'm going?"

"Huh? Shall we go?"

The two asked the questions in their hearts in unison. Xia Gongming and Du Chenghao frowned subconsciously.

"Your Majesty, the palace examination has always been the day when the emperor personally announced the questions of the palace examination, and then said some words of encouragement to the candidates.

If you don't show up today, it will be troublesome for the candidates to think wildly and affect the thoughts of the exam. "

"Hey, if I show up, some candidates may fail the exam.

When you tell the candidates like this, you say that I stayed in the front hall and watched their exams, worrying that they would feel pressure.

For the sake of their achievements, I will silently pay attention to them in the back of the palace.

I hope that many candidates will give full play to what they have learned and write their most satisfactory beautiful articles on the test papers. "


"Just say so."

"Okay, so the little one went to publish the test questions with Xiaocheng and father-in-law?"



Looking at the figures of Liu Song and Xiao Chengzi going away, Liu Mingzhi stood up, stretched his waist, and scanned the surrounding court officials.

"You and other soldiers are divided into two groups, silently inspecting the candidates' answers.

If you encounter a person who commits malpractice for personal gain, you don't need to say anything, just write down the person's appearance and name silently.

Don't disturb the thoughts of other candidates because of one person. "

"The ministers obey the order."

Liu Mingzhi stretched his arms, and walked gently towards the door of the apse. From behind the bead curtain, he looked at the many examinees in the front hall who were already sitting upright waiting for the test questions.

His gaze swept over Lin Hanzhi, and Liu Mingzhi's gaze skipped over many examinees in the hall one by one.

"Your Majesty has an order to ask questions in the palace examination."

"Under the whole world, is it not the king's land."

(End of this chapter)

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