Chapter 2414

Liu Song and Xiao Chengzi read out loudly the topic of today's palace examination in Wenyi Hall and Wen'an Hall respectively.

Under the whole world, could it be the king's land.

These eight-character policy titles stunned the hundreds of candidates who are full of knowledge in the palace. Is Your Majesty going to discuss national policy issues with them, the new officials in the future?

And shouldn't His Majesty personally announce the topic of the Palace Examination?Why is it a father-in-law dressed as a servant or eunuch to read the test questions?
Liu Song didn't know the complex thoughts of the candidates in the hall, so according to Liu Mingzhi's instructions, after reading out the test questions, he hung the test questions in a conspicuous place in the hall.

Liu Song smiled lightly and looked at the many examinees with distinct levels in the hall, and repeated Liu Mingzhi's words in the back of the hall after embellishing them in his heart.

Seeing the grateful eyes of the examinees in the hall looking towards the back of the hall, Liu Song nodded for a moment, then stepped back and sat down on the chair set aside.

The palace examination would take a whole day, so Liu Mingzhi naturally couldn't let Liu Song, Xia Gongming...the supervisory officials stand silently for a whole day.

The examinees understood that His Majesty the Emperor was worried that he would wait for Gong Sheng because he was afraid that he would feel pressure sitting in front of him, so he deliberately did not show up for the supervisory exam, and his heart was filled with enthusiasm, and he was very grateful.

The Gongsheng students silently withdrew their eyes from watching the bead curtain in the apse, looked at the questions hanging on the wooden frame, calmed down and began to polish the content of the question in their hearts.

Under the whole world, could it be the king's land.

Now the world has been unified for many years, and the inner mansion, the northern mansion, and the new mansion are all territories under the rule of the imperial court.

However, His Majesty took this topic as the topic of the palace examination. Could it be related to the Tianzhu and Dashi two countries where the soldiers of the Western Expeditionary Army marched thousands of miles away?
After all, in the whole world, could it be that the king's land is the largest in the world, and all of them are the land of kings.

The Gongsheng students who can pass the Chunwei Examination and take part in the Palace Examination are all talented and knowledgeable.

Everyone was secretly guessing Liu Mingzhi's real intention for taking these eight characters as the title.

As long as you can guess the deep meaning contained in the question, the answer to the question will be much simpler.

Candidates stared at the topic for a long time, some of them had already started to retouch their pens, and some were still holding their pens and continued to think.

Liu Mingzhi at the back of the hall looked at the gradually calm expression on the faces of the candidates in the hall, and nodded in satisfaction.

The psychological endurance of the Gong students who took the exam this year is much stronger than when I took the Qiuwei exam for the first time in Jiangnan.

In particular, young candidates accounted for as much as [-]%, which shows that the imperial court has been encouraging Enke over the years. The results are obvious.

Liu Mingzhi turned around and waved to Xia Gongming and the others: "Be gentle when entering the hall, so as not to interrupt the thoughts of the Gongsheng students.

Don't stare at a certain Gongsheng closely during the supervision, lest they think wildly in their minds and put more pressure on them for no reason. "

"Yes, I understand."

"It's good to understand, you go to the front hall first, and I will go to the Wen'an Hall next to it to have a look. They are all the pillars of the future court, and I can't always stay in the Wenyi Hall."

"Sir, you understand."

Xia Gongming and the others walked towards the front hall with their beards holding their hands and smiling lightly: "It's really a blessing for this year's candidates to have such a considerate king as His Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi watched several people disappear at the gate of the palace, and stretched out his hand to Du Chenghao. Wang Hezheng and the others waved a few times, then turned and walked towards the Wen'an Palace next door.

Seeing this, Du Chenghao and the others followed without hesitation.

Liu Mingzhi and the others rushed to the Wen'an Hall, and secretly glanced at the front hall from behind the bead curtain. Just like the Wenyi Hall, some Gongsheng students had already begun to polish their pens and drafted drafts, and some Gongsheng students were still staring at the front hall. The test questions in the hall were discussed silently.

Taking a general look at the situation of Gongsheng in the hall, Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and signaled to Du Chenghao and the others that they could enter the hall.

"The minister waits first."


Du Chenghao and others went to the front hall, and Liu Mingzhi got up and walked towards the tables and chairs at the back of the hall.

Picking up a book on the table, Liu Mingzhi picked up a chair and stopped in front of the wooden frame where the huge map was hung. Sitting on the chair, staring at the world map in front of him, he became fascinated.

The sun rises in the east, the sun is in the sky, and the golden black is falling in the west.

Time passed silently, and more than 300 candidates in the two halls were racing against time.

After ten years of hard work, whether the carp can leap over the dragon's gate or not is today.

And Liu Mingzhi from the back hall went back and forth between the two halls from time to time, watching the situation of the examinees in the front hall, and then sat in front of the map with a book, frowning in a daze.

The sun was a little red in the distance, and the sound of a thick bell suddenly echoed in the palace garden.

Candidates in the two halls heard the sound of the bells outside the hall. Some of them felt relieved and looked happy, while some looked anxious and anxious.

The various states of life are vividly interpreted in the two palaces, big or small, and small or small.

"The time has come, Gong Sheng writes."

"The time has come, Gong Sheng writes."

"The time has come, Gong Sheng writes."

The shouts of the officials echoed in the two halls, and the candidates all put down their brushes when they saw the majestic expression of the supervisory officials.

"Candidates leave the hall, and the imperial guards will be named."

"Candidates leave the hall, and the imperial guards will be named."

"Candidates leave the hall, and the imperial guards will be named."

After a long time, the echoing footsteps in the hall gradually disappeared. Liu Mingzhi put down the book in his hand with a calm expression, looked at the afterglow of the setting sun outside the hall, stood up and stretched himself, moaning.

Picking up a cup of tea and walking towards the gate of the palace, Liu Mingzhi sipped the tea while looking up at the sunset in the sky, with a slightly melancholy expression on his face, until the sound of slightly chaotic footsteps came again.

"My ministers, see your Majesty."


"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi turned around and glanced at Liu Song, Xiao Chengzi and Xiao Chengzi raised their hands to point at the imperial study room with a thick stack of anonymized test papers in their arms.

"The test papers are temporarily sealed in the Imperial Study Room, and three hundred internal guards will be dispatched to guard them overnight. I will review the papers in the Palace of Qinzheng with all the civil and military officials tomorrow morning."

"According to the order."

Liu Song and the two of them carried the test papers and walked towards the imperial study room. Liu Mingzhi happily looked at the group of court officials who looked tired.

"All the ministers have had a hard time supervising Gongsheng's exams. Go back early and rest, and come to the palace tomorrow morning to accompany me to review the papers, just like the day of the court meeting."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your understanding, and I will take my leave."

Xia Gongming and others left the palace and rushed towards the palace gate, Liu Mingzhi stroked the stubble on his chin and sighed faintly.

"Isn't it a little thoughtless for me to always think about all the meritorious service in one battle? Maybe it's a wrong decision to leave the children a complete country.

It may be up to them to dig out the real treasure left to them.

Otherwise, if my young master has done everything by himself and left them only a life of luxury and lust, it might not be a good thing for them. "

The next day.

As soon as it was dawn, Liu Mingzhi got out of bed, washed up, put on a Confucian robe casually, and rushed towards the palace to evaluate the test papers of the tribute students.

At three poles in the sun, all the test papers were approved, and the officials got Liu Mingzhi's permission, and began to tear off the names on the test papers. Xia Gongming's excited voice sounded from the Hall of Qinzheng amidst the tearing.

"Big Three Yuan, the real Big Three Yuan!"

Du Chenghao and the others were holding a test paper and reviewing it softly. Hearing Xia Gongming's excited words, he hurriedly put down the test paper in his hand and walked towards Xia Gongming, staring straight at the torn paste on the test paper. name.

Lin Hanzhi's three words directly caught the eyes of the officials.

"My lord, is it true that Lin Hanzhi is the candidate for the test paper that was rated as the number one scholar?"

"Yes, the imperial examination paper for the number one scholar after three reconsiderations between His Majesty and us was really made by Lin Hanzhi."

Young Master Liu, who picked up the tea and sipped it slowly, also glanced at the officials gathered together in surprise. Is this Lin Hanzhi so powerful?
When I was poor and destitute, I ran into the current emperor who was a fortune-teller in a micro-clothes, and the young man studied hard and joined the University of Sanyuan. This is a proper protagonist mode!

(End of this chapter)

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