My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2415 Drop talents

Chapter 2415
Liu Mingzhi put down the tea in his hand, and approached Xia Gongming and the others curiously.

The officials gathered together noticed Young Master Liu walking down the dragon platform, and hurriedly dispersed and bowed to salute.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for being disrespectful in front of the king."

Liu Mingzhi waved his hands with a smile: "It's okay, it's just grading papers, and it's not a formal court meeting, so there's no need to pay attention to so many formalities."

"Your Majesty is wise, thank you Your Majesty."

Xia Gongming got up and handed the test paper in front of Liu Mingzhi: "Your Majesty, I never imagined that the jokes your Majesty and his ministers made a few days ago would come true. He, Lin Hanzhi, actually won three prizes at the University of China."

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly, took the test paper handed over by Xia Gongming and began to read it carefully.

Looking at the slightly familiar handwriting on it, Liu Mingzhi shook his head with a smile that was not a smile. If he hadn't decided on the topic of the palace exam after thinking hard the night before the exam, and after discussing it with the Queen and Huyan Yunyao, he himself Doubt something.

Under the whole world, could it be the king's land.

The world also, heaven and earth...

After silently reading the contents of the test paper again, Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile and handed it back to Xia Gongming.

"Things are impermanent, and it is not uncommon for jokes to come true.

All the ministers, please continue to reconsider the rankings that have been determined by the emperor. After the final result is finalized, you will circulate the beautiful articles of many candidates. "


Du Chenghao looked at the test paper that Xia Gongming took over, his eyes twitched and he leaned in front of First Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, the old minister dares to ask, you don't really know what that is?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Du Chenghao's strange gaze, and raised his finger to his forehead.

"Old Aiqing, if it wasn't for the palace examination questions that I personally set up, I would have wondered if someone was helping Lin Hanzhi to cheat for personal gain.

A few days ago, a joke turned out to be a prophecy, in my opinion, it is also very strange!

Don't worry, I won't make fun of my country and society!
As you said a few days ago, Lin Han was able to connect with CUHK because of his true talents and learning.

It has nothing to do with me. "

Du Chenghao looked at Liu Mingzhi's solemn expression, and nodded with a sigh.

"The old minister is relieved, this just shows that Lin Hanzhi is indeed a well-educated man full of knowledge.

It's not that the old minister doubted His Majesty intentionally, it's that the old minister felt a little weird. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly, and patted his palms lightly.

"Ministers and gentlemen, speaking of Lin Hanzhi, I really want to tell you something, so that after a few days, after the students who take the exam enter the palace, you will have to think wildly after seeing Lin Hanzhi and seeing my reaction. "

Baiguan took his eyes away from the test paper and looked at Liu Mingzhi curiously.

Liu Mingzhi went to the dragon platform, picked up a cup of tea and walked down, took a sip to moisten his throat.

"It was around October last year, and I was setting up a fortune-telling stall with a confidante beside the Penglai Restaurant outside the palace gate...


Not long ago, Lin Hanzhi came to my hexagram booth as promised, and returned to me the silver hands that were rewarded by the imperial court after his high school education.

He even gave me an extra 50 taels of silver.

This son is also a wonderful person! "

Liu Mingzhi told all the officials about the past of his acquaintance with Lin Hanzhi. Seeing the surprised expressions of all the officials, he smiled and shook his head.

"So, after Lin Hanzhi returned the silver to me, he went back to study the way of asking questions.

As for the topic of the palace exam, I decided on the topic after several discussions with the former Queen of the Kingdom of Jin, Wanyan Wanyan, and the former Turkic Taichang Khan Huyan Yunyao the night before the exam.

During this period, I never saw Lin Hanzhi again.

So you don't have to think about it at all, did I give him some shortcuts for Lin Hanzhi?

The most important thing is that I am a person and all the ministers also understand that I am definitely not the kind of person who makes fun of Jiangshan Sheji.

So you don't have to think about it at all.

He, Lin Hanzhi, was able to go to high school because of his true talents and learning. "

Baiguan came back to his senses and nodded in amazement.

"It turns out that there is such a strange thing between His Majesty and our new champion.

In this way, our new top student in the third year of Lianzhong University is not only unparalleled in talent and learning, but also kind and courteous in his own virtue.

Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations! "

"Your Majesty, may I ask if the reason why Your Majesty didn't announce the questions of the imperial examination in person is because he was afraid of disturbing Lin Hanzhi's mind?"

Liu Mingzhi didn't deny anything, and nodded calmly: "There is a part of the reason, but my real purpose is indeed for the sake of all the candidates.

All the ministers and officials were also well-read poems and books at the beginning, and they entered the imperial court after the imperial examination.

Didn't it feel good to be watched by the emperor for the exam back then? "

The officials were stunned, and recalled how they and others looked when they took part in the imperial examination, and sighed, they could understand Liu Mingzhi's painstaking efforts not to supervise the examination in person.

The feeling of being stared straight at the exam by the current day is really uncomfortable.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is stressful.

"Okay, let's continue to review the rankings of candidates after the top three.

Don't make Gongsheng wait too long. "

"Yes, I will obey the order."

On March 25th, the fourth year of Dalong Taiping, the results of the Enke Palace Examination were released.

The servants of the Ministry of Officials beat gongs and drums, held high the gold list in their hands, and walked through the streets and alleys towards the restaurants, inns, folk houses, and mansions in the inner and outer parts of the capital.

"Congratulations to Lin Hanzhi, Master Lin's palace examination high school, His Majesty nodded his head to be the number one scholar. I will go to the palace to attend the Qionglin Banquet three days later."

"Congratulations to Mr. Yan Yi Nan Yan's palace examination high school, His Majesty hand-picked the second place. I will go to the palace to attend the Qionglin Banquet three days later."

"Congratulations to Shen Wenyue, Mr. Shen, for the palace exam high school. His Majesty hand-picked a first-class Tanhua. Three days later, I will go to the palace to attend the Qionglin Banquet."

"Congratulations to Chen Tonggong, Mr. Chen's palace exam high school, His Majesty hand-picked Jinshi's background..."


With the loud yelling of the officials and yamen servants, some of the hundreds of tribute students who took the exam were naturally happy and worried.

Some people wept with joy, while others were silent as if mourning.

At the Wai Gua booth in Penglai Restaurant, Young Master Liu, who came out of the palace, slept on the recliner again and waited for the business to come.

After Enke's work is over, apart from waiting for the soldiers of the Western Expedition to escort the culprits who slaughtered the people of the Dalong caravan in Tianzhu and Dashi to the capital, after Liu Mingzhi's careful consideration, there should be no important things to do during the period. happened.

As for the Qionglin Banquet a few days later, it was nothing more than a banquet.

"Sir! Junior Lin Hanzhi sees you sir."

Liu Mingzhi opened his eyes slightly, looked at Lin Hanzhi who was standing in front of the hexagram stall with a light smile, and sat up slightly.

"So it's Zhuangyuan Lang, long time no see! No courtesy, please sit down."

"Mr. Xie, sir, do you know about the number one scholar in junior high school?"

Liu Ming poured two cups of tea from the pot, and shook his head with a smile: "The streets are filled with the sound of officials beating gongs and drums, and it's hard for Shanren to know the news about your high school!

Congratulations again to Mr. Lin for being the No. [-] Scholar in High School. "

"Don't dare to dare, this junior went to Beijing to rush for the exam to be the top student in high school, all thanks to the sponsorship of Mr.

If you don't have the 50 taels of silver from your husband, I'm afraid this junior will..."

"Okay, okay, it's not enough to exaggerate the filth of the past.

Don't mention the past and the champion Lang again, otherwise it will inevitably be a bit of a disappointment. "

"Yes, yes, sir, the lesson is true."

"How old is Mr. Lin?"

"Mr. Hui, I'm 22. It's just that when I was young, my family was a little poor. Because of the lack of food and clothing, I looked a little younger."

Liu Mingzhi nodded in amazement: "Some people have gray hair, and some are young.

At the age of 22, he can be the number one scholar in Dasanyuan High School. Mr. Lin is indeed a man of heaven and earth.

I persuade Tiangong to be vigorous and to cast down talents in an eclectic manner.

I persuade Tiangong to be vigorous and to cast down talents in an eclectic manner.

OK, OK, OK! "

(End of this chapter)

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