My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2416 Don't forget the original intention

Chapter 2416 Don't forget the original intention
Lin Hanzhi heard the emotional words blurted out by Young Master Liu, and repeated in a low voice the two lines of "I urge God to cheer up and send down talents without sticking to one pattern", and looked at Young Master Liu in amazement.

"I urge the Lord of Heaven to cheer up and send down talents of all kinds.

Good poems, really good poems, as the saying goes, you can see the leopard in the pipe, and you can see how talented you are in just two lines of poems.

The younger generation has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai. It turns out that the husband is also a man of great talent and knowledge.

The little hermit goes off-road, the big hermit lives in the city, the sages can't afford me.

The younger generation took the liberty to ask, since the master has such talent and learning, why didn't he participate in Enke of the imperial court?
Mr. Guan, the junior, is not too old, so he can take the imperial examination and become an official.

Once you are listed on the list, you can serve the imperial court and be a good shepherd for the emperor. Wouldn't it be several times better than fortune-telling here? "

Liu Mingzhi handed the teacup in front of Lin Hanzhi with a half-smile, "Don't flatter Shanren, you boy, Shanren knows it well.

Furthermore, people have their own aspirations, which cannot be forced.

Although the mountain people dare not say that their aspirations are not above the temple, they just prefer to stay in the market than above the temple.

Secondly, it is nothing for Shanren to participate in the imperial examination. I am afraid that no one will dare to come up with questions to test and teach Shanren my knowledge! "

"Shh, sir, don't lie.

Although His Majesty speaks widely today, Chana Yayan is one of the rare benevolent kings in the world, but some things are not just discussed casually.

Your Majesty is benevolent, of course we don't have to be afraid, but if some people use these remarks to spread the word, in order to achieve the purpose of harming others and benefiting themselves, I am afraid that in the future, sir, in the capital...

It is inconvenient for the younger generation to say more about the latter, and the husband should understand the meaning of the younger generation. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a smile: "Shan Ren is natural, let's not talk about these things, drink tea, drink tea."

"Thank you sir for the tea.

By the way, why didn't you see Mr. and Mrs. who used to be inseparable from Mr. during these two visits?
Mrs. and Mr. accompany each other day and night, inseparable. In order to accompany Mr., they do not hesitate to show their faces in the market to attract guests for him.

The affection between Mr. and Mrs. is so enviable by the juniors, and even more admirable.

I don't know when the younger generation will find a beautiful woman who is as virtuous and virtuous as his wife, and will grow old with the younger generation. "

Hearing Lin Hanzhi's emotional words, Liu Mingzhi stopped drinking tea in mid-air, remained silent for a long time with a sad expression, and put down the teacup with a wry smile.

"My wife is too lazy, she found a place with beautiful mountains and rivers to sleep!

She had been asleep for a long time, and Shanren yelled at her several times but failed to wake her up.

Seeing her sleeping peacefully, Shanren yelled a few times, and couldn't bear to disturb her dream anymore. "

Lin Hanzhi was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment and looked at Liu Mingzhi with guilt.

"Hold...Sorry, I don't know that Madam has passed away in a short period of time, and it's really wrong to mention your sad things unintentionally. I hope Mr. Mister expresses the way."

Liu Mingzhi didn't expect that Lin Hanzhi could easily guess the deep meaning of his words, forcibly suppressed the worries in his heart, and shook his head pretending to be disapproving.

"Hey, the Sri Lankan has passed away, and the living should cherish it. Let her pass on the past. For Shanren, she is just accompanying Shanren in another place.

If these two feelings are long, how are they going up and down.

Life is full of life.

Just a few decades are fleeting, and there will be a day of reunion after all.

Nothing to be sorry about. "

Lin Hanzhi still looked at Liu Mingzhi with a guilty expression: "Mr. I admire your heart and nature, and I look forward to Mr. Haihan again."

"Okay, there's no need to mention it, it's a bit vulgar to say that again and again.

The happy event in life is when the gold list is signed, and the wedding night in the bridal chamber.

You have already accomplished one thing, and the rest is only a matter of time.

Is the dignified Jinke champion still afraid that he will not find a beautiful woman with both talent and appearance, virtuous and virtuous, and grow old together? "

"Then I will accept your good words. Sir, I see that there are very few customers here, why don't you be the host, how about we go to the nearby Penglai Restaurant for a few drinks?

Mr. has lived in the capital for a long time, so he is familiar with the customs and anecdotes of the capital.

If the juniors gain a foothold in the capital in the future, they will naturally have to understand these things.

The younger generation is not familiar with the place of life here, but they are more familiar with the husband, and hope that the husband will show his face and give him advice. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Lin Hanzhi's sincere expression, looked up at the sky, squinted his eyes slightly, pondered for a moment and shook his head slightly.

"Forget it, it may not be a good thing for you to have a deep friendship with the Shanren, but the Shanren can give you a word of advice."

Lin Hanzhi's regretful expression became sincere again, and he bowed to Liu Mingzhi respectfully and curiously.

"Please enlighten me, the junior will definitely remember it in my heart."

"Don't forget the original intention, start well and end well."

Lin Hanzhi pondered thoughtfully for a long time, then nodded gratefully.

"Thank you sir for your enlightenment, this junior will definitely never forget it.

Since sir is inconvenient today, this junior will come to see you another day after attending the Qionglin Banquet set up by His Majesty.

There is no delay now, Mr. welcomes guests from all over the world, and the younger generation bids farewell. "

"Walk slowly without sending."


After Lin Hanzhi saluted, he turned and walked in the direction he came from.

Young Master Liu looked at Lin Hanzhi's back thoughtfully, and muttered while holding the stubble on his chin.

"I'm 22 years old, although the age difference with Yiyi is a bit big, it's not too big, and although Yiyi can't get out of the court and marry as a wife immediately, she has indeed reached the age to be engaged.

Listening to Lin Hanzhi's words just now, the meaning should be that he has not yet married, or wait until the day of the Qionglin Banquet to bring Yiyi with him..."

"Mr. Lin? Is that you? Please stay."

Lin Hanzhi had just walked about [-] steps, when a soft and ethereal sweet voice came from behind him, which made Lin Hanzhi pause, and subconsciously turned around to look.

This light and sweet voice also awakened First Young Master Liu who was muttering to himself, and instinctively raised his head to look towards the source of the voice.

Seeing the lotus steps walking towards Lin Hanzhi a dozen or so steps away, the corners of Liu's mouth twitched.

"Fuck! Did you get cut off?"

"Xia...Miss Xia?"

"It's the younger sister. I've met my elder brother. The elder brother can call my younger sister Ling'er."

"Don't dare, why is Miss Xia here?"

Xia Ling'er looked around, her jade cheeks were reddish and she lowered her head.

"Little sister... my younger sister made an appointment with my elder brother to meet again at Wenhua Pavilion that day, but my elder brother failed to come as promised, so my younger sister had no choice but to come first to thank a gentleman who gave my younger sister some advice.

I never thought that I would run into... my elder brother here. "

Lin Hanzhi felt Xia Linger's resentful eyes when he said that he failed to come as promised, and took a sneak peek at the splendid clothes on Xia Linger's body, and then looked down at the coarse linen clothes on his body. Embarrassed, rubbing the hem of his clothes with his hands, he was at a loss.

"Really... I'm really sorry. I was anxious to thank a gentleman who has shown me great kindness. I forgot the agreement with Ms. Xia for a while, and I hope Ms. Xia will forgive me."

"So that's the case, since the circumstances are justifiable, how dare the younger sister blame the elder brother.

I don't know if my brother has seen that gentleman who has shown great kindness to you? "

"Thank you already."

"Does that brother have anything else to do today?"

"No...not anymore."

"Great, now spring is back and everything is recovering on the earth, and the flowers outside the city are in full bloom, the sky is clear and the air is clear, and my little sister just wants to go out for an outing, but there is no one to accompany her.

I don't know if the elder brother is willing to go with the younger sister? "

Lin Hanzhi took another sneak peek at his and Xia Linger's attire that was completely different: "I...I..."

"Then it's settled like this, brother, wait a moment, little sister will come as soon as she goes."

After Xia Ling'er finished speaking, she turned around and trotted towards Young Master Liu's booth.

After seeing Xia Ling'er's appearance clearly, Young Master Liu recognized that she was the young girl who asked him to calculate the marriage a few days ago, so he couldn't help but slapped his forehead.

"A sin!"

"Sir, the little girl has met the husband, does the gentleman still remember the little girl?"


Xia Ling'er glanced back at herself who was parked in front of Liu Mingzhi's booth with a surprised expression, and looked at Young Master Liu gratefully.

"It's great that Mr. remembers my little girl. My little girl came here this time to thank you for your guidance."


Xia Ling'er didn't see the gloomy expression on Young Master Liu's face, thinking that it was his superior style that he was so reticent, she took out a piece of broken silver from Liu's waist purse with a smile and put it on the table .

"Little girl keeps the promise, thank you sir with ten times the capital, please accept it."


"The little girl will take her leave first, and if she can get her wish in the future, she will definitely invite the husband to a banquet and drink wine."


"Thank you again, sir, and goodbye."

Seeing Xia Ling'er walking towards Lin Hanzhi with a smile on her face, Young Master Liu leaned back on the recliner out of boredom.


(End of this chapter)

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