My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2419 Qionglin Banquet

Chapter 2419 Qionglin Banquet

Dalong Taiping four years March 23rd.

It was rare for Liu Mingzhi to put on the dragon robe that he seldom wears on weekdays, and led a group of beauties who put on all kinds of phoenix crowns and xiapei to the palace in a carriage.

According to the rules, apart from Qi Yun, the three princesses and two daughters, other beauties are not allowed to attend the Qionglin Imperial Banquet.

But this kind of rules are only for other emperors, and for Liu Mingzhi, there are no rules. Except for some specific things, this young master has never talked about rules.

After all, according to the old rules, I still have to bring Qi Yun and the other sisters to live in the palace!
Isn't he still living steadily in the Liu Mansion outside the palace?

The Qionglin Banquet is handled by his mother with money from the treasury, and the money from the treasury is also his own money in name.Wouldn't it be too much of a loss not to take the ladies to eat enough money.

Young Master Liu originally planned to bring all the sensible children to attend, but this group of little bastards brought them to play with them early in the morning. The three sisters Liu Lianiang, Li Jingyao, and Li Zhiyao disappeared.

Liu Mingzhi searched the entire mansion but could not find any trace of them.

Liu Mingzhi thought of the little cutie's out-of-the-ordinary character, and was afraid that she would bring Liu Lianiang and the others to mess around, so he specially arranged for Liu Song to go to Tianxiang Tower, Zuichun Tower, Anxiangfang... These ten famous places went to investigate secretly.

After confirming that a group of brothers and sisters did not appear in such a place, Liu Mingzhi felt relieved.

As long as you don't go to places like brothels and other places with fireworks and willow alleys, you can go wild wherever you want to go in other places inside and outside the capital, whatever you want, no matter what.

Unworthy of Yixiang's kung fu, several carriages that were not extravagant but full of luxury drove into the royal garden under the watchful eyes of the imperial guards.

Liu Mingzhi jumped off the carriage, watched a group of newly promoted Jinshi in the square enter the garden under the guidance of the soldiers of the imperial army, and lifted his chin to look up at the plaque in the garden.

"Damn it, Qionglin Garden, which was only available in the Song Dynasty, existed 600 years ago. Who is this Emperor Gao?"

"Husband, what are you muttering while staring at the plaque in the garden?"

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and glanced at Huyan Yunyao, who came up to him with a curious expression, and shook his head with a light smile: "It's nothing, it's just a little bit of emotion. I think that Xie Yuanlang, who was also a dignified husband back then, didn't have the good fortune to participate here. Had a Qionglin banquet.

It’s you, Yao’er. After we entered Beijing, we were first the winners of the high school Chunwei Examination, and then the champion of the new department that year.

If your husband can predict the future, you will almost fail in the government examination, and if you give me the position of Xie Yuan, you will be able to join the university.

pity!What a pity! "

Huyan Yunyao looked at Liu Mingzhi's regretful expression, and nodded arrogantly: "I only know now, it's too late, what did you do back then.

But the concubine participated in the Qionglin Banquet back then, and based on this alone, you will never be as good as the concubine in your life. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and pinched Huyan Junyao's arrogant face.

"Yes, yes, you can't compare to Yao'er as a husband, can you? At the beginning, the father was really 'old-eyed', and based on your appearance when you were a woman disguised as a man, you should be hand-picked as a prostitute."

"That can't be helped, who made the concubine the number one scholar at that time?
But fortunately, my husband, you can no longer take the exam because you have won the title, otherwise, I am afraid that the title of the champion of the concubine will change hands. "

Qi Ya smiled and shook her head: "Stop complimenting each other, you two, let's go in quickly.

The Xinke Jinshi should have all arrived, and if you delay the delay, the auspicious time will pass. If you miss the auspicious time, the Xinke Jinshi will definitely criticize you, the current emperor, for being unreliable. "

All the girls covered their lips and smiled when they heard the words, they looked at each other and lined up in unanimous agreement, and saluted Young Master Liu.

"The concubine respectfully invites His Majesty to the banquet."

Liu Mingzhi watched the girls transform into empresses in an instant, with the dignified and upright posture that a noble concubine should have, he also put away his sloppy look, coughed twice and turned into a serious look, and walked towards the garden in a hurry went in.

Waiting for Xiao Chengzi at the entrance of the garden, Liu Song and the two saw Young Master Liu and a group of beauties, looked at each other and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Chengzi whispered a few words to Liu Song, and trotted towards the garden with a flick of his whisk.

"Your Majesty is here, Your Majesty is here. Empress Empress, Empress Royal Concubine is here."

When the officials and Xinke Jinshi gathered in groups of three or four in the garden heard Xiao Chengzi's sharp shouts, they immediately became serious and came up to the entrance of the garden in an orderly manner.

"Your Majesty, my ministers, long live my emperor."

"The ministers are waiting to see the empress, the empress is a thousand years old."

"The ministers are waiting to see you noble concubines and empresses. Your empress is a thousand years old, a thousand years old."

Except for one person who was staring at First Young Master Liu in a daze, all the court officials and the new scholars all bowed and saluted.

Liu Mingzhi glanced lightly at Lin Hanzhi who was staring at him dumbfounded, smiled lightly and put his hands together.

"All ministers are exempt from courtesy."

All the beauties followed behind Qi Yun and waved their hands.

"Your family is exempt from courtesy."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, long live, long live. Thank you, Madam, thousand years old."

Liu Mingzhi flicked the sleeve of the dragon robe, and walked towards the main seat of the banquet first. When passing by Lin Hanzhi, he patted Lin Hanzhi on the shoulder.

"How long are you going to be in a daze? Take your seat."

"Ah? Ah! Sir... No, no, no... Your Majesty... Your Majesty... Your Majesty."

A group of important ministers looked at Lin Hanzhi's strange reaction after seeing Young Master Liu, stroked his beard and laughed secretly.

If Liu Mingzhi hadn't talked about what happened between himself and Lin Hanzhi in the Hall of Qinzheng a few days ago, they would definitely feel dissatisfied when they saw Lin Hanzhi's reaction today, thinking that Lin Hanzhi didn't follow the rules and didn't know etiquette Respect.

now!Certainly not.

If he and others were Lin Hanzhi, they would not be much better than Lin Hanzhi in today's situation.

The person who has always been regarded by himself as a fortune-teller on the street has suddenly become the present day, and it is probably unacceptable to put it on anyone for a while.

After all, the status gap between the street fortune-teller and today's people is too great, and it is not an exaggeration to say that there is a world of difference.

Such a big change is indeed a bit appalling.

Du Chenghao cheerfully walked up to Lin Hanzhi and pointed to a seat: "Zhuangyuan Lang, that's your seat, just don't take the wrong seat later."

Lin Hanzhi kept swallowing his saliva, looked at Du Chenghao, subconsciously wanted to point at Liu Mingzhi, and immediately lowered his hands: "Du...Master Du, he...he...Your Majesty..."

"Okay, you won't be surprised when you get acquainted with His Majesty after you enter the court. Our Majesty has never acted according to common sense. You have to get familiar with it slowly.

Hurry up and take your seat. Although it is not a serious crime in my court to be disrespectful, it is not pleasing after all. "

"Yes yes yes, thank you Lord Du for your advice."

The general of the imperial army standing in the distance saw that First Young Master Liu had already sat down, raised the mallet in his hand and knocked heavily on the gold leaf next to him three times.

"The Qionglin Banquet begins, let's play music."

As soon as the festive sound of silk and bamboo sounded, Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and waved at the soldiers of the imperial army standing beside the gold foil, and said loudly: "No need to play music, I will have a good chat with all the ministers and new scholars."

The officers and soldiers of the Forbidden Army hurriedly nodded in response: "Your Majesty ordered me to stop."

The sound of silk and bamboo that just sounded disappeared in an instant.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at Qi Yun and the others, and seeing that they had already sat down, he waved his hands.

"All the ministers are seated."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"I don't like drawing cakes to satisfy my hunger, and I don't like chattering with you about things that are unrealistic for you right now.

I don't need to say much about today's day, you all know what's going on.

Qionglin Banquet, Qionglin Banquet, as the name suggests, is just a banquet for the Xinke Scholars. Since it is a banquet, it is mainly about eating, drinking and having fun.

What kind of lofty ambitions, what kind of rewards, can be put aside today, and other things will be discussed when you are granted official positions in the future.

Let me have a drink with all the ministers and officials. "

A group of high-ranking ministers took the wine glasses in front of them and raised them up as usual.

"I respect your Majesty. Your Majesty."

As for those Xinke Scholars, it took them a while to react, and they raised their wine glasses with weird expressions.

"I respect your Majesty. Your Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and raised his wine glass as a signal: "Cheers."

Liu Mingzhi and the others drank all the wine in the glass, put down the wine glass gently, and waved to Xiao Chengzi as a signal.

"Bring the case of Xinke Zhuangyuan Lang to my side."

(End of this chapter)

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