My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2420 What You Need to Know

Chapter 2420 What You Need to Know

As soon as Liu Mingzhi's words fell, those important court officials who knew the reason behind the scenes didn't think anything of it, but those Xinke Scholars all looked at Lin Hanzhi with envy.

Even Lin Hanzhi, who hadn't put down his wine glass, couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and looked at Liu Mingzhi with disbelieving eyes, but didn't react for a while.

The officers and soldiers of the Forbidden Army on the side didn't have the mind to pay attention to the people with different thoughts, so they directly stepped forward and set up Lin Hanzhi's table case and put it in the lower position of Liu Mingzhi.

"Zhuangyuanlang, don't stand still, please move."

Lin Hanzhi stood up, with an indescribable expression on his face, walked to the lower seat of Liu Mingzhi and sat down uneasily.

"Your Majesty... Thank you Your Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and raised his wine glass to signal around: "Don't be cautious, your appearance is not what the Lin Hanzhi I know should have.

Today's Qionglin Banquet is all that matters, and from now on, it's fine to address Mr. Zhen in private, and there is no need to perform so many formalities. "

This time, Liu Mingzhi's words made the faces of those important officials in the court slightly stunned. They looked at Lin Hanzhi with a hint of envy, mixed with a hint of deep thought.

A student of the Son of Heaven, Liu Mingzhi's one word changed Lin Hanzhi's identity drastically.

Calling him this way is no longer a student of the emperor in the general sense, but a real student of the emperor.

Although Liu Mingzhi didn't say anything bluntly, everyone present knew in their hearts that Lin Hanzhi must be an upstart in the court in the future.

As for how expensive it will be, it depends on Lin Hanzhi's ability and fate.

Qi Yun, the empress and the beauties who were watching from the sidelines also secretly looked at Lin Hanzhi. They also didn't understand why their husband took such good care of him.

Could it be... The girls thought for a while, looked at each other and carefully examined Lin Hanzhi.

Although this son looks a little thin now, he can't hide the grandeur in his bones.

Moreover, this kid can become the champion of the new department with the three yuan of CUHK, he must be a man of great talent and knowledge.

Looking at her age, she is only about eighteen or nineteen, but she is about the same age as Yiyi, a princess in the dynasty, with a more noble status than a lady, a champion in a new discipline, a young talent, the two of them together can be described as a man of talent and beauty.

The husband took such good care of this son, could it be that he intends to recruit him as a son-in-law?

All the girls are ice-snow smart people, faintly feel that they have guessed the husband's mind correctly, and the eyes that examine Lin Hanzhi become interested.

Especially Qinglian, who has already started to examine Lin Hanzhi in an all-round way with the eyes of a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law.

To say that the guesses of the girls are indeed correct. Liu Mingzhi originally intended to match Lin Hanzhi and his good daughter Liu Yiyi, but with the appearance of the girl Xia Linger, Liu Mingzhi's thoughts have long been dispelled. up.

Even if a gentleman does not take what others like, let alone be the king of a country.

How can my own daughter compete with other girls for a man?

In that case, not only will the status be lost, but if it gets out, the reputation will not be good.

Besides, this is just a whim of my own, I don't know what my daughter Liu Yiyi thinks.

There is nothing left in the horoscope, so there is no need to take it to heart.

The reason why Liu Mingzhi took such special care of Lin Hanzhi was because of how he got along these days. Liu Mingzhi was indeed very satisfied with this son's behavior.

Respectful and kind but not pedantic, full of knowledge but not conceited.

At this age, with this xinxing, he is much stronger than he was back then.

Now that his age is not too old, he is not too young among the emperors of all dynasties. It is time to arrange some backup for the children.

I really intend to train him as a future pillar of the imperial court.

The second is because of Tao Ying, a silly woman.

Although it is said that Lin Hanzhi, the younger generation, has nothing to do with Tao Ying, but this son carries a part of the good memories between him and Tao Ying.

Although I will not take care of Lin Hanzhi against my heart because of Tao Ying's affairs, I can take care of him properly.

The main thing is that this son is really talented, and he deserves to be cultivated by himself and left to be driven by the children, assisting one of them to inherit his own inheritance.

As for whether Lin Hanzhi must be the pillar of the court in the future, it remains to be discussed.

Anyway, there are still many days to come!Slowly consider it.

The thoughts in everyone's minds are only for a moment.

Lin Hanzhi looked at First Young Master Liu who looked at him with a faint smile, and shook his head in bewilderment.

"Don't dare, I didn't know Mount Tai before, and I didn't know that the real dragon was in front of me, so I took the liberty to call Your Majesty Mr. to show respect. Now that I know Your Majesty's identity, how dare I still call Your Majesty Mr."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Lin Hanzhi with a half-smile while playing with the wine glass: "What? Can't I be your sir?"

Lin Hanzhi was stunned for a moment, looking at First Young Master Liu, whose expression was expressionless, sweat suddenly broke out on his forehead, and a thought suddenly popped up in his heart.

To accompany you is like accompanying a tiger, and the sages can't afford me.

"Chen...Chen...don't dare...I obey the order."

"That's right! The emperor is also a human being, he also has emotions and desires, and he also likes to make friends from all over the world.

Your Majesty is long, and Your Majesty is so short that my ears are almost callused.

It's still you, Mr. Lin Hanzhi, who is so relieved to hear it!

Come, have a drink with me. "

"Yes, yes, I respect your majesty for a cup."

Liu Mingzhi drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, lifted the pot and filled another glass of wine for himself, and gestured to the surrounding Xinke Scholars.

"You Xinke Jinshi are the pillars of the imperial court now, and will be the pillars of the imperial court in the future.

After ten years of hard work, he became famous all over the world in one fell swoop.

The world in the future will be the world of the successors and your descendants. I hope you will take the country as the foundation, the people as the foundation, the great governance of the world as the foundation, and the people to live and work in peace and contentment as the foundation.

I will have a drink with you. "

"I respect Your Majesty, long live long live."

Liu Mingzhi cheerfully put down the wine glass and clapped his hands lightly.

"Play music and start a banquet. All the ministers can drink to their heart's content."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

The sound of silk and bamboo sounded again, and the people present gradually let go of their airs as they pushed the cups and changed the cups, and gathered together in groups of three or four to discuss in a low voice.

As for the content of the discussion, it can be said to be varied. Liu Mingzhi didn't bother to ask about these, but just chatted softly with Lin Hanzhi from time to time.

The sun slanted westward.

After Liu Mingzhi gave Du Chenghao a look, he quietly left the royal garden.

Outside Qionglin Garden, Liu Mingzhi waved to all the beauties who had boarded the carriage.

"You guys go home first, and wait for Du Aiqing for my husband, I have some business to talk about."

"Got it, go back early when you're done."


"Your Majesty, the old minister is polite."

"Have you eaten enough?"

"Satisfied with wine and food, I am a little greedy, which makes His Majesty laugh."

"It's enough to have enough food and wine. Let's go to the garden and talk while walking."

"Okay, Your Majesty please."

"Old Du, after Lin Hanzhi and his three three-legged horses paraded through the streets for three days, they will officially enter the temple in a few days. How do you plan to draft their duties?"

Du Chenghao's heart skipped a beat, he took a peek at Young Master Liu's calm expression, and secretly guessed.

If His Majesty intends to follow the ancestral system and properly reward these new Jinshi officials, he will definitely not ask himself this question.

So what does His Majesty mean by this?
Don't you plan to let these new Jinshi enter the Imperial Academy first to serve for a few years in accordance with the previous regulations?
After pondering for a moment, Du Chenghao didn't have the slightest idea, he let out a hesitant breath.

"Old minister Yu Lu, dare to ask His Majesty what you mean?"

Liu Mingzhi raised his brows and remained silent for a long time and said loudly: "You must know that the young Na Yunzhi was once the best in the world.

Lin Hanzhi and the others, the three Tripod Armors, don't enter the Hanlin Academy to study for a few years this time.

First send them to other state capitals to manage the people's livelihood in a county, and be a good parent officer for me! "

(End of this chapter)

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