My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2421 The Towering Dragon

Chapter 2421 The Towering Dragon
Du Chenghao was stunned for a moment, looked at Liu Mingzhi's eyes full of deep meaning and nodded slightly: "The old minister understands, since this is His Majesty's intention, the old minister must handle this matter properly.

After the matter is done, the veteran will write a letter. "

"I believe in you, just watch and deal with it."

After Liu Mingzhi finished speaking, the young girl who came to his hexagram stand to calculate the marriage appeared in front of his eyes, and he let out a slight breath after thinking for a while.

As the saying goes, Dao would rather destroy ten temples than destroy one marriage, so he had better not do the thing of beating mandarin ducks.

"By the way, regarding Lin Hanzhi's appointment, you can reconcile it and allow him to postpone his appointment for three months.

As for which county the three of them want to go to benefit the people of one side, as long as there is a shortage of places, they can choose.

I would like to see if their splendid articles can be implemented.

As for the reason for Lin Hanzhi's postponement, you don't have to ask. "

"Yes, the old minister understands."

"and also."

"Huh? Your Majesty?"

"Officials to fill vacancies should also be prepared in time. Lin Hanzhi and the three of them may not be able to serve for three years before being transferred back to the capital. Maybe they will serve a full term.

As for how, it depends on the situation. "

"Yes, I understand."

"Then there's no such thing as being imprisoned. The rest of the Shinke Scholars should be dealt with properly according to the regulations. I'll go back first."

"Congratulations, Your Majesty."


Looking at the back of Liu Mingzhi walking away, Du Chenghao stroked his beard and frowned tightly.

Is Your Majesty trying to reuse Lin Hanzhi?Still don't want to reuse Lin Hanzhi?Jun Xin is becoming more and more difficult to fathom.

No, it seems that the old man has to discuss it with Xia Shoufu, and it will be troublesome if the matter that His Majesty specifically instructed is broken.

On the fifth day of April in the fourth year of Dalong Taiping, it is in the territory of Ganzhou in the northwest of Dalong.

About [-] big dragon cavalry rushed in the wilderness outside Ganzhou City, rolling up smoke and dust in the sky. The big dragon cavalry was divided into two groups, one on the left and the other on the right, escorting the convoy that stretched for several miles towards the city at a leisurely pace. Ganzhou City rushed to go.

Several riders galloped towards them from the direction of Ganzhou City, and tightened their reins dozens of steps away from the convoy escorted by [-] dragon cavalry.


"Ganzhou Xiaoguowei's scouts have seen all of you, may I ask which two are General Zhao and General Hu?"

Among the troops on the left and right sides, two cavalry rode out and rushed towards the five scouts.

"This general is Zhao Qing."

"This general is Hu Sanyuan."

"I've seen Xiaoguo Weipaoze."

"Don't dare, Lu Xu sees the two generals, and was ordered by General Xiaoguowei Dongfang Ming to welcome Xizheng Paoze into the city to rest.

There are still two thousand brothers waiting three miles away, everyone, you have worked hard on the ten thousand li expedition. "

"Don't dare, serve the imperial court. It is our duty to wrap the corpse in horse leather. Thank you General Dongfang for your kindness."

"The general ordered us to pass on to you, Paoze, the oral order passed to Xiaoguowei in Ganzhou by His Majesty a month ago.

Sons of Dalong, soldiers of the Western Expedition Army, welcome to return to your hometown and return triumphantly. "

"Long live my emperor, long live!"

"Long live my emperor, long live!"

"Long live my emperor, long live!"

"Two generals, gentlemen, brother, I'm sorry, please!"

"Thank you, please."


The speed of the [-] cavalry accelerated again, and they rushed towards Ganzhou City with excitement.

The soldiers of the Western Expedition rode their horses for a while, and they could vaguely see the majestic city wall of Ganzhou and the dragon flag flying above the wall. The soldiers of the Western Expedition inevitably burst into tears.

The people of the Long March have not yet returned, and the heroic tragedy of the people who have not returned has not happened. All the brothers have returned to their hometowns, and all of them have returned to their hometowns.

"Go home!"

"Brothers, our expedition is home!"

"Go home, our Dalong's Ganzhou City is in front of us, we are finally home!"


"Wei Wei, the great dragon, was born by destiny. The great army of the East, marches generously.

The emperor called a million heroes, singing war songs and marching together.

Expedition, expedition.

Galloping on the battlefield does not hesitate to die, the horse leather shroud is a hero, and the horse leather shroud is a hero.

Aspirations are bright and the sky shines brightly, and the rivers and mountains are red with blood.

All the people welcome the return line. There have been many heroic spirits in the army since ancient times, and there have been many heroic spirits in the army since ancient times. "

"Wei Wei, the great dragon, was born by destiny, the great army of the East, and marches generously."


Unknown who started it, an impassioned battle song was hummed by the soldiers of the Western Expedition with tears streaming down their faces, the song resounded through the sky and went straight to the sky.

The Xiaoguowei scouts leading the way were also infected by the heroic atmosphere of the Xizheng robes, and waved their horsewhip excitedly and sang loudly.

As the soldiers of the Western Expedition approached, the two thousand Xiaoguo guards waiting several miles away from Ganzhou City waved their command flags, and the sound of horns suddenly sounded, lingering inside and outside the city.

Then the sound of rumbling war drums came from above the city, echoing the war songs of the soldiers of the Western Expedition.

On April 23rd in the fourth year of Dalong Taiping.

Prosperous and prosperous, where the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, the capital of Dalong sounded the melodious bells without warning.

The dignitaries inside and outside the capital, and the common people all instinctively looked at the position of the Bell and Drum Tower of the palace, with a clearly visible look of surprise in their eyes.

The first bell ringing sounded, followed by five more bell ringings, and the melodious and vigorous bell ringing was completely eliminated in the sky.

The common people came back to their senses, and immediately gathered together in groups of three or four, discussing the reason why the ancestor worship bell suddenly rang, and the officials went to change their court clothes without hesitation, preparing to use the last He rushed to the palace at a fast speed.

The sound of the bell was less than a cup of tea, and hundreds of iron cavalry rushed out of the palace with command flags on their backs, and scattered towards the inner and outer cities.

"Your Majesty ordered that Zhong Ming escort the executioner who slaughtered our people in Dalong to the capital immediately because of the [-] soldiers of the Western Expedition. The subjects in the city need not be nervous."

"Your Majesty ordered that Zhong Ming escort the executioner who slaughtered our people in Dalong to the capital immediately because of the [-] soldiers of the Western Expedition. The subjects in the city need not be nervous."

"Your Majesty ordered that Zhong Ming escort the executioner who slaughtered our people in Dalong to the capital immediately because of the [-] soldiers of the Western Expedition. The subjects in the city need not be nervous."

The west gate of the capital was completely blocked by [-] imperial guards, and hundreds of elite soldiers and horses rode out of the city and galloped straight to the official road in the west of the city.

After about a stick of incense, hundreds of riders looked at the snarling big dragon banner several miles ahead and immediately slowed down. call.

"We follow His Majesty's order to welcome Xizheng Paoze back to Beijing."

"We follow His Majesty's order to welcome Xizheng Paoze back to Beijing."

"We follow His Majesty's order to welcome Xizheng Paoze back to Beijing."

"Thank you, Your Majesty Long En, we have met all of you, long live long live!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty Long En, we have met all of you, long live long live!"

Inside the palace, Liu Mingzhi hurried towards the Guangming Hall of the harem with an excited expression on his face. As soon as he entered the hall, he pointed to the black dragon robes on the wooden frame and looked at a group of court ladies.

"Quick, change my clothes."

"Yes, slaves obey."

(End of this chapter)

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