My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2422 The place of peace of mind is my hometown

Chapter 2422 The place of peace of mind is my hometown

Liu Mingzhi stopped at the back of the Qinzheng Hall and looked towards the front hall for a few moments, and saw that all the court officials had rushed to the palace after hearing the sound of the bell.

Stretching out his hand to tidy up the dragon robe, Liu Mingzhi lifted the beaded curtain and walked out towards the front hall.

"Your Majesty is here, and all the officials are present."

"My ministers and others, see your Majesty, long live my emperor, long live, long live."

Liu Mingzhi's expression of excitement over the return of [-] soldiers from the Western Expedition had already returned to normal, and his face was as calm as water. He sat on the dragon chair and waved his hands lightly.

"All the ministers are exempt from courtesy, please take your seat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"King Wuyi."

"The minister is here."

"The soldiers of the imperial army who were ordered to meet the soldiers of the Western Expedition were under your command, how is the situation now?

Who is the commander of the Forbidden Army who went to meet the soldiers of the Western Expedition?Did you write back? "

"Reporting to Your Majesty, before His Majesty entered the palace, I have already received a letter from Commander Xiao An, and now the soldiers of the Western Expedition have been welcomed into the city by them.

However, there are tens of thousands of sons and sons who have returned from the great dragon's westward expedition, and it is really impossible for all of them to enter the palace to meet His Majesty.

Now they are setting up Erlang Xizheng, who has returned from thousands of miles away, in the school grounds of the outer city. In two quarters of an hour, the main generals of the Xizheng soldiers and various ministries will be able to escort Tianzhu, and the chief culprits of the two countries will enter the palace to meet His Majesty. "

"Okay, let's take a seat first."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"House Department."

"The minister is here."

"I Xizheng Erlang traveled across mountains and rivers to escort the chief culprit of the two countries back thousands of miles, and the journey must have been exhausted.

After you go back to the Ministry of Households and Branches, you will discuss together immediately, and you must spend the maximum amount of silver from the treasury to reward the soldiers of the armed forces.

The soldiers were eager to miss their hometown after traveling thousands of miles, and now they finally returned home, so they must not be wronged.

They are all meritorious ministers of my dragon!
After dealing with the culprits of the two countries who dared to slaughter the people of our Dalong caravan, I will go to the school grounds in the outer city to inspect the [-] meritorious soldiers who have returned from the Western Expedition.

If they are dissatisfied with our imperial court's reward at that time, you, Minister of the Household Department, will be the first to bear the responsibility. "

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the veteran will definitely follow His Majesty's instructions."

"Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Yue'er, Chengqian."

"The child is here."

"The four of you immediately go to wait outside the palace gate, and replace your father to welcome the generals who have returned from the Western Expedition."

"The boy takes the order, and the boy leaves."

Waiting was one of the most difficult things. After Liu Chengfeng and the others left the Qinzheng Hall, Liu Mingzhi and the officials in the hall looked towards the palace gate outside the hall from time to time.

There is a faint sense of looking forward to the autumn water.

In recent years, not only Liu Mingzhi has been worried about the progress of the Western Expeditionary Army, but also the officials in the court are also not easy.

Although we have repeatedly learned from the battle reports of the two generals of the Western Expedition Army that everything is going well in the Western Expedition, no one dared to relax their vigilance without seeing the right lord.

After all, there are unpredictable things in the sky, and people have misfortunes and blessings.

Who can guarantee that the Western Expeditionary Army will not encounter any difficulties and obstacles thousands of miles away.

They were all worried that the millions of soldiers of the Western Expedition would encounter a sudden crisis. Even though the imperial court was powerful at that time, and there were hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers stationed in the North to help them, once some unexpected emergencies occurred, The imperial court is still out of reach.

There are only hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers and horses left in the three prefectures of the Northland, and [-]% of them have been changed to soldiers in wartime and farmers in leisure time under the imperial court's decree.

Although [-]% of the soldiers and horses are divided into two, and they take turns serving as soldiers and farmers, but once an emergency occurs, it will take a lot of time just to call these soldiers and horses.

When all are assembled, the day lily is cold.

It's all right now, the Lord has finally returned from his expedition, so it can be regarded as peace of mind of all civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

Although only a measly [-] soldiers from the expedition returned, one leaf falls and the world knows the fall. Although only [-] soldiers from the Western Expedition returned to their hometown, it is enough to show that the situation of the Western Expedition army thousands of miles away is good.

After all, if the Western Expeditionary Army is in a critical situation within the borders of Tianzhu and Dashi, how could Nangong Ye, Zhang Kuang and their two military generals dispatch [-] elite cavalry to escort some dispensable barbarian culprits back? The capital is handed over to His Majesty.

"Report! Your Majesty, General Hu Sanyuan of the Longwuwei Battalion, Deputy General Tan Yang, Vanguard Guerrilla General Yuan Shutong... Zhao Qing, Deputy General Wang Qingshu, and Vanguard Ranger General Shen Guangdi...see you outside the palace gate."

Liu Mingzhi stood up suddenly, looking at the majestic palace gate outside the hall with piercing eyes.


"As ordered."

"Your Majesty ordered that Hu Sanyuan, the Longwu Guard, and Tan Yang... enter the palace to have an audience."

"Your Majesty ordered that Hu Sanyuan, the Longwu Guard, and Tan Yang... enter the palace to have an audience."

A shout came from the mouth of the imperial army directly from the Qinzheng Hall to the direction of the palace gate.

All the officials leaned forward and looked up towards the palace gate, and the same thought came to their minds in unison.

Finally home.

In about a stick of incense, accompanied by Liu Chengfeng and four people and ten soldiers of the imperial army, twenty generals in armor of the frontier army marched steadily and powerfully, escorting hundreds of Dashi who were tied up by five flowers Then, the chief culprits of Tianzhu and Zhu appeared in the eyes of Liu Mingzhi and all civil and military officials.

A moment later, Zhao Qing, Hu Sanyuan and others handed over a group of captives to ten guards, untied their weapons and placed them on the disarming frame outside the hall, and walked towards the Qinzheng Hall with excited expressions.

"The child sees the father."

"Chen Hu Sanyuan."

"Minister Zhao Qing."

"Chen Tan Yang."

"Chen Wang Qingshu."


"See Your Majesty, long live my emperor."

"Excuse me, give me a seat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Hu Sanyuan and his twenty generals as they happily walked down the Dragon Terrace. He didn't pay attention to the hundreds of captives from the two countries who were tied up outside the hall.

"Zhao Qing, Hu Sanyuan, Tan Yang, Wang turns out that you are the ones leading the army to escort the enemy chieftain back to Beijing. I really didn't expect that!
All of you have put on Tiger Mighty chain mail. It seems that you have made a lot of achievements in this Western Expedition!
OK, OK, OK! "

Zhao Qing and the others looked at Liu Mingzhi's gratified eyes, just sat down and hurriedly stood up, knelt down on one knee and saluted.

"How dare we live up to His Majesty's high expectations."

"Get up, get up, you don't need to be so polite."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Sit, sit, sit, you have gone on an expedition for the country, and you have worked hard along the way.

It has been almost a year since you went out to hunt down thieves last April.

Ever since you set off on the expedition, I have had a hard time sleeping and eating, for fear that you will be dissatisfied and encounter unexpected events in a foreign country.

After receiving the letters from you two Marshals of the Army and Horses, although I have calmed down a little, I still think about your safety all the time.

Always afraid of something unexpected happening.

After all, the book has been passed on to me, and you have already spent another spring and autumn in a foreign country.

Now that I see you all come back, I can finally rest assured.

Finally, I can rest assured. "

"I have made His Majesty worry."

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back.

How about it, life in a foreign country is hard, right? "

"It's not bad, no matter what, it's not buried in a foreign land.

For the ministers, compared to some robes, being able to return to their hometown is already a blessing in misfortune.

The place of peace of mind is my hometown. When I return to Dalong, I finally don’t have to worry about it. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with emotion: "That's right, my hometown is where I feel at ease.

Came back stronger than anything.

Come, drink a cup of tea to moisten your throat, and tell me a good story about what happened during the Western Expedition. "

(End of this chapter)

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