Chapter 2423

Liu Mingzhi's gentle words made Zhao Qing, Hu Sanyuan... the excitement in their hearts gradually calm down.

After everyone drank a cup of tea, their eyes fell on Hu Sanyuan, the eldest brother of the Longwuwei Battalion. Feeling the gazes of his brothers, Hu Sanyuan reached out and took out a silk cloth from the armor and handed it to Liu Mingzhi.

"Your Majesty, it's too difficult for swan geese to pass on letters across thousands of mountains and rivers.

Therefore, apart from passing on some of our urgent situations to His Majesty for review, the two marshals can only temporarily put them aside and seal them up.

Wrapped in the silk cloth is the situation of the Western Expedition recorded in detail by many military officials since the minister and others set off for the expedition.

The two marshals knew that His Majesty must always be concerned about our safety. After passing the letters to each other, they worked together to transcribe and condense the specific content since the Western Expedition.

This time, the minister and others escorted the culprit who slaughtered our Dalong people from the two countries back to Beijing to be dealt with by His Majesty, so Zhang Shuai asked the minister to bring it back with him.

Your Majesty, please take a look. "

Zhao Qing also took out a silk cloth from the armor and handed it to Liu Mingzhi.

"Your Majesty, this is the detailed confession given by the barbarians of the two countries who slaughtered our people in Dalong after they were captured. It contains the reasons why they slaughtered the people of our Dalong merchants, what happened, and the results of disposing of the corpses.

The two marshals passed letters to each other and sorted them out, and asked the minister to bring them back.

Your Majesty, please take a look. "

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand to accept the silk cloth handed over by Hu Sanyuan and Zhao Qing, glanced at the prisoners of the two countries who were panic-stricken outside the hall, and gently untied the silk cloth handed over by Hu Sanyuan. The book, which was two fingers thick, appeared in front of everyone.

Liu Mingzhi picked up the book and flipped through it lightly. Looking at the densely packed writing on the pages, he let out a sigh of relief.

"When will the barbarians be wiped out, my beloved will go on an expedition."

"I am waiting for you, the imperial court is waiting for you, and millions of wives and children in various states are also waiting for you!

With this booklet, I can finally give an explanation to thousands of people.

Finally, I can give them an explanation. "

After slapping the booklet and the confession together in the palm of his hand a few times, Liu Mingzhi turned around and went up to the dragon platform.

"I will read the contents of the book about the records of the Western Expedition when I return to the mansion at night after the court is over. You can choose some more important things to dictate to me and all the ministers to listen to.

For example, what is the loss of the soldiers of this expedition? Is it heavy?How was the food and grass situation before you returned to Beijing? Is it sufficient?What is the situation in the territory of the two countries after you pacified the barbarians in the two countries?Is it stable?
I am eager to learn about these, and to know the situation of the expedition soldiers in foreign countries.

Zhao Qing, Hu Sanyuan, the two of you are generals of the [-]-thousand battalion of the Suppressing Army and Longwuwei respectively. One followed Duke Huguo Zhang Kuang to conquer the Great Food Kingdom, and the other followed Gong Nangong Ye of Yong'an to conquer Tianzhu Kingdom.

They must have a very clear understanding of the situation of each side's conquest of the bandits.

Quickly tell me and all the ministers about the situation of your respective armies. Which one of you will come first? "

Zhao Qing and Hu Sanyuan looked at each other, and Zhao Qing looked at Hu Sanyuan with a faint smile: "Brother Hu, you are the big brother, why don't you come and report to His Majesty about the situation of your army on the left conquering the Great Food Kingdom?" .”

"Okay, then you're welcome, brother."

"Your Majesty, let me first report to you the main situation of our army from the left conquering the Great Food Kingdom!"

"Okay, tell me quickly."

"Reporting to Your Majesty, under the command of Zhang Shuai, my army on the left, from Dawan in the Western Region... didn't come to an end until October last year when we conquered the Great Food Kingdom.

After the brothers followed Zhang Shuai to capture the Great Food Kingdom, Zhang Shuai, Deputy Commander of Yale, Governor Huyan, General Ning Chao... and others, after a joint discussion, divided troops and stationed in important cities within the territory of the Great Food Kingdom to manage the local people's livelihood and officials.

Since we set off on the expedition, we have always obeyed His Majesty's orders and obeyed His Majesty's will. Apart from collecting indispensable food and grass and confiscating part of the local people's property, we have never done anything wrong with the local barbarian people.

Therefore, since the end of the war, the local Yi people have always accepted the constraints of our left army honestly, and have not done any acts of resistance.

Moreover, under the joint discussion of the two commanders, a military order was issued to encourage young brothers to intermarry with local Yi girls. The Yi people saw that we treated them so kindly, and more and more agreed with my Dalong's rule.

Even some Yi people who are aware of current affairs have taken the initiative to find our soldiers to learn Chinese language.

Therefore, before the ministers and others escorted the captives, the people's livelihood and officials in the Dashi Kingdom were fairly stable, and there was no problem in food and grass supplies.

What I said, I think it has been roughly mentioned in the biography of the two marshals to His Majesty a few months ago, and the book brought back by the minister has detailed content, so I will not waste time repeating them one by one.

I don't know if it is possible? "

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and nodded: "Of course, let's talk about the loss of your soldiers during the one-year expedition. Zhang Shuai and Nangong Shuai only mentioned a few things in their battle report biography, and they didn't mention it." detailed record.

I have always been worried about the loss of your two armies. "


Hu Sanyuan's excited expression about the results of the conquest of the Great Food Kingdom just now darkened suddenly, and he sighed sadly.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the front, middle and rear armies of my left army, together with tens of thousands of auxiliary soldiers, lost a total of [-] brothers in this year."

Liu Mingzhi stood up abruptly from the dragon chair, narrowing his eyes and staring at Hu Sanyuan whose expression had become gloomy.

"More than [-] soldiers?"

"Report to Your Majesty, exactly."

Liu Mingzhi slumped heavily on the dragon chair, frowning tightly and remained silent for a long time.

"Before the expedition, I ordered the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Households to fight against the crisis of the empty treasury, and prepared more than 1000 artillery pieces of various types to be dispatched to your left and right troops for the expedition.

As far as your army on the left is concerned, at least you can get 40 artillery pieces of various types and a full amount of shells, and there are about [-] elite coalition forces from the Anxi Protectorate and the Western Regions as support.

You actually told me that in just a year or so, your army on the left alone lost more than 5000 soldiers. "

Hu Sanyuan hurriedly got up and knelt down on one knee: "Your Majesty, calm down."

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and looked at Hu Sanyuan calmly.

"Didn't you tell me just now that after you captured Khorasan and Mulu City in the Great Food Kingdom, you coerced and lured those soldiers from the Great Food Kingdom who surrendered to serve as pawns for your left army?
There are tens of thousands of soldiers from the Great Food Kingdom acting as pawns to charge forward for you, and there are siege weapons such as cannons, beds and crossbows to help you attack the city. How can you lose so many soldiers and horses?
What does he eat madly?How did you get the soldiers? "

"Your Majesty calm down. Your Majesty...Your Majesty, please report the specific reasons in detail."

Liu Mingzhi rubbed his temples and let out a sigh?

"Reporting to Your Majesty, more than 4 brothers were lost by soldiers on the left side. It wasn't because Commander Zhang was unfavorable in commanding the troops that caused the brothers to die in battle, but for other reasons.

Our army on the left was really due to the confrontation between the two armies, and only more than [-] brothers died in the battle. "

"What about the other 3 soldiers?"

"The water and soil were not acclimatized, some died of malaria, dysentery, plague... and other diseases, and some died of bad weather.

After we left the border of the Western Regions, we were stationed dozens of miles away from the border of the Dashi Kingdom for about a month, practicing day and night to adapt to the local water and soil.

At first, the brothers were all safe and sound, and gradually adapted to the local water and soil problems, but the further they marched west, more and more brothers began to show symptoms of discomfort. Hundreds of doctors accompanying the army continued to treat them, but they still returned The sky is exhausted.

Along the way, in the end, more than 3 brothers died for the country...for the country because of unacceptable conditions. "

(End of this chapter)

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