Chapter 2424

Liu Mingzhi thumped the dragon case hard, which shocked everyone in the hall.

Gently rubbing his hands at the corners of his eyes, Liu Mingzhi sighed, the situation he was most worried about happened after all, just as far as the army on the left was concerned, there were more than 3 elite soldiers buried in foreign lands because of disobedience. This result was really unacceptable to Liu Mingzhi.

But what if you don't accept it?

Their deaths were not caused by Zhang Kuang, the generalissimo of the left army, who was unfavorable to lead the army, and he had no reason to blame Zhang Kuang and the other main generals.

If you want to blame, you should also blame yourself, the current emperor who ordered them to go on an expedition for the country.

After all, it was I who ordered them to go on an expedition of thousands of miles, which caused them to sacrifice their lives because of acclimatization.

Hu Sanyuan looked straight at Liu Mingzhi's gloomy face, clasped his fists and said loudly: "Your Majesty, brothers didn't complain at all before they died.

Soldiers should be proud of dying on the battlefield, why should they return their corpses shrouded in horse leather.

It is the duty of our soldiers to serve the imperial court on an expedition of thousands of miles, and it is also the duty of my Dalongerlang.

In order to serve the imperial court, and to avenge the blood and blood of more than 3000 people, we dare to die for our country with our own lives, so why not be afraid of burying our bones in other lands.

Although the [-] brothers sacrificed their lives for the country, their heroic spirits will last forever, and their souls will protect our great dragon and our country forever.

We lost [-] brothers, but opened up thousands of miles of territory for the imperial court.

With this result, we will die without regret. "

Liu Mingzhi exhaled silently, raised his hand to signal Hu Sanyuan to get up and take his seat, and then looked at Zhao Qing.

"Zhao Qing, tell me about the situation when your army on the right conquered Tianzhu."

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the situation of my army on the right conquering the Hapu Dynasty in Tianzhu is similar to that of Paozhe on the left conquering the Great Food Kingdom.

The difference is that, in addition to the Hapu Dynasty of Tianzhu Kingdom, we also captured another Tianzhu Kingdom called the Balo Dynasty.

As for the management of the people's livelihood, my soldiers on the right and Paoze on the left behaved exactly the same in Dashi Kingdom, both of which were mainly to appease the local people.

Zhang Shuai and Nangong Shuai often send letters to discuss the management of local people's livelihood issues, so I will not go into details about the situation of my right-wing soldiers and horses in Tianzhu.

Regarding the casualties of the brothers, in the past year or so since the expedition, our right-hand army has lost a total of more than 8000 brothers.

Among them, about [-] brothers died because of the battle between the two armies, and the remaining [-] brothers also died of various diseases due to acclimatization.

The doctor accompanying the army tried all kinds of methods, but still...still...ah...

Your Majesty, my brothers in the army on the right did not complain at all before they died.

We go out to fight for our country, and it is an honor even if we die.

Please don't blame yourself, Your Majesty! "

Liu Mingzhi pursed his lips and nodded heavily: "I don't blame myself, I don't blame myself. It's a good job for you to sacrifice your life for the country, and all the soldiers who marched thousands of miles are good.

The imperial court, the people, and I are proud of you.household department. "

"The old minister is here."

"For the issue of pensions for the soldiers who died in the Western Expedition, you should draw up a regulation as soon as possible after the dynasty is over, so as not to wrong the family members of the heroic spirits.

Don't let my Dalong Erlang's In-Heaven spirit be chilled. "

"The old minister complied. After the court was over, the old minister immediately summoned his colleagues to deal with the matter."

"Get seated first!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Military Department."

"The old minister is here."

"Your military department will cooperate with the household department to deal with this matter as soon as possible."

"The old minister understands."

"Take a seat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi withdrew his eyes and glanced at the captives of the two countries outside the hall again, picked up another piece of silk cloth and slowly released it, looked at the thick stack of rice paper inside which recorded the confessions of the captives of the two countries, picked it up and looked at it silently.

Carefully reading the confessions made by the culprits of the two countries on a piece of rice paper, Liu Mingzhi's originally gloomy face gradually became a little gloomy and blue.

More than 3000 people, [-]% of the people were killed by brutal torture.

After these barbarians captured the merchants and common people, they interrogated them with cruel methods, which can be described as outrageous.

The civil and military officials in the hall have been silently watching Liu Mingzhi's expression, feeling the evil spirit suddenly emanating from Liu Mingzhi's body, they all swallowed involuntarily, glanced at the hundreds of prisoners outside the hall, and showed 'sympathy' gaze.

Officials who knew Liu Mingzhi well had probably guessed what would happen to the captives outside the hall.

For so many years since Liu Mingzhi proclaimed himself emperor, they rarely saw Liu Mingzhi's thunderous appearance.

In the minds of the officials, the last time Liu Mingzhi lost his temper was more than a year ago, when Liu Mingzhi learned that more than 3000 people in the caravan had been brutally slaughtered after receiving the letter.

The emperor was angry and laid down millions of corpses.This sentence is not as simple as just writing in a book, but it takes real blood to flow into a river before it can be stopped.

The silent needle dropping could be heard in the hall, and all the officials held their breath and silently watched Liu Mingzhi who was flipping through the confession, no one dared to disturb him, for fear of getting burned.

As time passed, about half an hour later, Liu Mingzhi slapped the stack of confessions in his hand on the dragon case, and looked at the prisoners of the two countries outside the hall with a cold murderous intent in his eyes.

"King Wuyi, bring those executioners here."

"As ordered."

Song Qing got up without hesitation and walked towards the outside of the hall. Standing in front of the hall door, he waved his hands at the guards on duty on both sides.

"Your Majesty has an order to bring these executioners into the palace."

"As ordered."

Dozens of imperial guards put their hands on the handles of their waists, and surrounded the captives of the two countries who were already frightened like hungry tigers.

Hundreds of captives suddenly became trembling as they watched the menacing soldiers of the forbidden army, and their eyes shrank together in panic.

The general of the Forbidden Army glanced coldly at the hundreds of prisoners with pale faces in front of him: "Let us go."

"Forgive me."

"Forgive me."

"Forgive me."


Hundreds of captives began to beg for mercy while speaking in fluent Chinese, but the soldiers of the Imperial Army ignored them and forcibly dragged them towards the Palace of Qinzheng.

Dozens of imperial guards rudely dragged hundreds of captives into the hall and threw them directly on the ground. With the scale of Qinzheng Hall, more than 100 people entered again without seeming crowded.

"Kneel down. Meet my Majesty the Dragon Emperor."

When hundreds of prisoners heard the words, they raised their heads and looked at First Young Master Liu who was sitting on the dragon chair and staring at them with gloomy eyes. Looking at Liu Mingzhi's majestic appearance, the sound of plopping and kneeling resounded in the hall again and again.

"Greetings to His Majesty the Dragon Emperor."

Liu Mingzhi frowned slightly and looked at the terrified prisoners under the Longtai, and looked at Zhao Qing and Hu Sanyuan.

"Which of these people is Baholi, the king of India? And who is Muhammad, the king of food?"

The two hurriedly got up and walked towards the prisoner, looking coldly at the crowd, and in a short while, the two lifted two of them, one on the left and one on the right, and left them alone.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the young one is Baholi, the king of India, and the old one is Muhammad Mead, the king of food. Along the way, the ministers and others have arranged for people to teach them Chinese.

Now, although their Chinese is broken, they can hear the general meaning.

Please Your Majesty interrogate. "

Liu Mingzhi stared coldly at Baholi and the two for a moment, then scanned the other prisoners again.

Gently rubbing his forehead with his fingers and silent for a long time, Liu Mingzhi picked up the tea and took a sip.

"I have nothing to interrogate, the main thing is to see what these bold executioners look like, and now I have seen everything that should be seen.

Drag it out and cut it. "

(End of this chapter)

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