My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2425 A 7-foot man can sacrifice himself

Chapter 2425 A seven-foot man can sacrifice himself

As soon as Liu Mingzhi's words fell, everyone present was stunned.

All the officials knew in their minds that Dashi had known for a long time that these captives from Tianzhu would definitely be executed by Liu Mingzhi, but they never imagined that Liu Mingzhi would be so decisive.

After escorting people into the palace, I asked the names of two of them, and if they disagreed, they were pushed out and beheaded to show the public. This is too unreasonable to play cards!
The civil and military officials came back to their senses and looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to advise.

Xia Gongming, the chief assistant of the cabinet, hurried out holding the imperial wat: "Your Majesty, no, is it against the rules to push these captives out so hastily?

Although these barbarians cannot escape the death penalty, at least let them..."

Liu Mingzhi looked up at Xia Gongming: "Rules? What rules? I am the rules.

I didn't order them to be Ling Chi, cut in half, split into chariots, and quartered by five horses, which is already an exception. "


"King Wuyi."

"The minister is here."

"Lead people to drag these executioners out of the palace gate, take them to Caishikou, behead them on the spot, and hang their heads on the city gate for three days for the people to watch."

"As ordered."

"Xu Chong, you lead a team of brothers to escort these executioners to Caishikou to ask for execution."


Xu Chong, the commander of the imperial army, stood outside the hall and waved. A large group of imperial army soldiers ran into the hall, and without saying a word, they picked up the terrified prisoners and walked out of the hall.

"Your Majesty the Great Dragon Emperor, Xiao Wang knows he was wrong, please forgive me, please forgive me."

"Xiao Wang also knows that he is wrong, please forgive me, please forgive me."

"Forgive me!"

After listening to Liu Mingzhi's words, hundreds of prisoners already knew what was waiting for them and others, and kept struggling and begging for mercy loudly.

Liu Mingzhi looked coldly at those prisoners who were crying and struggling non-stop, and remained unmoved in the slightest.

Did they ever care about their begging for mercy when they slaughtered the people of Dalong?Since you dare to put the butcher's knife on the people of Dalong, you must be prepared to pay your debts in blood.

It was their blessing to behead them on the spot and to die so happily.

"My lords, do you have any other documents to start?"

All the officials looked back at the prisoners, and bowed to Liu Mingzhi in unison.

"The ministers have nothing to play."


"Your Majesty is being sent off respectfully, long live long live."

"Zhao Qing, Hu Sanyuan, you have been traveling day and night all the way, and you are already exhausted, now you can go back to the school camp to rest, wait for you to recover your spirits, and I will visit after I finish handling the government affairs at hand. you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your understanding, and I will take my leave."

Liu Mingzhi picked up the book on the dragon case that recorded the details of the Western Expedition, got up and walked towards the apse.

After seeing Liu Mingzhi leaving, the officials got up and walked towards the outside of the hall talking in small groups.

In the Guangming Hall of the harem, Liu Mingzhi took off his dragon robe and changed into light ordinary clothes under the service of the maids, picked up the books and left the hall.

"Master, shall we go back to the house or set up a stall?"

"Go straight home, this young master has to read through the content about the Western Expedition in this booklet.

Only after finding out the detailed situation of the Western Expedition Army in Tianzhu and the two countries, can I start to deploy the following actions. "

"Yes, please, master."

In the inner courtyard of the Liu Mansion, Liu Mingzhi watched the three beauties who were sitting in the gazebo embroidering handkerchiefs and chatting softly walking past.

"Yun'er, Yun Shu, Qing Shi, what are you talking about?"

The three girls immediately put down the needles and threads in their hands and came out to meet them.

"Husband, you are back."

"Well, I'm back, what are you talking about?"

"Of course I'm talking about how you will deal with those barbarian executioners, my husband. There is so much commotion in the capital today. Can the concubine sisters not be curious?"

"Husband, please tell me how you dealt with those executioners?"

"That's right, that's right, why did you come back so early? Interrogating hundreds of people will have to be busy all day, right?"

Liu Mingzhi handed the confession under the book to the three beauties: "Their crimes have been clearly written in the confession, and my husband has read it carefully.

That being the case, there is nothing to interrogate, Weifu directly ordered the imperial army to take them to Caishikou for interrogation.

Let them die so happily, it is cheap for them. "

"Huh? Just beheaded for public display?"

Looking at Wenren Yunshu's stunned pretty face, Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile: "Yes, what else can we do? This is their confession, if you are idle and bored, you can take it and read it.

There are still some business matters for my husband, so I went to the study first.

You don't need to call Weifu for lunch or dinner, Yun'er, any of you can just send Weifu some stomach-filling meals. I guess I will be busy until midnight today. "

The three girls looked at Liu Mingzhi's self-deprecating smile, and the distress in their beautiful eyes was self-evident.

"Husband, no matter how busy you are, you have to pay attention to your health! Since the incident with Sister Tao Ying, you are often busy until midnight, how can your body bear it?"

"That's right! Your body is the capital. Sister Tao Ying hopes to see that you can be diligent in government and love the people, but you can't even ignore the safety of your body, right?

Sister Tao Ying will definitely be unhappy if she sees you like this. "

"Husband, the concubine sisters didn't mean to mention your sadness, but just hope that you can take care of your body."

When Liu Mingzhi heard Tao Ying's name, the sadness in his eyes flashed away, and he smiled casually looking at the worry in the eyes of the three women.

"Hey, approving documents and memorials is much easier than marching and fighting in the past. At best, it's just a matter of staying up late, which is not worth mentioning at all when I was in command of my husband and horses.

As for you, don't worry, your husband will not let you be widowed at a young age!

I'll take a rest when I'm tired, don't worry, that's all I said, I'll go to the study first for my husband. "

Looking at the back of the husband who said he would leave, the three women looked at each other, sighed and shook their heads.

"Sister, my little sister is going to stew an old hen soup. I'm bored, and I'll bring it to my husband when I deliver the meal."

"Let's go together, and we can go faster by helping each other."

"Okay, let's go together."

Liu Mingzhi plunged into the study room, holding Zhang Kuang and the others' copied and condensed notes on Xizheng, quietly flipping through them, and from time to time raised a pen to circle the pages of the book, until Jinwuxiluo never came out.

When the Jade Rabbit first ascended, the Wenren Yun Shu personally delivered some dinner to Liu Mingzhi.

The candles in the study were dimly lit and crackling.

Wenren Yunshu looked at her husband who was eating and reading with a sweet smile, walked lightly behind Liu Mingzhi and gently rubbed his shoulders, and did not leave the study until the night fell.

It was dawn outside the window, Liu Mingzhi gently put down the book in his hand, stretched his waist, walked to the window and stopped, staring at the hazy sky and whispering softly.

"A man of seven feet can deny himself and be a ghost hero for thousands of years without returning home."

(End of this chapter)

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