Chapter 2427
Qi Ya slapped Young Master Liu's big hand pinching her nose away, rolled her eyes angrily, picked up the copper basin on the washing rack and walked out of the house.

"De Xing, don't you think the words you praised my concubine are the same as what you said to Ling Yun and the others?

Taking my concubine as a three-year-old child to coax her?What do you want for breakfast?The concubine will ask someone to prepare some for you. "

First Young Master Liu picked up the carved jade fan on the table and flicked it lightly, then followed Qi Ya out, shaking the folding fan lightly.

"My husband won't be at home for dinner today. I'll go to my elder brother's house first to discuss some matters with him."

Qi Yun poured the washing water into the flowerbed in the courtyard, turned around and looked at Young Master Liu with a slight frown.

"It's fine if you don't sleep all night, and now you don't even need breakfast? Do you really think your body is made of iron?"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, the big deal is that I will go to the eldest brother's house, and I will have breakfast at his house when I discuss matters with him, what's the matter, can't my young master have breakfast at his Song Qing's house?

You guys can just eat by yourself, don't wait for your husband, let's go. "

Qi Ya watched her husband's figure disappear into the arch, and shook her head helplessly.

"This smelly man, why does he look more and more like a child as he gets older?"

After two sticks of incense, Liu Mingzhi was cheerfully welcomed by Song Qing into King Wuyi's palace.

"Sisters and concubines see Your Majesty."

"Boy see Your Majesty Third Uncle."

Liu Mingzhi hastily put away his folding fan and raised his hands to the crowd in front of him.

"Excuse me, my two sister-in-laws, if you are so polite when you see my younger brother again, I will not dare to come to the door.

My elder brother was happy and shouted, "You call me younger brother like that, doesn't it make my elder brother look ugly?"

There are also you three stinky boys and you two stinky girls, the third uncle is the third uncle, what is the name of your Majesty the third uncle?
From now on at home, just call Third Uncle directly.If you dare to yell again, Third Uncle will have to go and beat you up. "

Song Qing looked at his wife and concubine, three sons and one daughter with a wry smile and waved his hands.

"Just listen to the third brother and third uncle. As long as you are at home, you can use the usual address."

"Yes, husband."

"I know dad."

Song Qing turned to look at First Young Master Liu: "Third brother, don't you have breakfast yet? What do you want to eat? Brother pick a few and let's take them to the study and chat while eating."

"It doesn't matter, as long as it can fill your stomach, brother, I'm not picky."

Song Qing didn't show any politeness either, he just picked up two drawers of buns and walked towards the back of the hall.

"Hand the eight-treasure porridge by yourself. I don't have so many people who hold the buns and serve the porridge."

Young Master Liu grinned at Song Qing's wives and concubines and several children, inserted the folding fan into his forehead, leaned over, picked up two bowls of eight-treasure porridge, and chased after Song Qing.

"Two wives, nephews and nieces, take your time and leave us alone."

"Song Qing, your uncle, wait for me, young master, do you entertain distinguished guests like this? The guests have to serve their own porridge. Aren't you afraid that this young master will cut your title?"

"You, the majestic king of a country, has come to eat and drink at the courtier's house with shame. How dare you say that you are a distinguished guest? Do you like to drink or not?"

In Song Qing's study room, after the two sat down, Young Master Liu took out a book from his cuff and put it in front of Song Qing, then picked up a small steamed bun with chopsticks and began to feast on it.

Song Qing picked up the handkerchief and wiped the moisture from his hands, then picked up the document in front of him and looked at it suspiciously.

Seeing the content on the first page, Song Qing frowned suddenly, closed the document in his hand with a snap, got up and walked towards the door of the study.

After closing the door, Song Qing sat back on the chair again, opened the document in his hand again and watched silently.

As the page turned, Song Qing's slightly frowning brows became more and more tight, and half of the steamed buns in front of Liu Ming had already been wiped out.

After about a stick of incense, Song Qing closed the document gently and let out a deep breath.


Liu Mingzhi raised his brows, swallowed the steamed bun he was chewing thoroughly, picked up a small steamed bun with his chopsticks, and put it between himself and Song Qing, shaking it slightly.

"The world cannot be in peace and order for a long time, the people cannot live and work in peace and contentment, brother, I can't eat!
Brother, I am a person who prefers peace and tranquility. We are all in our 40s and [-]s. Brother, I think that I can spend the rest of my life with my wife and children in peace and stability.

I want to eat well.

If even I, the current king of a country, can't eat well, how about the common people in the world?

what do you say? "

Song Qing watched Liu Mingzhi staring at him with piercing eyes, nodded heavily after a long silence, and gently placed the document beside Liu Mingzhi's hand.

"I see, do the other important ministers in the court know what you think now?"

"I haven't told them yet, brother, I made this decision last night after reading the complete documents of the results that our two uncles asked Zhao Qing and the others to bring back.

After the sky was bright, I washed up casually and rushed to your place.

And it's not appropriate to tell them these things directly now. "

Song Qing squinted his eyes and pondered for a moment, then nodded with a sense of understanding.

"That's right, it's true that you don't need to tell the civil and military officials in the court so early, so that after they know about it, they will have to think wildly about the establishment of the crown prince.

There is no big objection to this matter as a brother. After all, as a brother in the Northland, I have witnessed the strength of the Russian soldiers and horses with my own eyes.

If it weren't for the powerful artillery and arrow formations in the hands of our dragon soldiers, there would definitely be a lot of losses in the confrontation with their two armies.

In the end, victory is definitely a victory, but if it is so simple to win, it may not be so easy.

It is definitely not a good thing for me, Da Long, to have such a fierce tiger sleeping soundly beside the couch.

Especially a tiger that already knows my great dragon, Wuhua Tianbao, and prosperity.

Before such a fierce tiger has become a thing, it will only stare at us for a treasure like our big dragon, but dare not attack it easily.

But once it becomes a climate, this fierce tiger will definitely be my great enemy.

While our country is rich and the people are strong and our soldiers are strong and horses are strong, we will clean up this tiger first, which will be of great benefit to me, Dalong.

In these years after the unification of the world, ever since he knew that there is such a powerful country in the north of Xinfu, Brother Wei has considered more than once how the two countries will get along now, and even in the future, even hundreds of years later.

I even thought about persuading you to send troops for my brother.

But later, I thought of the reason why my big dragon has been fighting for decades, so I had no choice but to suppress this thought in my heart.

I didn't expect you to bring it up first.

The idea you mentioned in the paperwork is my brother's unconditional support.

There is no problem with the etiquette first and then the soldiers, which is very in line with the style of my state of etiquette in the Dalong Celestial Dynasty.

The key is the safety of Chengfeng, can you guarantee it is safe?Thousands of mountains and rivers away in a foreign country, if something goes wrong, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Brother and sister Qinglian will also blame you for the rest of their lives.

Don't think that brother Wei's words are not pleasant, this is a problem that cannot be ignored!
If Qin Jinzhi's friendship fails and he loses his life, it will be embarrassing and embarrassing.

If it spreads at that time, not only will the imperial court lose face, but your majesty as the king of a country will also lose face. "

Liu Mingzhi stuffed the steamed bun into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and then swallowed it with the porridge.

"If three hundred and three-rank masters can't save his life, then Liu Chengfeng is really doomed."

(End of this chapter)

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