Chapter 2428
Song Qing looked at Liu Mingzhi's seemingly indifferent expression, but he spoke loud and clear words, and his eyes brightened.

"Three hundred masters of the third rank protect the safety of this boy Chengfeng? Be good! It seems that you are not interested in letting Chengfeng and the Tsarist Russian Empress Yili... Yili... what?"

Liu Mingzhi paused when he was about to pick up the steamed buns, then raised his head and recalled: "It seems to be Elizabeth Serena, brother, I can't remember clearly, it should be called this name."

"The names of these barbarians are so damn hard to pronounce, forget it, let's think that the little empress of Tsarist Russia is Elizabeth Serena.

All of a sudden, more than [-] high-ranking third-rank masters were dispatched to protect this kid's safety. Seeing what you mean, this time Chengfeng and this little female emperor of Tsarist Russia will marry Qin and Jin. Are you planning to win it? "

Liu Mingzhi grinned: "I forgot to tell you, brother also intends to arrange for two innate masters to protect in secret, as soon as the matter is finalized, I will borrow one innate master from the old man and Wanyan each after I go back.

Under such thorough protection, if my eldest son can't escape from Tsarist Russia safe and sound, it can only be said that the sky has no eyes. "

"Fuck! You really are willing to pay for it.

After all, it is my own!Don't look at how you beat and scold your boys on weekdays, once you encounter something that is really related to their safety, you are unambiguous at all.

There are two innate masters who are secretly protecting. Once the little emperor of Tsarist Russia suddenly loses her face, they can take this kid Chengfeng out of Tsarist Russia safely and unimpeded.

After all, wanting to stop two innate masters who have no intention of fighting and just want to retreat with all their strength is not just a matter of having a large number of troops. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing's somber expression, and poured the few steamed buns he had left into the drawer in front of Song Qing.

"Come on, let's talk while eating."

Song Qing picked up a small steamed bun and sent it to his mouth. He looked at Young Master Liu who tore off the dry cigarette bag from his waist and lit it and began to puff.

"Brother, I see that the content you listed on the document is very detailed! Is there anything left to say?"

Liu Mingzhi turned his mouth to the side and blew a puff of smoke: "Your eldest son Song Jiang has also been married for some years, and you will inherit your title in the future, so you don't have to worry about his family's hardships in the future.

But you can't help but think about your second son, Song Yang, and third son, Song Chang, right?
Song Yang has this year, right?I heard you said that he stayed at home all year round to study the art of war, not to mention, he is also a kung fu master who has strengthened his body by practicing martial arts and achieved the third grade of middle school.

This kid has studied hard and practiced such a skill, so we can't let him be useless, right?

Don't you plan to let him go out to see the world and make contributions?

Chengfeng, Chengzhi, Cheng, are the three brothers with your Song Jiang? When Song Yang and Song Chang were in the Imperial College, they hung out all the year round, and often provoked the doctor of the Imperial College, and the husband lost his temper.

Now, although the three brothers of my family have lost contact with each other because of the fact that my third boy entered the Palace of Ten Kings, they also go out to fool around when they are idle in private.

You also know these things.

Your boss already has a family and a family here, so it's not appropriate to go out with Chengfeng.

But the second child, Song Yang, hasn't married yet!
Although he has already made an appointment with him and is waiting for the wedding, but you can't just let him marry someone else's girl as a white man, can you?
Now that the world has been unified for many years, people's livelihood is stable, and the world is peaceful, there are really few opportunities to make contributions.

However, there are not many opportunities to make contributions in the mainland of our Dalong Dynasty, which does not mean that there are not many opportunities to make contributions in foreign countries.

how about it?Do you want your second child to go to Tsarist Russia with my eldest son, so that he can win fame and come back immediately.

You know what kind of brother you are, so I can't do it for you to confer titles on the second and third of your family for no reason.

Because doing so is unfair to those big dragons who throw their heads and blood for the big dragon.

Brother, I am a soldier who led the army, and you are also a soldier.

The status of a soldier makes it impossible for me, brother, to ignore those great dragon soldiers who have made contributions to the country and are ridden on the head by so-called related households.

But brother, I can see what you do to those boys and girls in my family, and you can also see how I treat those boys and girls in your family.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is his own.

Finding a way out for Song Yang to make contributions in the peaceful age is the only thing I, the third uncle, can do.

As for whether you are willing or not, it depends on your own thoughts, brother, I will never force it.

If you think that the marriage between Song Yang and the daughter of the Sun family has been settled, you want him to stay at home to start a family, marry a wife and have children so as to continue the line of incense.

I didn't say these words when I was a brother. "

Song Qing pondered for a long time holding the steamed bun, but he still didn't send it to his mouth.

"How about asking Brother Wei to discuss this matter with your sister-in-law and then give you a reply? The most important thing is what this child Yang'er thinks.

In fact, as a brother, I really want him to follow Chengfeng to the Tsarist Russia. As you said just now, it is really inappropriate to marry the daughter of the Sun family as a white man.

He is the second son of Song Qing, King Wuyi of the current dynasty, but in the future, after King Wuyi passes away, and his elder brother inherits the title, the fact that he is white will never be changed.

After being brothers for a hundred years, maybe Yang'er and Chang'er, with the help of the boss, may be more than enough to become rich, but... they are generals.

Brother Wei wants these little bastards to make great achievements, but when the children grow up, Brother Wei has to consider their ideas.

Three days, whether you succeed or not within three days, brother will definitely give you an answer.

After all, let Chengfeng go to Tsarist Russia, surely he will not leave immediately in the short term, right? "

Liu Mingzhi knocked the smoke pot in his hand against the charcoal basin beside him, stretched his hands high.

"Okay, that's not a problem at all.

By the way, it's up to you to discuss with Uncle about moving the soldiers and horses of the Northland to the north again, and I won't go to Uncle's house anymore.

As for what excuse to use, just tell your uncle and let him think for himself.

As long as it is reasonable and reasonable, it can block the mouths of many people in the world. Some minor shortcomings can be smoothed out by this young master.

Strive for Chengfeng to be able to set off northward within two months. "

"Okay, after you go back, brother, go to the old man's house right away."

Liu Mingzhi took out his personal seal from the fish bag at his waist and walked towards Song Qing's desk, took out a piece of rice paper with a brush and wrote a few large characters, and then stamped his seal on it.

"Also, send a letter to Baoyu in my name, asking him to draw three thousand elite cavalry from the Polu army. If Song Yang is willing to go to Tsarist Russia with Chengfeng, these three thousand elite cavalry I will give it to Chengfeng and Song Yang to practice their skills.

After all, the celestial mission led by the eldest son of the emperor of a country has only three hundred entourages of the third rank, and the entourage of regular soldiers and horses is definitely indispensable. "

"Okay, I'll deal with this as soon as possible."

"Then there's nothing else to do. I didn't sleep all night before my young master came here. I'm done with business. It's time to go back and refresh myself."

"Would you like to see me off?"

"Eat your breakfast and go!"

(End of this chapter)

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