Chapter 2430
Young Master Liu looked at his old man's excited face in astonishment: "Old man, isn't this young master just casually talking about Cheng Feng, who should start a family and start a business?
Are you so excited to look like this?I don't know if people see you like this, they think you are a dead tree and it's spring again! "

Liu Zhi'an glanced at First Young Master Liu's tangled face, moaned and raised Erlang's legs, and brought the roasted duck legs to his mouth to taste slowly.

"You fucking have the guts to say that all these years my husband and your mother have watched Chengfeng grow up with their own eyes, but you didn't say a word about getting him to start a family.

The old man thought you forgot all about your son's marriage!
You bastard is not in a hurry to hold a grandson, but the old man is still in a hurry to hold a great-grandson!
Now you suddenly take the initiative to mention to this old man about Chengfeng's marriage. How can this old man not be excited when he sees the hope of having a great-grandson with your mother in his lifetime. "

Looking at the way Liu Zhi'an was beating him, Young Master Liu looked extremely helpless. He didn't want the children to get married one day earlier, but also for the sake of their health.

It is not necessarily a good thing for their bodies to be exposed to sex between men and women when they are teenagers.

Wasn't he the clearest example back then?

Liu Zhian threw the gnawed duck legs into the wastebasket, picked up the tea and looked at First Young Master Liu who was tearing the duck meat and chewing slowly: "Why are you in a daze?
Regarding Chengfeng's child's marriage, what do you think, you should tell the old man in detail!

Let's leave the topic out of the way and there is no more to say here. Thanks to me being your father, I would have greeted you with a fist if I put it on someone else.

There is a head but no tail, what the hell. "

Young Master Liu came back to his senses after being scolded, and picked up the straw paper beside him to wipe the grease off his hands.

"Old man, what do you think about letting Chengfeng marry a girl of a different race?"

Liu Zhian was stunned, his brows were subconsciously frowned, and he remained silent for a long time.

Seeing this, Young Master Liu thought that Liu Zhi'an was not satisfied!

"What's the matter? Are you always unwilling to let Chengfeng marry a girl of a different race?"

"That's not true. There's nothing the old man doesn't like. He's just curious. There are so many high-ranking officials in the capital, and the rich and famous families don't want to marry ladies. Why did you let Chengfeng marry a woman from a different race.

Is there anything special about this girl's identity? "

Liu Mingzhi directly gave a thumbs up: "Old man, this is what you are, one sentence will let you get to the point.

To tell you the truth, the identity of the girl I am talking about, my young master, is really a bit special, not to mention that she is about the same age as Chengfeng in our family, and her identity is also a good match. "

"Oh? What identity?"

"Elizabeth Serena, the little emperor of Tsarist Russia, is said to be fair-skinned, beautiful and long-legged. Compared with Yun'er and the other sisters, she can be said to be on equal footing in appearance.

It can be called a beauty in the world, and it is more than enough to match our kid Chengfeng.

The only shortcoming is that she is an alien woman in our eyes. "

After listening to Young Master Liu's words, Liu Zhi'an stared at Young Master Liu with strange eyes, and directly scratched Liu Mingzhi's heart.

"No, old man, why are you looking at this young master like this? If you have something to say, just say no?

When you look at me like this, this young master suddenly feels that he has no idea! "

Liu Zhi'an took a sip of the tea and looked at First Young Master Liu with a half-smile: "Tsk tsk, this old man who is a beauty trick is often seen, but the number of times this old man is a beautiful man is very rare.

First, you, Wanyan, and Yunyao used a beauty trick, and now it's Chengfeng's turn.

It's really inheriting the father's business!

It's just that you are so sure that Chengfeng will be able to capture the heart of that little Russian emperor Yili... Yili or something? "

"Elizabeth Serena."

"Whatever her name is, if Cheng Feng can successfully capture this girl's heart, she will call me Grandpa in the future."

"Ah! You are thinking too well, there is no such thing as a horoscope!"

"It doesn't mean you can't succeed. As the saying goes, a good girl is afraid of pestering her husband. As long as you teach Chengfeng all the methods you used to pursue girls like Yun'er and the others, are you afraid that you won't be able to succeed?

Regardless of whether it is a romantic method or a dirty method, as long as it can be successful, it is a good method.

As for being afraid of embarrassment or not, don't care at all. If you are afraid of embarrassment, you can marry a shitty woman and live your life hugging your own pillow. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at the eloquent Liu Zhi'an with black eyes: "Old man, what do you think? To tell you the truth, this young master has already prepared everything.

But this gift!I really don't have any better ideas for the time being!
The main reason is that this young master really doesn't know if this kid Chengfeng has the ability to please girls. "

Liu Zhian waved his hand nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter if he has it or not, just teach him what should be handed over, the rest is up to him."

"What's your opinion, old man?"

"Prescribing medicine directly... huh... seems a bit inappropriate."

Liu Zhi'an looked at Young Master Liu's twitching mouth, and frowned with a sneer.

"The quickest way to win a girl's heart is to be a hero to save the beauty. It doesn't matter whether she is a big girl or a young girl, if she meets a good-looking man who is a hero to save the beauty, she will definitely fall in love with her secretly.

Even if it cannot be achieved in one step, it will only be a matter of time.

Didn't Tsarist Russia return home after Dalong lost [-] soldiers and horses a few years ago?

In this way, the little queen of Tsarist Russia will definitely receive some criticism in the hearts of the people or the hearts of princes and ministers.

You can definitely arrange for someone to make a fuss about this, but the premise is that you can't tell this kid Chengfeng to know.

The people of Tsarist Russia or the princes and ministers were dissatisfied with the little queen's political achievements, and committed assassination in a rebellious manner. They just took advantage of the wind to go to Tsarist Russia and rescued the little queen in time like a hero bestowed by heaven.

In this way, are you still afraid that Chengfeng will not be able to win the little queen of Tsarist Russia in one fell swoop?

Makes sense, right? "

"Ah! It's reasonable."

"Furthermore, didn't you tell the old man before that the reason why the Little Queen of Tsarist Russia dispatched soldiers and horses to enter my dragon was because of gold, silver and jewellery, as well as expensive jewellery.

Isn't this another breakthrough?
Our family lacks everything, that is, there is no shortage of gold, silver, jewelry and expensive jewelry. First, bring her a few boxes as a meeting gift.

Before going on a mission, he summoned skilled craftsmen to force Chengfeng into his mind some skills about gold and silver jewelry.

Hey, here comes the topic of dealing with the little empress.

It’s true that a woman likes power, but just because she likes power doesn’t mean she doesn’t like jewellery, rouge and gouache, things that all women like.

What are the prerequisites for a relationship between a man and a woman?
Naturally, they have to be able to see it, so that there is a possibility of breeding love.

In this way, Chengfeng, as the envoy of the Great Dragon Kingdom, can get along with the little empress for various reasons. In addition, because of the jewelry, rouge and gouache that the little empress likes, the chances of getting along will be even greater. up.

As long as Chengfeng has a little bit of ability to please girls, and gets along day and night, it's nothing at all to fall in love with each other.

Makes sense, right? "

"Uh, it's reasonable."

"Before going on a mission, I just stuffed Chengfeng in the Tianxiang Building for ten days and half a month, and had a good discussion with the girls in the Tianxiang Building and those like-minded people with similar interests.

Let me ask you, is there any place in the world where there are more sweet words and considerate words than in brothels?
Is there any place where a man can better exercise his ability to please girls than a brothel?
Makes sense, right? "

"Ah, the words are not rough, they are reasonable."

Liu Zhi'an picked up the tea and gurgled in his mouth for a while and swallowed it directly.

"Of course, these are good strategies."

Young Master Liu nodded thoughtfully, picked up the tea and tasted it.

"Then what's the next move?"

"Of course it's just drugging, don't worry about it, let her mother sleep with the drug first.

If the medicine fails once, it will be taken twice, and if it fails twice, it will be taken three times.

The little queen's big deal is to turn her face. The key is to turn her face. Our family is not afraid of the wind, just pull up your pants and run. Anyway, you, a father, have already set up troops in the frontier and are ready to use them.

In the worst case, let's do the courtesy first and then the soldiers!What a big deal!
In short, it's not our family's Chengfeng that suffers, it's all about other things.

Maybe Chengfeng has a strong body and strong ability, so he directly gave you a grandson?
Your grandson inherits the throne of Tsarist Russia, won't the road ahead be easy?

In a word, prescribing medicine is not the best policy, and there is nothing that a pack of medicine can't fix between teenagers and girls.

If you have, then two packs! "


(End of this chapter)

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