My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2431 Mission to Tsarist Russia

Chapter 2431 Mission to Tsarist Russia
Liu Zhi'an wiped the tea on his clothes with a disgusted expression, and stared at Young Master Liu cursingly.

"How come you bastard is like the girl in Tianxianglou, you know how to spray water?"

"Cough cough..."

Liu Mingzhi coughed and stroked his chest to calm down, and looked at the old man who stared at him with a look of disgust with embarrassment.

"Old man, even if it's a bad strategy, there's no need to prescribe medicine, right? Elizabeth Serena is also the empress of a country, and after marrying Qin and Jin, let Chengfeng prescribe her medicine and sleep her?
Don't you think this kind of behavior is too much?What kind of bad ideas are you coming up with? "

Liu Zhi'an slapped the teacup heavily on the table: "You've already closed the border with Chen Bing, and you're ready to attack them, isn't that too much?
what!Is it too much for the old man to ask Chengfeng to give the little queen some medicine to make a good marriage?
Is there any reason?Is there any other law?
Co-authoring, you fucking Liu Mingzhi is tall, and the old man Liu Zhi'an is abusive? "


"What are you? My mother, the old man has been a hero for a lifetime, and he has done countless meritorious deeds. How did you give birth to such a bastard who insults the family style?"

Seeing Young Master Liu's embarrassed look, Liu Zhi'an took out a token from his bosom and threw it at Young Master Liu.

"The two elders of Liuye Tiandi are at home with nothing to do now, whoever you want to secretly protect Chengfeng is up to you, the old man doesn't care, what do you like.

Get out, get out as far as you can. "

Liu Mingzhi quickly took the jade card handed over by the old man, and tentatively looked at Liu Zhi'an: "Then——this young master will leave first?"

"Fuck off."

"Alright, goodbye!"

"and many more."

"Huh? What else is there?"

"You already have a rough plan for Chengfeng's marriage, this kid Chengzhi had a marriage contract with this girl Jingyao many years ago.

This kid Cheng Qian is getting older this year, so it's time for you to have some snacks.

Do you want to wait until he is the same age as you, and then start a family and start a business at the age of nineteen or twenty?ah? "

"Got it, got it, I will take care of it. Let's go first, and you can continue to settle the score."

Liu Zhi'an looked at the back of his eldest son who was going away in a hurry, with a touch of sadness on his brows, he nodded and sighed and walked towards the desk.

Liu Mingzhi rushed all the way to the gazebo in his own courtyard, saw the figures of the ladies and a group of children sitting around eating roast duck and chatting together, and walked over with a smile.

"Hey, are you eating all of them? The roast duck that my young master bought tastes alright, right?"

Gu Mo Rongrong put down the pancakes and shredded green onions in her hands, and brought the sliced ​​duck meat to Young Master Liu's mouth with a smile.

"Husband, my concubine, sister Xiaoxi, and sister Wei'er have eaten the herbal duck of the Hou family two years ago, and we brought back a few for sister Yun, sister Ya... They have tasted it, and only you are the best!" It was the first time I ate it, who told you not to be at home at that time!"

Young Master Liu's face froze with a smile, and instantly felt that the roast duck fed by the beauty was no longer delicious.

"Eat...Have you eaten it? Then take it as an aftertaste."

Gu Mo Rongrong looked at the embarrassment on her husband's face and felt a sudden heart: "Husband, is it a disappointment for me to say this?"

"No, no, don't think about it, as a husband, you won't feel disappointed because of such a small matter.

Good Rongrong, let's sit down and talk, my husband happens to have something to announce to you. "

"Daddy, it's delicious to eat roast duck."

"Hey, Yun Xin is so good, you still love Daddy, but Daddy has already eaten at your grandfather's place, you can just eat it yourself."

"Yeah, so Xin'er ate it by herself?"

"Eat, eat."

First Young Master Liu walked to the basin beside him and washed the grease left over from eating roast duck on his hands with soap root, took out the jade fan on his waist and sat down among a group of beauties.

Liu Mingzhi shook the folding fan lightly, smiled and looked at Qinglian who was sitting across from Liu Lianiang, who was rolling the roasted duck with pancakes.

"Lian'er, do you still remember what my husband told you last year?"

Qinglian's pretty face froze, and she looked at her husband in surprise: "What happened last year? What happened?"

"Of course it's about Chengfeng's marriage!"

Qinglian was stunned for a moment again, then she came to her senses and nodded in a sudden realization.

"Remember, of course I remember, but my husband just said what happened last year, and I don't know what you said about my husband."

Hearing Qinglian's gentle reply, everyone present except Qinglian also looked at First Young Master Liu, the surprise in their eyes was self-evident.

The eldest Liu Chengfeng opened his eyes wide with roast duck meat in his mouth, staring at his father in astonishment, his eyes full of confusion.

It's a matter of my marriage, so why haven't I heard any news about this person?
"Husband, have you already helped Chengfeng find a good match? I don't know which family he is from?"

"Yes, yes, husband, you are too tight-lipped! It's about Chengfeng's marriage, and the concubines and sisters don't know anything about it. Is there a husband like you?"

"That's right, it's too much. You only discussed it with Sister Lian'er? Isn't the aunt of our sisters Chengfeng's mother?
It's about Chengfeng's marriage, you have to discuss it with our sisters, so that the sisters know which family you've chosen for Chengfeng as your husband! "

"Stinky husband, if you don't tell me, the concubine will still be kept in the dark. Is there anyone like you?"

"Sister Lian'er, you are the same. Why don't you tell your sisters if you don't mention it? Now, look at the literal meaning of what my husband said. It means that you have already made a good idea for Chengfeng. My sisters even help you to refer to it. chances are gone.”

"That's it."


After finally waiting for a group of beauties to finish their 'complaints' to themselves and Qinglian one by one, Young Master Liu was just about to speak when a group of sons and daughters chattered again.

"Daddy, is Brother Feng going to marry a lady?"

"Really? Really? If elder brother marries a lady, won't he be able to play with Lingyun again?"

"Xin'er also wants to ask, after elder brother marries his wife, can he still love his younger sister?"

"Shuang'er also wants to know, Shuang'er doesn't want elder brother to marry a lady."

"Father? After the boss marries a wife, can I still go to Tianxiang Tower with this girl?"

"Sister Yue'er, elder brother won't go, Lianiang will accompany you."

Young Master Liu looked at a group of chattering sons and daughters with black eyes, and raised his hand to pat the stone table.

"Rebellion? All rebellion? Do you want to rebel? Please be quiet, Lao Tzu."

A group of children suddenly fell silent, watching their father with different expressions and no longer speaking.

"Liu Luoyue, if you let me know that Lianniang went to a brothel, I'll tear your bones apart!"

The little cutie shrank her neck, and stuffed the roast duck in her hand into Liu Lianiang's little mouth.

"Father, sister Lianiang is still young, she already knows nonsense, how can you take childish words seriously? How can you take them seriously?

It's better to talk about elder brother's affairs, or elder brother's affairs. "

First Young Master Liu glared fiercely at the delicate and sullen little cutie, then looked at the embarrassed Liu Chengfeng, his expression became serious.

"Ride the wind."

"Huh? Ah! Dad?"

"I'll ask you again for my father, have you ever met a girl you like in these years? It doesn't matter whether it's from the capital or not, as long as it's the one you like."

Liu Chengfeng scratched his head and pondered for a while, then shook his head silently.

"No... no."

"Really do not have?"

"Really not, the girls who know the identity of the boy are all cautious when chatting with me, the boy really doesn't like it.

Girls who don't know Hai'er's identity don't have much contact with Hai'er, and there seems to be nothing that makes Hai'er admire her. "

"It's fine if you don't have it. I arranged a marriage with you for my father. As for whether you become a father or not, you don't have to force it. It all depends on whether there is a fate between the two of you.

The identity of this girl is in line with yours, and her age is also similar. Daddy dare not guarantee that she is a match made in heaven. You will only know after you meet her.

The girl I'm talking about is Tsarist Russia..."

The fifteenth day of the sixth month of the fourth year of Dalong Taiping.

Liu Chengfeng, the eldest son of the Emperor of the Dragon Dynasty, worked successively in Tianxiang Tower, Fenghua Pavilion, Baihuafang... After the top ten famous fireworks sites were reborn, he went to the Ministry of Industry Huage to practice.

At noon on June [-]th in the fourth year of Dalong Taiping, under the order of Emperor Liu Mingzhi of the Dalong Dynasty, he served as the chief envoy of the Dalong Mission, and Song Yang, the second son of King Wuyi, served as the deputy chief of the envoy to Tsarist Russia.

(End of this chapter)

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