Chapter 2432

The chariots and horses of the Great Dragon Mission headed north along the official road and gradually drifted away until they turned into a small black spot and disappeared.

The group of people who practiced for the Great Dragon Mission withdrew their gazes and sighed silently. The feeling of parting is always sad no matter when and where.

Especially this kind of mission trip with an unknown future is very worrying.

Originally, she stopped outside the ten-mile pavilion to watch her son go away, but Qinglian, who had been pretending to be calm, withdrew her gaze, her beautiful eyes were reddish with a faint mist, and she threw herself into Liu Mingzhi's arms, sobbing softly.

"Husband, Feng'er and the others will return safely, right?"

Qi Yun and other beauties who were originally slightly sour when they heard the soft sobbing of good sister Qinglian, their hearts suddenly became mixed, and each of them lowered their heads with a slight frown.

Although Liu Chengfeng was not born by them personally, but seeing the child grow up under their knees since they were young, and now seeing him leave home and country, their reluctance is no less than Qinglian's own mother.

However, this is a decision that the husband has already made, no matter how reluctant they are, they will not change anything.

Liu Yiyi, Liu Chengzhi and their brothers and sisters who were already sensible also lowered their heads with gloomy expressions.

The brothers and sisters grew up together since they were young. They have rarely been separated over the years, and the relationship between them is extremely deep.

Regarding Liu Chengfeng's long journey away from home, the brothers and sisters feel no less uncomfortable than their parents.

Song Qing's wife, Wan Jiangdie, is a tiger girl from the general family, and her heart is much stronger than Qinglian. Today, she came with her husband and uncle Liu Mingzhi to practice for her second son. Hearing Qinglian's words with a calm heart The crying also became sour and unbearable.

The pretty eyes condensed a faint mist, leaning against Song Qing's shoulders and her delicate body trembled slightly. Although there was no sound of crying, it was obvious that she was sobbing in a low voice like Qinglian.

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and gently patted Qinglian's back, comforting him in a low voice: "Okay, okay, don't cry, don't cry, Lian'er, don't worry, my husband assures you, Chengfeng and the others will definitely Will come back safe and sound.

It won’t take long for me to travel from Dalong Jingshi to Tsarist Russia. If nothing special happens, I will be able to go home in about a year at the earliest.

Maybe God has the beauty of adults, and they will be back in half a year.

Good Lian'er, the young eagles are going to soar after all, and if you stay by our side and ride the wind, you can live comfortably and be safe and sound.

But on the day when you and I will have a hundred years, we protect him so well, what will they do with these children without us?
It is not a good thing for them to block out all hardships and hardships.

The universe is vast, and the world is so big that they are always allowed to venture into it by themselves.

This time he served as the chief military officer of the Dragon Envoy to Tsarist Russia, which was a good training for him.

Baojianfeng comes from the sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold.

The next time we meet again, Wei Fu believes that he will definitely make all of us shine.

Good Lian'er, stop crying, okay? "

Qinglian trembled her fragrant shoulders a few times, stood up from her husband's arms, and wiped the tears on her face with her hands.

"I know my husband's good intentions for Feng'er, but I just can't bear it!

The son left and didn't know that he would be able to return home in the year of the monkey. As a mother, can't I cry a few times? "

"Yes, yes, of course, my husband didn't say that you are not allowed to cry a few times! It's just that my husband sees you, Lian'er, crying like pear blossoms with rain, and I feel sorry for you.

I also cried when I was bitter, complained and complained, now it's time to laugh, come and laugh for my husband. "

Qinglian looked at her husband's teasing eyes, rolled her eyes and walked towards the sisters with a snort.

"Bad husband, I'm ignoring you."

Liu Mingzhi watched Qinglian go to Qi Yun and the other sisters to find comforting shadows, sighed in a low voice and walked towards Song Qing and his wife, shaking his folding fan.

"Brother, sister-in-law, and second sister-in-law, don't feel too uncomfortable. There are Chengfeng and Yang'er who help each other, and there are three thousand elite armored soldiers to protect their safety. There is no need to worry about their safety during this trip to Tsarist Russia.

At best, I can't see them for some days, and I need to worry about them.

There is no need to worry about the rest, the brothers guarantee that they can return Dalong safely and soundly.

Just put your heart in your belly. "

Wan Jiangdie and the sisters were not aware of Liu Mingzhi's arrangement, but Song Qing knew it clearly, and knew in his heart that this time Liu Chengfeng, Song Yang and their brothers would be killed in Tsarist Russia. Don't worry too much.

The only thing worth feeling uncomfortable is that it may take a long time to see my son.

Song Qing reached out and patted the shoulders of the two ladies.

"Okay, okay, the third brother has already promised you that Yang'er will not be in danger, so what's the point of crying again?
Don't cry, just wipe away the tears from the corners of your eyes, chat with your siblings about happy anecdotes, and forget about all the unhappy things. "

"Yes, husband."

Wan Jiangdie and sisters saluted Young Master Liu: "Uncle, the concubine and I have gone to chat with the younger brothers and sisters."

"Okay, please, two sister-in-laws."

"Yun'er, Yan'er, Lian' go back in the carriage first, and let the eldest sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law also take the carriage back together, and you are just talking about women on the way.

Those of you who want to play outside the city can go for a while, and those of you who don’t want to go to play, go home with your mother.

It's enough for my husband to ride back with my elder brother on horseback, and talk about small things along the way. "

"Understood my husband."

"Got it, Dad!"

After listening to Liu Mingzhi's instructions, everyone took a last look at the official road full of passers-by, except for the Dalong Mission, and turned to board the carriage.

More than a dozen carriages creaked towards the direction of the capital. First Young Master Liu turned his head and glanced at the endless official road, took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of his eyes twice, took the reins and walked ten miles away. gazebo.

Song Qingquan pretended not to see Liu Mingzhi's movement of wiping the corners of his eyes, so he breathed a sigh of relief and followed, holding the rein of the horse.

First Young Master Liu took off the wine bag on the horse's back, drank it with his head tilted, and threw it to Song Qing: "Brother, I think you will have to go to Beidi after a while."

Song Qing raised the wine bag and took a few sips, then looked at Liu Mingzhi with slightly raised eyebrows.

"Are you planning to move the garrison north now?"

Liu Mingzhi nodded silently: "Hurry up sooner rather than later!
My uncle did a good job in this matter. He moved the soldiers and horses to the north to graze war horses on the grounds that the pastures in the north of Yinshan Mountain were abundant, and there were almost no loopholes.

Perhaps some old foxes have already guessed something, but they have chosen to keep silent and never speak up for the past two months, which means that they actually agree with my brother and my decision in their hearts.

In the case of the monarch and his ministers being of one mind, there will be no worries in this way. "

Song Qing nodded clearly: "I understand, when are we leaving?"

"Ten days later."

(End of this chapter)

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