My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2433 Harmful and insulting

Chapter 2433 Harmful and insulting
Dalong Taiping four years on August [-]th.

For more than two months after Liu Chengfeng led the Dalong Mission to Tsarist Russia, Liu Mingzhi spent most of his life at three points and one line.

The upper court handles government affairs diligently, and the next court rushes to the hexagram stall to fiddle with a few tea money, and goes home to accompany his wife and children to live happily, and the days are plain and fulfilling.

Coupled with the regular visits to Chen Jie, He Shu and his two daughters spent part of their time together at the house, and Liu Mingzhi had left the capital only a handful of times in the past two months.

Behind the hexagram booth outside Penglai Restaurant, Young Master Liu held the ten copper coins in his hand with a smile on his face, and watched a young man in his early twenties go away waving a folding fan.

"Young master, go slowly. If there is any place where Shanren needs to explain his doubts, come and take care of Shanren's business at any time."

Putting the ten copper coins into his cuffs, First Young Master Liu stretched his waist while shaking the carved jade fan, and walked towards the bookstall guarded by Liu Song.


"Hey, here comes the young master, is it time for dinner?"

Young Master Liu looked up at the sky and shook his head helplessly: "Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat. Is it time to eat now?"

Liu Song raised his hand and clasped his forehead and said with an apologetic smile: "I'm used to it, I will get used to it, young master, do you have anything to tell me?"

"Because of the busy government affairs a few days ago, sister Ruyi's bogey Japanese master didn't rush back to worship her in time, so there shouldn't be any major incidents these days.

Some not-so-important memorials and documents can be handled by the Ten Kings Palace. I plan to take some time to go back to Jiangnan so that I can pay homage to Sister Ruyi.

By the way, I will pay a visit to my father-in-law, mother-in-law and old man. Now my brother-in-law has been dispatched by my young master to the north to serve as the governor of the two prefectures. Jinling is thousands of miles farther away than my son-in-law.

Half a year has passed in a hurry, and the two elders must miss their children very much.

This young master plans to take Yun'er, Sister Ya, Yun Shu...Chengzhi, Yaoyao, Lingyun and their mothers back together, so that they can pay homage to Ruyi and reunite with their elders.

So in the next few days, if you want to set up a stall, you can come to set up a stall, and if you don't want to come to set up a stall, you can take a good rest at home.

Accompanying the wife and children is fine. "

"Hey, little one understands, when is the young master planning to leave?"

"Leave immediately. A few days ago, the young master has agreed with the young lady and the others. I can go on my way when I get back."

"That's fine, young master, you can go back first, and leave the work of cleaning up the booth to the younger one."

"Okay, then I'll go back first."

"Master, walk slowly."

Young Master Liu waved his folding fan and turned towards the street, bought all kinds of gift boxes, large and small, and hurried back home.

Just after passing through the arches of the inner courtyard, Liu Mingzhi howled at the top of his voice.

"Yun'er, Sister Ya... Are your bags ready? Husband is back, pack your bags and we can set off."

As soon as Young Master Liu finished speaking, a large group of beauties in various courtyards put down their work, ran out of their boudoirs in a hurry, and gathered in Qi Yun's courtyard.

As soon as Liu Mingzhi stepped into Qi Yun's boudoir with large and small gift boxes in his hands, a group of beauties followed closely behind.

"Husband, are we going back to Jiangnan?"

"Husband, can you wait for the concubine, the concubine got to know the news late, and there are still some close-fitting clothes that haven't arrived, so hurry up and pack them up!"

"It's the same for the concubine, the same for the concubine, the concubine sent her maid to buy gifts for Uncle Qi and Aunt Qi.

The servant girl hasn't come back yet, let's wait a little longer, shall we?You can't let the concubine come to the door empty-handed, right?That would be too rude. "

"That's right, it's Sister Rongrong who is thoughtful, and I have to go and prepare some gifts as soon as possible."

More than a dozen beauties rushed into Qi Yun's boudoir like a swarm, and before Young Master Liu realized what was going on, they babbled one after another.

Young Master Liu stared dumbfounded at a group of beautiful ladies, and put the gift box in his hand on the table.

"Wanyan, Yunyao, Xiaoxi, Qingshi, Bizhu, Rongrong...Are you going back to Jiangnan with your husband?"

The girls frowned when they heard her husband's questioning words, their pretty faces were filled with evil, their hands subconsciously pinched their willow waist and stared at First Young Master Liu intently.

"Liu Mingzhi, what do you mean by saying this so heartlessly? You don't even intend to take my wife and sisters back to Jinling together?"

"Stinky husband, how could you do this? The sisters packed their bags happily and prepared to go back to Jinling with you. It turns out that you didn't plan to bring your concubine sisters with you.

You are too much, aren't we all your wives? "

"That's right, that's right, at the wedding night in the bridal chamber, it was agreed not to separate each other? Why did you only bring Sister Yun, Sister Ya and the others, and leave the concubine sisters at home to guard the vacant room?
This is too unfair, right? "

"That's right, sister Yun asked us to go back together, bad husband, you don't want to take our sisters with you?"


"A heartless person."

"Smelly man."

"See different things and think differently."

"I don't agree."


"Three suck men."

"Big kidney deficiency."

The complaints of all the girls stopped abruptly, and they turned their eyes to Ying'er, who was pinching her willow waist with her hands and her pretty face was puffing up.

Young Master Liu looked at Ying'er with a trembling corner of his mouth, could this be something his well-behaved little Ying'er could say?

Kidney deficiency?It hurts a lot, and it's even more insulting.

Feeling the embarrassment of Young Master Liu and the playful eyes of the sisters, Ying'er was stunned for a moment and hurriedly retreated behind Qi Ya and lowered her head.

"I... I... all the sisters have said what should be said, Ying'er can only say it in passing."

The girls looked at Ying'er's cowardly appearance, turned their eyes back to look at Young Master Liu who looked embarrassed, and turned their eyes away as if to look at the layout of Qi Yun's boudoir.

Young Master Liu took a deep breath, pointed at Yinger a few times, and looked around at the beauties who were pretending.

"Wanyan, Yao'er, Bizhu, Lingyi... It's not that my husband has never thought of bringing you back to Jinling, but you all know your own situation.

Which one is not a child under the knee and is still young?
Especially bluntly speaking on your side, Cheng Rui is not yet a full year old!Besides, you guys just gave birth not long ago.

Going back to Jinling in the south of the Yangtze River is not far away, and it is not too close if it is close.

The journey is tiring, isn't your husband worried that your body will not be able to bear it?

For the sake of your husband is obviously for the sake of your body, why do you think that your husband is like an ungrateful villain?
Listen to what you said, it's like a needle pricks my husband's heart. "

All the beauties looked at Young Master Liu's aggrieved attitude, and looked at each other to see the embarrassment in each other's eyes.

"Husband, I know I was wrong."

"I also know I was wrong."

"Good husband, your lord has a lot, don't be as knowledgeable as a little girl like a concubine, okay?"



"Okay, I'm afraid of you, and if I shake it down, my husband's bones will fall apart. I forgive you."

"Thank you husband, what about the concubines and sisters going back to Jinling with you?"

Liu Mingzhi flexed his fingers and nodded Dianyun Xiaoxi's forehead, looking at the expectant eyes of all the girls: "Do you all want to go back together?"

All the girls nodded at the same time, and said in unison: "I think."

"Hey, as long as you are not afraid of being tired, then go back together, you guys! If you want to make you feel comfortable, you have to ask for trouble, why bother?
Pack your things and go, we will leave in half an hour. "

"it is good."

All the girls responded, and ran out of Qi Yun's boudoir like birds and beasts.

Young Master Liu tidied up the somewhat messy skirts that had been pulled by the girls, looked at Qi Yun's narrow eyes, sighed and shook his head.

"Ying'er, that stinky girl, she seems to have had a good whipping on the way back to Jinling. Otherwise, this stinky girl might have forgotten that she couldn't come down for three days..."


Before Liu Mingzhi finished a sentence, he heard the panting voice outside the door and looked over.

I saw Wanyan Feixiong pressing his hands on his knees, panting heavily, looking at him excitedly.

"Fei Xiong, come in soon and sit down for a while. Shouldn't you be teaching students at the Academy of Sciences at this time? Why are you so tired?"

"Sit down, don't sit down."

"Brother-in-law, I finally figured out how to use those black waters, and I finally figured it out."

Young Master Liu, who was about to ask Wanyan Feixiong to come in to rest his feet, was taken aback for a moment, his eyes lit up when he saw the panting Wanyan Feixiong.

"Have you found a way to use oil... black water?"

"Yes, there is only one last thought. Come with me to the Academy of Sciences, maybe you can give me some inspiration."

Liu Mingzhi nodded excitedly: "Okay, let's go right away."

Qi Yun looked in surprise at the two brothers who ran out of the courtyard in a hurry and hurriedly chased after them.

"Husband? Are we going back to Jinling?"

"Return, you pack your bags and go on your way first, and go after you as soon as you finish your work for your husband."

(End of this chapter)

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